
The Last Stage

Just like in every Isekai manga ("Isekai" is a type of genre, but it also means "another world" in Japanese) that I've read, the main protagonist gets transported to another universe where magic exists. Then he acquires god-like powers to defeat the demon lord. After successfully defeating the Demon Lord, he goes back home with memories of his journey in that world...but for me...when can I go back?


(How many years has it been since I was transported in this world? There were countless times where I thought it was game over for me...but I didn't give up. I'd grit my teeth and keep on fighting. I didn't care whether I loose an arm or any part of my body in the process. The pain was still there though I'm used to it. Now that I'm finally at the last stage, I feel excited. This is the first time I've felt a bit happy, I'm finally going home. All I have to do is to kill the last boss.)

Demon Lord Satan:

[Well done hero for coming this far, but I'm afraid this is the end of your journey. Now, come at me!]

The hero clashed swords with the Demon Lord. They kept on fighting for hours until eventually, the hero was able to defeat the Demon Lord.

Demon Lord Satan:

[Impossible! I, a being close to the gods was defeated by a mere mortal]


[...you talk too much]

With that, the hero beheaded the Demon Lord and thus, his battle finally ended. A bright light flashed before him and appeared out of it was the deity that transported him in that world.

God of light:

[Congratulations hero for successfully defeating the Demon Lord. Now, as promised I can grant you a single wish. What may that be?]


[...a wish, huh... Now that I think about it, who was the one that sent me into this hell hole?]

The hero looked at the deity with killing intent.

God of light:

[W-what are you talking about? I only wanted your help to save this world...Forget that, you have achieved what no one else can, and THAT is defeating the devil. Now, your wish.]


[hmm...my wish?]

The hero pointed his sword to the deity.


[YOU...can't grant my wish]

God of light:

[Kahahaha, obviously I can't grant your wish if you can't even tell me what it is]


[You already know what it is...the only problem is why do I have to suffer so much for it...]

God of light:

[hmmm, true. I can't give it to you without you producing satisfying results]


[And now I know, that if I don't kill you right now...I can't go home...since the last boss of this hell is none other than the creator itself. You created this world only for your personal gains, didn't you?]

God of light:

[...KAHAHAHA! true, it was too boring since there was no being that can defeat my pet. So, I decided to capture strong souls from different dimensions. Out of a thousand, they all failed and died...except you. You were the only one that was able to defeat my pet, and now as a reward you want to go home? But I'm afraid I can't give you that]


[...and your reason?]

God of light:

[Well you see, now that my pet is dead I'm in need of a new one. I need someone who's stronger and better...Oh wait! how about I make you my new pet?]


[I refuse]

God of light:

[Is that so...that's too bad. Well, I'll just alter your memories and you'll eventually become mine]

The Hero suddenly charged at the deity. As he was about to slash his sword, the deity quickly vanishes and instantly appeared behind the hero. He then blasted the hero with his power, making the hero scream in pain.

God of light:

[Become mine hero, or death awaits you]


[*pant* haha...hahaha]

God of light:

[Oh my, it seems the mighty Hero has lost his mind. Not to worry, I can quickly fix that after I brainwashed you]

The hero started talking but his voice was too weak. The deity decided to get closer.

God of light

[Hm? What is it?]



A brilliant red glow suddenly appeared below the feet of the deity. The deity was frozen and can't move a single part of his body.

God of light:


As the deity was currently distracted, the hero instantly peirced his sword through the deity's chest.

God of light:

[You know, something like this can't kill me]


[...yes, that is why I'm going to take that power myself. Have you already forgotten? The power that you gave me?]

God of light:

[No! It can't be!]



[Where am I? Am I dead?]

God of light:

[That is quite true unfortunately]


[Oh...is that so]

God of light:

[But don't worry, this is not the end of your journey. It is the start of a new one. What do you say? Do you want to live again?]


[You mean, Reincarnation?]

God of light:

[Yes, not only that. I can also give you incredible powers]


[...fine, I'll do it...it's better than being dead]

God of light:

[Alright, with that said. First I'll be giving you this power, its name is-]

*End of Flashback*

God of light

[Infinite Acquisition...the power to steal souls...]


[Yes, the only downside is that I have to be stronger than the target and it seems I've reached your level]

God of light:

[I'm the one that lend you that power, and I can take it away...what's this?...why can't I take it]


[Hahaha, you must be misunderstanding the situation. You didn't lend this power to me, you GAVE it. That's why this power is mine and mine alone. A mistake from your side]

God of light:

[This cannot be happening!]


[And with this power, I'll use it to kill you]

The hero smiled

God of light:

[Wait wait wait! How about we talk about this?]


[There's nothing to talk about]

God of light:

[H-how about I give you something else!? Money! Or women! Or even a world of your own!?]


[...goodbye, god of light. Activate skill: Infinite Acquisition]

The hero's body glowed with golden light.

God of light:



(Fuck! As expected of a deity. His power is intense)

God of light:



[...I don't care. Skill Command: Increase maximum output]

God of light:



(Well...this end is not so bad...Oh yeah...I'd forgotten about it...I can't seem to recall my name...what was it again... oh yeah...I remember...it was...


After that, a huge explosion went off. With that, the deity was gone and the world started to crumble.

Moments later, Chris was currently laying down, surrounded with nothing but bright light.


[...not this again]

Then moments later, a beautiful lady appeared before him. Chris noticed her and he got up.


[Let me guess, another deity...]


[Yes, that's correct. Although you seem unpleasant seeing me]


[So, what kind of god are you?]


[fufufu, what a brave man. That's the first time I've heard that question. Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Gaea, the goddess of life]


[...what do you want from me?]


[hmm, I only want you to answer some of my questions]


(That's weird, I thought she'd ask something as troublesome as killing a demon lord again...what's your motive?)


[I can hear your thoughts you know]



[...I apologize...so, what do you want to know?]


[I'm only going to ask 3 questions. First question, who are you? Second question, How did you end up in this world? And the last question...its the same one you asked me before]




[...you...what kind of god are you?]