
Reincarnated into SAO [DROPPED]

Guy dies and gets reincarnated into the world of SAO. He’s died once already so he decides to brave the death game and befriend the characters that he used to watch. Scimitar user, prioritizes speed and agility over strength. Travels with Kirito. Also I know there is a series called Progressive that has Asuna with Kirito, but I never thought that was supposed to happen. So no Asuna traveling with us, but we will see her pretty much every chapter because of boss fights. Not sure if I plan on making up my own floor bosses, or just do like every 10th one or something. I guess it would be nice to have 70 some chapters guaranteed, but I don’t know enough about the game itself to really do that I don’t think. I guess we’ll see.

ThatDogHachiko · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Moonlit Black Cats

Just before we walked through the door, Asuna stepped up beside us and followed.

"Oh? The little sword mistress following after me and mr edgy here?" I tease Asuna causing her to huff.

"No. I just wanted to say bye, and that your sword style was beautiful." She started strong, but ended up mumbling at the end. I grinned wide and patted my scimitar.

"Nice to see someone appreciate it. You're not too shabby yourself with that toothpick." Me

She narrowed her eyes at me, before huffing and looking away.

"Haha. I'll see you next time little sword mistress." With wave of my hand, and walking up the stairs after Kirito. The grumbling I heard told me, she didn't care too much for the nickname. Which made it that much more fun to say.

4 Months later

Me and Kirito were currently on the 20th floor looking for some materials for Kirito to upgrade his sword some more. The 26th floor was just cleared, with Knights of the Blood Oath making their first appearance. Asuna joined them just like she did the show and was already the Vice commander.

While we were killing some insect monsters, we came across a group of fighter who were in danger of being killed by a swarm of preying mantis monsters. Me and Kirito quickly finished our kills and rushed over to save them, I took one side he took the other.

I rushed the mantis that was about to hit their thief looking member, and redirected its blade just beside him. With 8 quick and accurate slashes I finished it off and moved on to the other 2 quickly dispatching them while Kirito handled the other 3. It was over in seconds, with the people who turned out to be in a guild thanking us profusely for saving them.

"Thank you so much! We thought we were dead for sure! Let us treat you to some drinks to thank you." Keita

"Uh I don't know, it wasn't that big of deal." Kirito

"Oh come on Kirito. What's wrong with free drinks? We'd love to."

"Fine." Kirito grumbles

"Great! Lets all go to Taft on the 11th floor, there's a nice pub there." Keita

"Sounds good to me." Me

With that we were now sitting around a table and the guild "Moonlit Black Cats" was cheersing to us.

"To the guys who save our lives! To Kirito and Hachiko!" The guild

"Uh. Thank you." Kirito

"Thank you, but again it was no trouble." Me

Kirito was talking to Keita, while I talked to Ducker, the thief.

"Thanks again for saving, the way you swooped in was so cool and then you defeated it in seconds!" Ducker said excitedly.

"Haha, it was no trouble. We're all in this game together after all, it would be too nice to let people die who we could have helped. Though you all should be more careful, there's strength in number until you get the attention of too many monsters." I said seriously.

"Ya haha. You're right about that. We were just trying something new with Sachi, and we just weren't killing them fast enough." Ducker

That's when Keita finally popped the question to Kirito.

"Would you both be willing to join the Moonlit Black Cats? We could use some people on the front line helping Sachi adjust." Keita

Kirito scratches his cheek and looks toward me, asking a silent question. I wave a hand to him, gesturing that it's his decision.

"We'd be honored to join your guild. Thank you." Kirito slightly bows and I just raise my glass up.

"Great! Welcome aboard!" Keita

Floor 20 may 9th 2023

We've been with the guild for a little over a month at this point, going back forth from here to the front lines. On the front lines we had just cleared the 28th floor, while here we are still on the 20th floor grinding the same mobs we saved them from.

On top of all this, me and Kirito still go up to the new floor to make sure we keep our levels up and not fall behind the main clearers. I've been telling Kirito that we can't keep this up, we've taught them enough and we should just move on.

Floor 28 May 16th 2023

"Kirito, we got the materials you needed for your upgrade a week ago. We can't keep pretending we aren't 20 levels higher than them. You just hit 48 last night and I'm halfway to 49. They don't realize how much we're carrying them." Me

"I know, but surely we can stay a little longer. At least till they are all settled into their roles, I mean Sachi is so close to being a good frontliner." Kirito pleads.

"Sigh. Kirito you and I both know that she is only doing "good" because me and you are there to bail her out. This isn't fair to them and the longer we wait the more likely they'll get over confident and get themselves hurt." I argue to him.

I've gotta say they've grown on me over this month, but realistically we just can't keep this up. I wanted to avoid them dying in that labyrinth, but maybe this needs to happen, maybe it's supposed to happen. Kirito was still thinking when Klein showed up.

"What's up Kirito! Hachiko! You guys doing some late night leveling? Wait what's that symbol? You guys join a guild?" I look toward Kirito who kind of looks away.

"Sigh, ya something like that." Me

Kirito walks off.

"Nice to see you Klein, Kirito just has a lot on his mind. Maybe grinding some mobs will take his mind off it." Me

"Ya, nice to see you too Hachiko. You guys are always welcome here, buts what's up with the guild?" Klein

"Ahh, well it sort of happened because we rescued this group. While Kirito doesn't say much, he does enjoy company of other people, he just doesn't know how to ask for it himself. I don't think he's actually ready to be in a guild though, maybe in the future." Me

Sure sure. See you next time Hachiko, wouldn't want you to fall behind Kirito." Klein

"Thanks Klein, no need to worry about him passing me though. I have a whole half level on him." Me

"Haha, only you could be a higher level than that battle maniac." Klein

After the conversation I went to where Kirito was and fell into our normal course grinding rhythm. Kirito is always annoyed that he can't catch up to me in level, but truthfully it's his own fault. I told him about the finishing move bonus xp, but he keeps saying it's not worth going for just a measly 10% xp boost. Yet here we are, with him a half level behind me.

We usually grind from 11pm to about 4am before heading back to the inn we are staying at with the guild. However this time we were called back early because Sachi had run off, I decided to let Kirito take care of it while I headed back to the inn to sleep.

I woke up the next day to find out Sachi had slept in the same room as Kirito, which of course lead to me endlessly teasing the 2.

"So was anybody else cold last night? It seems Kirito and Sachi were as warm as one could get, like they were snuggled up to a fire." I spoke sarcastically. Kirito elbowed me in the side and Sachi managed to red all the way to the ears.

"Ouch Kirito that hurt, besides it's not like they could hear me anyways." I complained

"Ya but they could have, so stop spouting off all that embarrassing stuff." Kirito

"Aha, so you don't even deny it. Ahh young love, so beautiful." I say while winking to Sachi, who is trying her best to not to pass out from embarrassment.

Floor 27 June 12th 2023

While the leader decided to go buy us a guild house, the rest of the group decided to go dungeon diving on the 27th floor. I looked to Kirito, telling him this is not a good idea. While the 30th floor boss was currently being searched for, that didn't mean that every bit of the previous floors was mapped out.

We finally came across the hidden door, with a treasure chest inside. Before I or Kirito could stop them they all rushed in with the door locking behind us. With our teleport crystals not working I draw my blade.

Ducker was knocked down before he could get his weapon out so I went and helped him before they could kill him like the show. I stepped in front of the closest pick weirder and with 8 slashes to weak points it dispersed into crystals.

I started getting into my rhythm of alternating between each of the Moonlit Black cats, trying to help them as much as possible. They may have been technically high enough level for the dungeon, but that's when they aren't outnumbered and caught off guard.

I sidestep a swing from a pick axe and in a flurry of slashes I swap back forth between 2 different monsters. One of the tall rock monsters swings a long arm toward me and I leap up high and change my focus to it. These monster look tough outwardly but they have lots of weak joints, that even my blade can easily slice through at my current level.

However I focused on one group of monsters for too long and Ducker still went down after getting swarmed. I started to pick up the pace, going even faster than o was before. It's one thing to know they are going to die, and something else entirely watching someone who've befriended turn into a mass of crystals.

There were just too many, I couldn't be everywhere at once and neither could Kirito. I started alternating my rhythm and pace, going from a fluid dance to something more jerky and jarring. Almost like a lightning bolt, sporadically changing directions. Tetsuo got hit in the back by a rock monster, I instantly dashed to it and cleaved both arms at the shoulder before removing its head.

The decapitation bonus xp was like a slap in the face. From so many long hours of grinding the xp boost finishing moves were just second nature at this point. Here I am getting bonus xp for killing monsters that are killing my friends, haha. Fitting I suppose, I thought I didn't care about them enough for this to bother me, but I guess spending so much time with them messed that up.

Sasamaru goes down next, right in front of me. There's not much I could have done, I was already bouncing back and forth between 3 different groups of 4 dwarf miners, with the rock monster right behind them. Last was Sachi, she was still up but she was being surrounded and Kirito had accidentally moved away from her in his onslaught.

I started making my way over, thinking maybe we could save at least one if I helped her until Kirito could get closer. Would it be fair though, would she even want to still be alive after living when her real life friends died? Would that mess Kirito up even more? Save one of them just for them to commit suicide anyways.

I shake my head from my thoughts, as distraction can lead to mess ups and right now we can't have that. Sliding underneath a rock monster I chop its knees off and it drops to my height where I decapitate it. I leap backwards over a swing to my exposed back and with 8 quick slashes take out 2 dwarf miners.

I sidestep the next and remove the head of the one who swung, before jumping up to rock monster about to swing, making it headless in the process as well. As I turned I saw Sachi finally fall from a rock monster i hadn't seen approaching her.

"Sachi! Noooo!" Kirito yelled, he was stunned for just a second before his demeanor changed, and he started attacking even more reckless and faster than I'd ever seen him go. He might would be able to get a hit on me in this state.

5 minutes later we had cleared the rest of the monsters, and Kirito was slumped to his knees. I walked forward and knelt next to him.

"Kirito, we need to get out of here while the door is open. We don't know if everything will reset or not." I say gently. He nodded absently but didn't make any sudden movement. I heard him mumble something.

"What?" Me

"You were right. You were right and I wouldn't listen. I got them killed." Kirito

"You can't take the full blame I also knew how dangerous this could be and I didn't speak up either. Now quit feeling sorry for yourself, we both made a decision and now we have to live it. We need to clear this game for people like them, people who shouldn't be out on the front lines." Me

"Sniff, you're right." Kirito wipes his nose and eyes before getting up, and looking me in the eyes. "We have to get stronger." I pat his shoulder and give him a smile.

"That we do. The Blackswordsman and The Violet Blade Dancer, will get stronger than anyone." Me

"Right." Kirito nods seriously.

6 Months later. Floor 49 December 24th 2023

"Kirito you know how low the possibilities are for this, we know that everyone dies irl as soon as they die in game. This item you're chasing, isn't worth it." Me

"I still want to speak to Argo about it, you never know, maybe Kayaba keeps them suspended after death. I have to try." Kirito says firmly

"Sigh alright, but keep that rat away from me." Me

"Yaya I know, you already have enough people angry at you after she leaked out that you and the great Lighting Flash Asuna were a thing." Kirito

"Truly troublesome, but it would be wrong to deny it. Not to mention she's the only person in this game who doesn't battle like a brute, and actually dances with the blade. I think I may have influenced her a little more than I thought after that first boss." Me

"Haha, no joke. The 2nd boss she actually stumbled a few times trying to pull off what you do, before you told her to find her own style. Even still for anyone who knows you, they can tell that it's some weird variation of your own. Just stabs instead of slashes." Kirito chuckles

"Maybe I should mention to Argo that you're looking for a girlfriend yourself, I'm sure she would be more than happy to oblige." I grin wickedly. Kirito slightly blushes at that.

"You know she doesn't like me like that, we only have a customer-dealer relationship." Kirito

"A relationship you say? Do tell more." Argo pops out from behind Kirito.

"Ah the rat appears, I'll be waiting for when you're done Kirito." I say as I walk slightly ahead.

"Tell Asuna to come see me some time, she never visits anymore!" Argo

"That might be because you told everyone that me and her were dating." Me

"Someone paid good money to find that out. Plus it's not like you 2 were entirely secret about it." Argo

"No I suppose not. Either way I'll let her know." Me

5 minutes later Kirito had his information and we were heading to go find the item he's been looking for. We have to defeat a field boss called Nicholas the Renegade, he beat it by himself in the show, at just level 70. Since I was here and able to help him defeat more monster he was now 72, and I was 73. It doesn't sound like much, but the levels take significantly more xp each time, doubling what you needed for the level before, and even more than that at every 10th level.

After Klein and his group stayed behind to stall the Holy Dragon Alliance, me and Kirito kept going.

"Hey Hachi! Keep him safe out there." Klein yelled to me over his shoulder.

"You know me Klein, the ever dutiful defender of the weak and powerless." Me

We finally reached we're Nicholas the Renegade drops out of the sky. We gripped our swords and got ready to fight, I wasn't expecting much if he could solo it and i was right to not expect much. Kirito didn't say anything after reading the info on the revival item.

"We knew it was a long shot, you have to let this go. It's not healthy to keep what happened on your conscience." I say and Kirito grips the item tighter, tears dropping down his face.

"I just thought that maybe I could fix it, maybe I could bring one of them back and apologize an-." Kirito

"And what? You bring one back, say it even let you choose Sachi. How do you think she would react to being revived while all her friends had died? You would bring one back just to make yourself feel better? To be free of the guilt? That's not how it works Kirito, not in here." Me

"It's not fair!" Kirito

"Of course it's not fair. It's not fair we got trapped here, but we did and we are fighting to get out. It's not fair that they died, but they did and that's on us to be the ones to carry their memories to the end. You don't do it by searching recklessly for something that you know deep down won't bring them back." Kirito grits his teeth and clenches his fist, but I continue.

"It's not fair. It's not fair that we've been in this hell for over a year now. Our birthdays and our family's birthdays have come and gone, but if we want to see them again we have to keep fighting. You know I'll always have your back, just like I know you'll always have mine. Me and you are the highest levels in this game right now, Heathcliff and Asuna are only at 65. We can't get ourselves killed or it will setback the progress we've made." Me

"Alright alright, I know you're right. Lets just go, I think I want to take a break tonight." Kirito says and we head back to Klein.

"Good." Me

We reach Klein to see they had taken care of the Holy Dragon Alliance, and Kirito tosses the item to Klein. Kirito begins to walk off, and as Klein goes to stop him, I stop Klein instead.

"Take care of him, and take care of yourself. You both have to make it to the end." Klein says emotionally.

"I will, we will. Don't worry Klein, I haven't let you down yet have I?" I say as I clap the side of his shoulder before turning and walking off myself.

"You're right, thank you Hachi." He says and I just wave my right hand over my shoulder in goodbye.


Chapter end

Alright but of a long one here, sorry about that. I know I like to read multiple short chapters a good bit of the time, but it just felt weird to split up the Moonlit black cats death and the fighting of Nicholas the Renegade.

Also he's they are higher level than canon. That's because of Hachiko always going for the 10% bonus xp, it gives the bonus to anybody who hit the monster he killed as well. Maybe next chapter I'll do a little look into their level grinding, so it makes more sense, but if I don't I'll explain it here.

Hachi is constantly moving around the battlefield damaging all the monsters really, so he gets xp from just about every monster when they die but only the bonus on the ones he kills. Kirito has started to do it as well, but he doesn't have the same ability as MC, so he doesn't hit everytime. And 10% adds up over time when you're killing hundreds of monster that give out thousands of xp. I hope that cleared it up a little.

Also because he has a second person he can take on more mobs at a time and doesn't have it get significantly split by grinding with say a group of 5 or more.

Also it may seem out of nowhere for MC to be dating Asuna, but I plan on doing some flashbacks to show when it started. Also it's been a year since they met, so it's not surprising. Also sorry for the people that may have hoped for KiritoxSachi, I'm just not a fan of her lol.

On to the next chapter-Mr. Eight