
Reincarnated to a stray cat

worning this is a fantastic but if this happens to you please read

vr_blue · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

dog story

ok so the dog will the main talker for this chapter and I hope you will have fun reading this.So hi I'm the dog of the story and this is way I do what I do so it all begin I a small town near Phoenix Arizona I was a new born sadly I was the runt of my family.But when I was cast out for being the runt I met a cat.He seemed to be like me the runt of his family.But fate seems to I agree with me and me and the cat became friends we did all sorts of things together and as we get older and older soon he died and we'll I lived and sooner than expected I meet a cat he seemed so much like my friend in the old days and when I tried to talk to him he vanished in the blink of an eye but then he reappeared out of the blue but this time he was like he bin though hell and back every time I try to talk to him he seems to vanish and then comes back and I don't know way until very recently like 10 years ago when I realized I killed my friend and I killed him many times.I don't know way it happen but I seem to have no control over it and every time it happens I block out and forget what happens and since then I try to avoid him but when I see him he comes out but I'm trying so hard to not kill him you would not know but it seems like the other side of me is unstoppable and until now I've been going insane it feels like and I know now that there is no way to stop it do I try to not go to him but it is no use.He just follows me everywhere I go even to the place we are now so that is my story

sorry it took so long I had to figure out the dog story took me like what a month hope you guys liked it that would be too more chapters to let you know that I'll be ending this story moving on to the hands of fate

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