
Reincarnated, reincarnated, and reincarnated again for revenge [BL, H]

The moment XX-kun life ended on earth, he was reincarnated as a non-human in a fantasy setting world. Still in this world, human and non-human lived together in harmony. This harmony was shattered by an existence of a "demon emperor." Like any fantasy game goes, the demon emperor was finally defeated by XX-kun and his party... yet, afterward, he was killed... His second reincarnation was into the same world but way into the future.... but, he was reincarnated as a monster being experimented on in a laboratory. One of the experiment went wrong, thus his life ended. The third reincarnation, he again was born as a hybrid monster, half incubus, half ogre in a monster village. Everything seemed to go well until the village was attacked... WARNING: EXPLICIT YAOI, HENTAI, HAREM.

Babo12345 · LGBT+
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157 Chs

Chapter 11: The day after

On the first day after Ryan's induction into Kibadios' harem of fuck toys, the hybrid let him borrow some clothes they had stored in the carriage while allowing Rowan recovered most of the hero's injuries. To both the surprise of the hybrid and the hero, it only took Rowan a few spells to completely heal the hero back to how he was before. According to Ryan, who was more knowledgeable about this world, such a feat was rare, even for high ranking healer found in the kingdom's royal capital. Such compliments from Ryan made Rowan's face blushed red.

「As long as I am useful for Kibadios sama!」Rowan scratched his head shyly.

After breakfast, which all of them gobbled their food like hungry beasts since none of them ate anything last night, Kibadios turned to his newest toy.

「... Do you mind if we take a walk after this?」asked Kibadios. Ryan has been staying silent for the entire breakfast that it made the hybrid worried about whether he was still under his mind control.

��... Sure...」Ryan answered while avoiding Kibadios' gaze.

This is not a good sign. He's not acting as if he's my toy at all…

The two individuals, a hybrid monster and a hero, walked silently next to each other for a good ten minutes. Not even once did the hero made direct eye contact with his supposed master, and that worried Kibadios tremendously. At this very moment, the calculating hybrid was strategizing his plans for the scenario in which the hero would suddenly break out of his mind control. The warning he received from Reuk was now echoing inside his head.

「「... So.」」Both of them initiated the conversation at the same time.


「「You go first.」」

「「No, you...」」

「... Ahhh… 」screamed out Ryan in frustration.

「You go first, Ryan.」yielded Kibadios, this time in a more demanding voice since he wanted to know what the hero was thinking before formulating his responses.

「... I wanted to thank you for rescuing me from the goblin nest.」said Ryan.

Huh? No anger or anything? It seems he's still under my control

「Dont sweat it. Sorry I was too late to save your companions.」

「... No, it was not your fault. Like you said yesterday, it was all my fault… I was weak」

He remembered our hypnosis session yesterday? The hybrid was surprised. Even though yesterday was the first time he performed <Hypnosis >, he believed anyone who was under its effect should not be able to remember the session itself. Maybe because he's a hero so he's more resistant… I have to be careful on what Im saying.

「... Yesterday, when I was under the effect of the aphrodisiac… I remembered you said you ate Reuk?」

Shit! Kibadios panicked, though there was no way he could deny it.「... Yes. One of my unique skills I inherited from my ogre father let me devoured him whole and obtained his abilities.」

「Was there any pain?」

「No. I made sure he would not feel any pain.」answered Kibadios frankly.

「Thanks… Master.」Ryan let out a faint smile.

What did he just call me? So he's still under my control? Kibadios was thoroughly confused.

「Master? You're alright?」Ryan concerningly asked when he noticed the hybrid has stood still, looking at him puzzlingly. Yet, the moment Ryan looked straight at Kibadios' face, the hero quickly turned away, covered his face with his hands, his ears were all red.

Wait, dont tell me he's blushing…

「Yeah, Im fine. 」answered Kibadios, his hand grabbed onto the hero's burning face 「... Are YOU okay?」

「... I… 」The hero's burning face turned even redder as their eyes met. 「I am sorry, Master! I was so lewd yesterday, all because of the aphrodisiac!!!」

… Ka… Kaa… KAAWAAIIII!!! The hybrid screamed internally as he realized the reason Ryan was acting strange all morning was not because he had broken free of his mind control, but because the hero was remembering everything they did yesterday. You're even more innocent than Maia and Rowan, my virgin little hero!

「It's… It's fine.」Kibadios calmed himself down and switched back to his calculating personality within seconds. 「... So you remember what happened yesterday night?」

「Yeah.」nodded Ryan. 「You put me under your mind control...」

FUCK!? Jolted the hybrid.

「... and so I have begged to be your slave 」Ryan fidgeted. 「... And then, we… had… sex... I begged for your … you know… and...」

What is going here? So he is now aware that I put him under mind control but then he still consider me as his master now? So, does this mean the skill worked?... or not?

The hybrid scratched his head, worrying about the hero gaining back his free will, but soon adorableness radiating from the hero caused him to just forget all the concerns. His hand instinctively patted the Ryan's head and ruffled his beautiful crimson hair.

「Dont worry about it, Ryan. I like how you acted last night. A hero helplessly begged to be fucked like a horny whore, that's just hot!」reassured Kibadios. The hybrid intentionally described the hero demeaningly, just to observe his reaction. And to his relief, the hero did not show a hint of anger as he nodded and smiled at his master, devotedly.

So despite his awareness, the < Hypnosis > still works!

「Kibadios sama」the hero hesitantly called out his master's name after the two have started to walk back to their camp 「About your <Hypnosis>... Is there any way... you can erase the memory of what happened in the goblin nest from my mind?」

Kibadios suddenly stopped walking, and just stared at his newest fuck toy.

「Ryan, You disappointed me.」the hybrid declared.

「Kibadios sama… I ...」

「Look here, Ryan the hero」Kibadios held the back of Ryan's head, pulling the hero toward his face. The intense eye to eye contact rattled the now visibly nervous hero. 「I did not know you are such a coward, though had I known this, maybe I should have left you there in the goblin nest. If you keep trying to forget a memory just because it's unpleasant or painful, how can you ever grow as a person? Forgetting your past, or in this case, the sacrifices of your companions, just to find a peace of mind, how selfish are you? Can you still consider yourself a hero after that? 」

「No!... But I… Everytime I close my eyes, I could see them suffering in agony… all because I failed to protect them.」Tears fell down the hero's cheek

「Then live with your failure. Your failure defines you, it molds you into the future version of YOU. The moment you forget a part of your past and your failures, you forfeit a part of your own future.」Kibadios passionately lectured the hero. The hybrid did not know he would have cared about it that much but somehow, Ryan reminded the hybrid of his past self. 「Channel your regrets and hatreds to be the seed for your growth, Ryan. Only then, can you find the peace you're looking for. 」

The hero at this point, could only nodded. Suddenly, he felt a gentle touch on his face by his master, wiped away his tears.

「Grow stronger to avenge the death of your companions. Grow stronger to be more useful for me. Grow stronger to be useful to your own self」Kibadios leaned in and whispered into Ryan's ear. 「... and one more thing, I lied to you about Reuk's last word. He did not blame you. He asked me to save you. Do not let his sacrifice be in vain」

As Kibadios walked away, he soon broke into a cold sweat. Why the hell did I do that? He totally got caught up in the moment and inadvertently revealed the truth to Ryan. However, it seemed like his control still clouded the hero's perception since he would just smiled and thanked Kibadios for telling him the truth. Nonetheless, the hybrid clicked his tongue and reflected his latest slip up. This was his third reincarnation as a monster, his mind and body filled with grudge and the desire for revenge. He thought he had discarded the last of his humanity and compassion, yet it still resided within him, waited to sneakily take over his thoughts and actions as it did just now. I think I like myself better when I am in heat and lust would just turn me into a heartless ass .

Once Kibadios and Ryan got back to the campsite, Kibadios would tell Ryan about his real backstory, about how he was born in a monster village, how it was attacked when he was just an infant and his mom had to leave him floating down the river to escape the onslaught, and how he was now longing for revenge against that particular Commander . What he left out, though, was the stories of his previous reincarnations. They began to discuss what to do next since the hybrid's plan of going up the river to visit his old village was disrupted by the addition of the hero into their party. Although Ryan was in favor of ignoring the summons he received to accompany Kibadios on his trip back to his home village, the hybrid had another idea. He had decided to take a detour and visit Lorian, the capital of the current nation they were in. After all, he reasoned, he saw no reason to rush for his revenge. Going to Lorian, meeting other high ranking individuals and heroes would help him grow even stronger. After all, he needed to regain the power he obtained during his first reincarnation to be able to carry out his grand plan of destroying the false gods of this world. Spending the time to discuss his future plans with his slaves, though, reminded him of the fact that he still did not know much about the geopolitical information of this current timeline.

「Ryan, can we spend time today for you to teach me everything I need to know about this world?」asked Kibadios.

「Sure, Kibadios sama!!」Ryan excitedly answered. 「Though, I thought Rowan-chan and Maia-chan would have told you about it by now?」

「Well...」Rowan and Maia looked at each other. 「We have been living in an isolated village since our birth so we did not know much either. The world that we know of comprised only of our village and its vicinity. I guess the farthest we ever got to was the town of Syllia.」

「Is that so?」The hero nodded. 「That makes sense why you guys didn't let master know that he is using weird terms to refer to himself.」

「Huh? Weird terminology?」asked Kibadios

「Yeah. You kept referring to yourself as "monster"」said Ryan. 「Technically, that's wrong. "Monster" are usually used when referring to the unintelligent monsters like slimes, golems… or goblins… But intelligent humanoid races, like ogres, or demonic races, like incubi, are usually called "demihuman". There is one exception though: the people from the Yronas Theocracy, who believe in human supremacy, would call all demihuman "monsters". Heck, they even call Elven race "monster." 」

「「I see!」」Rowan, Maia, and their master all nodded, though the hybrid quickly gave his two slaves a puzzled look, wondering how the hell did they not knowing these basics. But that mysterious man who pulled the strings behind the attack on Rowan and Maia's village, didn't he call me a monster? Does that mean he's from the Yronas Theocracy? From his tone, though, it didn't seem like he held any hatred for monsters. 「Thanks, Ryan, for letting me know about this basic knowledge」

「It's fine, Kibadios samas. After all, you were just born more than a year ago and no one was around to teach you all these things... 」Ryan suddenly looked dejected.

「What's wrong?」asked Kibadios.

「No… No, it's nothing. It's just that I remember you're only around 1.5 years old now...and that would make me a shotacon… an extremely perverted shotacon.」Ryan covered his face from all the shame. Since he just pointed it out, both Rowan and Maia also gave the hybrid an "I'm so sorry for being a shotacon" look.

What the hell…Physically, I'm like 16-17 while mentally, i'm already like 70+ from all my previous life combined so that wouldn't be counted as shotacon, would it?… Wait a minute, does that make me the pedophile here since they're like teenagers? Well, let's not go there… Kibadios gulped, then tried to change the topic.

「... Anyways, let's continue. How are the demi-humans being treated in this world?」

「That's a bit hard to answer. I guess it's depending on the regions. This country, Kingdom of Maeg, is a bit friendly to demihumans since they have a lot of elven and ogre tribes living in their territory and they even have a close diplomatic relationship with the demihuman city-state of Uruk. The closer you get to Yronas Theocracy, though, demihumans are being treated worse and worse, with many of the nations' governments do not grant them the same rights as humans so you can find a lot of demihuman slaves there. On the extreme side, Uronas Theocracy would actively kill any demihuman set foot in their country. 」Ryan explained.

...That "Uruk" name, maybe it's just a coincidence, but somehow I feel like it's related to the ancient city state of Uruk in Mesopotamia, if that's true...

「Let's talk geopolitics later, Ryan. I want to know a few other things first.」Kibadios decided to wait until they have a better map to learn geography. 「First of all… what do you know about The Gods...」

The hero began to explain everything about this current world to Kibadios. At several mentioning of his targets of interest, the hybrid's eyes would turn bloody red with rage but he would skillfully hide it from the hero since he was afraid the hero would be too afraid to continue explaining about the world to him. Afterward, the lecture continued on to talk about crucial geopolitical information as the hero drew up a large world map onto the camp ground with a stick. Since the hero was locally from the Kingdom of Maeg, a large part of his lecture was about the kingdom itself.

With all these new information, I have to formulate my plan accordingly . Concluded Kibadios as Ryan finally finished his Geography and Political Science 101. Since the sun has begun to set, Rowan was tasked to find some game for Maia to cook dinner. Meanwhile, Kibadios would send a letter to the guild girl back in the town through a messenger hawk he bought to inform her of what happened. Of course the letter was written by Ryan since Kibadios did not know how to read or write… something that he had asked Ryan to teach him. He always felt weird how his mind could easily understand and speak the language whenever he reincarnated but he could not read or write, a handicap that he would love to fix.

「You know, I could tell the guild girl was interested in you.」teased Kibadios as Ryan was writing his letter.

「That's too bad, because I have already belonged to you.」Ryan gave his master a mischievous grin as a reply.

Well, that admission was just too kawaii. It has been more than 16 hours since he last had sex and the hero's grin has just kicked off another session of heat in the hybrid. The hybrid soon sat behind the hero, his hands freely slit under his clothes like it was the most natural thing in the world.. At first, they were playing with the hero's sensitive nipples, which after just a few twists, have caused the hero to uncontrollably moan. Since he was writing a letter, the hero protested a little bit but with his mind still under control by the hybrid, it soon proved futile. The hybrid ordered his fuck toy to continue writing the letter as he pulled down the hero's pant, revealing his rock hard, precum-leaking cock. His hands then moved down onto the hero's lower part and rubbed his uncut cock hard. By this point, the hero could not even more a finger, let alone writing a letter, since he was writhing in pleasure. Just a few minutes later, the hero's cock exploded in cum, splattered it all on top of the letter, which was already covered with his own saliva.

「Lick up your cum from the letter, Ryan. You still need to send it to the cute guild girl」Kibadios bit down into the hero's slender nape.

「Huh? I can write a new let...」

「No, I want you to send her this letter that is dripping in your cum. Dont be too stingy, my toy, let the girl have a little memento from her crush.」

「... Are… are you jealous, Kibadios sama?」asked Ryan smirkingly, after he understood why his master was acting strange.

「You little shit!」exclaimed the hybrid. Being mad since the hero just exposed his intention, the hybrid became even more aggressive. By the time Rowan and Maia came back, the hero was lying naked on the ground, cum leaking out of his gaping hole.