
Reincarnated into the Narutoverse as Menma

huh. Where am I, this isn't home... wait who's that in the reflection. he looks familiar, Naruto!!! I'm Naruto but why do I look more differently than the original mc... heh for a sec I look a lot like Menma. Hah **** I am Menma but why, out of all characters him.

osazefigaro14 · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: The calm before the storm...

Hey, that's not fair. Lady Tsunade did what she could with what she had, when the village was in chaos, she did what she could to bring order and hope back to the village. I won't have you disrespecting her like this when she had demons of her own to overcome do you know what she went through in her life? Do you know what she lost in the process? How many loved ones she had lost before her eyes? (Shizune)

Tsunade turns towards Shizune with her eyes watery.... holding back the tears as she faces her with an appreciative smile.

Thank you, Shizune for always having my back and helping pick me back up, when I fell and was at rock bottom. You've been through it all with me, be it the good and the bad times, you've always been there for me... helping motivate and guiding me to be what I was meant to be. Often or not, I ask myself who was the teacher and student. Because thought me as much as I've thought you and for the I'm forever grateful. (Tsunade)

During this touching moment displayed between Master and Apprentice. Menma couldn't help but laugh at first it started as a chuckle but began slowly turning into an uncontrollable laughter drawing both of them to look at him puzzled.

~hehehe....hahahaha~ He roared with laughter, his giggles were uncontrollable, filling the air like tinkling bells, infectious and joyful. The pace he laughed was uproariously, each chuckle dripping with sarcasm.

He hardly ever laughed. Since being born into this world, so when he did, the sound was surprising – a light, airy chuckle that was as rare as it was heartwarming. But his tone was ever the opposite, his cold, mocking laugh hinted at a villainous streak. A peak of what was to come.

Aren't you two a bundle of joy, I guess with Tsunade being your uncle lover and you being his niece it's understandable why you are protective of her. I mean with her blaming herself for his death and all. ( Menma)

Tsunade turns towards Menma with haste her bloodlust ever so present. But he continues like she doesn't exists.

How do you know about my uncle? (Shizune)

 Menma responded...

Dan Kato, after the death of his younger sister, he began advocating for medical ninja to be assigned to every squad. Him and Tsunade shared a similar belief, and the two soon began dating because of it. During their time together, he shared his dream of becoming Hokage with Tsunade, wanting the title so that he could better protect the villagers of Konoha. This would prompt Tsunade to give him her grandfather's necklace as good luck and encouragement to follow that dream.

Soon after that, he was fighting in the Second Shinobi World War, in which he killed countless shinobi with his Spirit Transformation Technique. Ultimately, he was fatally wounded during a battle, and while Tsunade was able to stop the bleeding, it was a lost cause as the blood loss was too severe and he succumbed to his injuries. 

Stop me... when I'm wrong.

Prior to this event Tsunade lost her little brother who ran into an explosive trap during battle and was severely injured. Orochimaru claimed that the body was mutilated beyond recognition. This loss left a deep impact on her. Now combining that with the death of the man she loved, it was so traumatic for her that it instilled in her a permanent fear of blood. Also known medically as hemophobia.

Ah... I almost forgot a small but important detail in that story both victims died wear her grandfather's necklace. Now, who doesn't know what he's talking about? I did my research on you both i also know that why she left the village like a coward filled with guilt. 

Should I continue? (Menma)

Speechless... you could have heard a pin drop. The tension in the air was so thick you could have cut it with a knife, both kunoichi was having their own thoughts.

*How could he have known all this about my uncle, Tsunade and even her little brother. Where did he get his information from? NO! the real question is what his intensions is now that he's made his move* (Shizune)

 *Where did he gather all of this information? those things he said about Dan, how did he get hold of what dan confided in me only and what he said about Nawaki... only Orochimaru knew about that, despite his attempts to take over the village he was moderately fond of my brother. He wouldn't have told him Menma about such sensitive information* (Tsunade)

throughout all their questions and doubt both ladies could agree on one thing.

*he's dangerous* (Shizune)

*he's a threat* (Tsunade)

I'll be taking my leave now, I only wanted to give you a heads up about my presence in the village... My brother how is he? I haven't had the chance to talk with him yet, don't you think this would be an interesting topic to bring up too him? Can you imagine... having lived your whole life only knowing of being an orphan having no one and feeling abandoned. while also being treated badly since birth only to now find out he isn't alone and has a sibling who's also his twin. I Wonder, how he's gonna take it. (Menma)

Menma walks away leaving Tsunade and Shizune at a loss for words as they stare at figure fading away in the distance. 

Shizune! (Tsunade)

Yes. (Shizune)

Organize an Anbu unit and keep watch on him, but make sure they don't get notice and at any sign they realize their compromise... retreat immediately. Menma... he's an anomaly, we need to be prepared for the storm ahead of us. (Tsunade)

Is that really needed lady Tsunade, I mean... I understand why you'd do it but aren't you taking things to seriously. (Shizune)

You may be right, but from what we've both witnessed this may be the beginning. I have this feeling that this is the calm before the storm... (Tsunade)