
My first ”fight“

Those Blue strings seemed to be very strong, because every time he managed to grab something, which was mainly leftover shards from the universe, they immediately shattered. 

I snapped my fingers and a huge blaster appears next to me, after I clenched my hand into a fist, the blaster fired a rainbow at the other skeleton.

But to my surprise, he disappeared. I suddenly felt the urge to doge, and so I did it, just to barely dodge a blaster from him. It was a black glitch blaster with the words ERROR all over it.

*Was that? His name?*

We continued our battle for a while, always firing and dodging our attacks. 

In one instance, he managed to grab my arm with his strings, but I just cut them off with some bones.

He was, not to say at least, confused that his strings were cut off so easily.

But after some time I remembered one of my skills, that I can't be deleted by someone named Error, which I assumed was him. And since my DF STAT was infinite, I had nothing to lose.

So I decided to tease him a bit.

I dodged his strings and noticed that he fired one of his blasters at me. But instead of dodging, I just stood there, taking the hit.

I heard a little sigh of relief from him, until the smoke cleared, and I was still standing there unharmed.

His face was priceless, shocked and confused at the same time.

ERROR: „h..hõw dîd you?….YØU SHŌULD BÊ DEAD!"

He screamed at me and I just chuckled.

Fresh (Mike): „Well, buddy, you can't kill me. I'm just…"

I slid down my glasses and released a huge amount of magic and let a few tentacles out from my eyes, I could literally feel the magic flow down my eye.

Fresh (Mike): „…too RAD for you"

I was surprised by myself, how scary I sounded. And this Error guy was visibly scared too.

ERROR: „w…wh@t thé fūnk…."

He took a few steps back, but before he could do anything, I rushed next to him and swung my arm across his shoulder.

Fresh (Mike): but hey buddy, I think we can be good bros, am I right?…"

I looked at him again from the side of my glasses, and he didn't react at all.

I let go of him and swung my arm behind my head 

Fresh (Mike): well then, it was nice meeting you, Uhm….?"


Fresh (Mike): „thought so, well then Error, hope we can meet again" 

I chuckled and walked towards my house, I didn't even need to look back to notice his confusion, and after a while I heard how he teleported away.

I sat down in my house and let out a big sigh

*oh god, why was I so careless?*

Error POV

*who the hell was that guy?….I..I couldn't damage him, hell I couldn't even delete him. And those, things that came out of his eye sockets, were those tentacles? The fuck!*

I couldn't do anything but stand there and watch him go into his house, after I gathered myself again I teleported back to the anti-void and decided to just let him be for now.

*Hm, good Bros, as if anyone could be bros with ME, the destroyer of AUs HAHAH*