
Ashkelon Guard Troop

Soon, the flames billowed up into the skies and Asher and his troops watched the town from when it was set ablaze to when it burned so much that they could feel the heat.

The stormbringers could be spotted returning to the top of the hill, all sweating profusely. 

"You chose to annihilate the small town." Uriah muttered but Asher heard it.

"From the moment they sent assassins and tried to enslave me into a contract that would make me a slave lord all the days of my life, the line had been crossed. I shall wipe that clan off the face of the Bashan basin." 

Uriah trembled inwardly. 

"But they have fierce footmen, numbering in thousands." 

Asher scoffed. 

"You seem not to understand the name of your city. It is called the great city of Centraks and the owners of those Centraks are the Bladebreakers. 5000 footmen will be trampled by them." 

"These are beastmen, Your Lordship, not humans!" 

Asher slowly turned his head to Uriah.