
Reincarnated Rejection

I was betting on my mate, but he failed me. He was my worst enemy. How could the moon goddess be this cruel? " I Jake Aloysius reject you Violet Blake" I was stupefied to even speak, I expected it anyway. I thought it was over... not until our parents came up with a plot to get us married, despite the fact that they knew we despised each other. Every one from the pack knows. they say it's for their business, but I know it's for the pack. 将军 I know the prophecy....

Iamjustjuliet · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

Truth 2

Third person POV

"Master Kendrick" one of the guys said as they turned around to see where the voice came from.

" Let her go" the cold voice sounded through the quiet alley.

"But..." The black haired guy proceeded to say.

"She's not the one we're looking for."

" The priestess said she's the one, are you saying she was lying?" The brown haired guy asked suspiciously.

" She made a mistake." Kendrick said as he walked slowly towards them with his hands behind his back. " Leave her alone and go back before you expose more than you should."

" And what makes you think we'll listen to you?" The brown haired guy questioned. He had always hated Kendrick, so if it meant killing Violet just so that he won't have to follow Kendrick's orders, then he'll do with it even without Violet being the one they were looking for.

" Are you challenging me?" Kendrick asked as he tilted his head slightly with a smirk etched on his lips.

" What if I am?"

" Try me. "

The black haired guy just stood at the side watching his partner confronting Kendrick, a whole Kendrick, something must be wrong somewhere he thought. Even if he did not like Kendrick, he knows he can only hate from far, he still loves his life.

Violet watched as everything unfolded before her eyes and many thoughts ran through her mind. Who are these guys? What girl are they looking for? What does her mum or her have to do with this? She was not sure if she'll get the answer to all those questions but what she was sure of was that she had to get out of all these alive. Maybe if she does, she can investigate what this is all about or, she'll forget this ever happened and continue with her life. She was not sure of the latter because this was surely an unforgettable experience.

" Don't think I'm afraid of you " the brown haired guy said as he slowly let go Violet's neck.

Just before Violet could finally breath, she felt something stinging her neck. The knife had almost pierced through her neck, but it didn't.

Violet looked at Kendrick's hand that prevented the knife from slicing her neck with wide eyes. If he was a second late, she would have been a goner by now.

"I told you to try me and you foolishly did" Kendrick said as he smiled ruefully while twisting the hand that was holding the knife. The brown haired guy tried to free his hand from Kendrick's grip, but who was he fooling? There was no getting out of this situation. It's either he dies or he kills Kendrick and the former was what happened.

Violet stood in shock as she watched Kendrick twisting the knife into the other guy's chest. Apparently he used the guys hand and weapon to kill him— if that made him sound less evil. She watched as the brown haired guy's face morphed into that of pain and disbelief, pain taking most of his expression, and just like that, he laid on the floor. Lifeless.

"Clean this up Rufus, and wait while I talk to the girl." Kendrick said to the black haired guy as he wiped his hand that were dripping a certain black liquid. Violet looked at the floor where the brown haired guy laid and saw that he was covered in the same black liquid as well.

'Wait... does that mean the color of this man's blood was black? Who the hell were this people?' Violet thought. Kendrick didn't seem like a threat, but Violet couldn't help but shiver in his presence. He just killed someone with a smile on his face, and one could tell he loved seeing the pain in his victim's eyes as he draws life out of them slowly.

"Let's get you out of here Violet, I won't hurt you. Trust me." Kendrick said as he held out his hand for Violet to hold. Violet didn't know why, but she felt like the man in front of her could be trusted. She placed her hands on his and the next thing she knew she was in front of her house.

Violet opened her mouth to speak but she kept mute seeing Kendrick staring fiercely at something, or someone. She looked towards the direction where his gaze was focused on and saw him looking at her mother. Different emotions flashed through his face in a matter of seconds. Longing, loneliness, anger, hatred, all directed towards one person. Her mother.

"They were three clans in this world before the humans came into existence. The vampire clan, the werewolf clan, and the witches clan." Kendrick turned to Violet and continued "I belong to the clan of the witches."

Now all these were too much for Diana to digest in just one night. She looked at the calm gaze that Kendrick gave her and waited for him to continue, she doesn't understand a word of what he was saying but she believed she wanted and needed to hear this.

"The vampire clan had gone extinct or so we believe as not much of their trails has been seen for the past three hundred years now, leaving us with the witches and werewolf clan. I won't go into details but the witches clan is in trouble and only your mother, princess Lucia, has the answers to our problem."

Violet was confused by all that was being revealed to her but she tried to be rational " If my mother is who you seek then why were those two guys after me? What ritual were they talking about?"

"It's just a blood ritual used to identify the royal bloodline. It was not meant to be escalated into what you saw back then but it was." Kendrick tried to explain to the best of his abilities without adding more confusion to what she was already feeling.

"Just ask your mum about the witch clan, I'm sure you can get more clues from there. I'll meet you some other time, good bye." Kendrick gave her a pat on the shoulder before he disappeared.

'He left just like that' Violet thought as she stood motionlessly for a while before she turned to open the gate.

" Mom! How long have you been standing there?" Violet said as she saw her mom's ashen face looking at her. That explains why Kendrick left in such a hurry, perhaps he knew her mum was already there.