
Reincarnated into Jujutsu Kaisen (JJK)

A young man woke up in Borutos body in the universe of Jujutsu Kaisen! Watch how he travels through the world of curses with friends and enemies surrounding him.

Rwn4 · Tranh châm biếm
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18 Chs

Waking up 3 times

The Boy woke with a gasp as he felt his body hit a floor, he quickly stood ignoring the aching in his ribs he turned swiftly observing his surroundings. It was a kids room?

'What the fuck…'

He carefully stepped over the toys and legos on the floor, he kept looking around the room seeing nothing. 'I need a way out, I'm in a random kids room in just my boxers!' He thought to himself as he walked over to the half open window.

"Heya!" A voice squeaked from behind, the boy spun before meeting the eyes of a dwarf clown just standing in the centre of the room.

The boy felt rather self conscious as he was essentially naked in front of a random bloke, in a child's room.

"Heya, anyway now I've got your attention." The clown said with a roll of his eyes "Okay so I want to send you to another world to reincarnate! Okay?" The clown said as they suddenly floated.

"You-your floating" The Boy squeaked "Your fucking floating" his eyes wide, he could feel himself sweating.

"Okay! I can float and I'm what some would call a God" The clown finished the statement with a whisper, the clown spread his hands in a grand gesture. "Now pick a world I can send you too".

The Boy's thoughts were all over the place before he calmed himself and took a deep breath. 'Right, so this guy said reincarnation earlier, so this could be a ROB holy shit! Ok, ok gotta chill and I need to pick a world, Damn why didn't I read any slice of life stuff recently.'

The boy was clearly in thought, as he closed his eyes. 'Right well I was reading Jujutsu Kaisen earlier but no way am I going there, I would die instantly and then I started Chainsaw Man recently but again nope-' the boy's train of thought was derailed as the clown spoke.

"Hahaha okay! So Jujutsu Kaisen it is!" The clown shouted excitedly, this led the boy's eyes to widen almost comically. And as the boy went to speak he couldn't? He couldn't even move!

'Did this thing read his mind! Holy shit I did think of Jujutsu first so it probably just picked that, or was it random? Whatever if he asks anymore questions i will need to be careful'

"Okay, you took too long there friend, now which character shall I send you as?" The clown asked curiously which sent chaos into the boy's mind.

'Ok! Who's the strongest character ever! Just dont think of anyone else this is easy!' The boy closed his eyes, blocking his thoughts.

Has anyone told you to not think of something before, now you will know why the boy did what he did.

'Ok, right I need to think without thinking….Bor….what no! Don't think of him, no…don't think of BORUTO! SHIT…fuck…i am fucked' he felt if he could have he would have slumped his shoulders, but he still couldn't move.

Even the clown looked surprised before laughing "Boruto! That bum hahahahaha! This'll be so funny!" The clown started slapping his knee as he laughed while floating.

"Hey! Boruto isn't a bum!" The boy came to defence of his own choice, it may have been an accidental and stupid choice but it happened and he can't change that so he'll defend his choice "Boruto's cold now, I mean I never used to like him but I think he's pretty chill now"

"Have you seen his new timeskip design? This guy is pretty cool, I'll admit" the boy admitted to himself, still not as cool as Naruto but still pretty chill.

"Hahaha whatever I'll send you to the world but you get a couple questions if you want" the clown explained, mirth almost radiating off the guy.

"Right, first question at what point in his life do I get sent into? Second question: what time do I show up in the Jujutsu timeline?" The boy asked.

"You get his body after the Code arc and then you show up in the jujutsu world after Itadori is killed by Sukuna." The clown said his voice was more serious.

And as the boy was about to reply the clown spoke again "Also to get some general information out, you will not get his skills, you will get his memories of using those skills but you will basically need to relearn said skills, don't want you being OP at the start, it's a bit boring. Oh and one more thing Borutos body will be aged up to 15"

The clown smiled before teleporting behind the boy and punching him in the back, sending him into a portal that he just materialised. "Hahahaha! Have fun now!"


Leaving the morgue Satoru Gojo was striding with a now alive Yuji Itadori, it was a miracle! Or it wasn't, Sukuna must have done something, he doesn't know what that something is but he had his suspicions.

He abandoned those thoughts for now before he swung over to Yuji, "Hey my cute little student! Let's get something to eat!" Gojo shouted, his long arms flailing as Itadori jumped in excitement.

Itadoris eyes alight in excitement as he started to think about all the food he could eat.

"Yes! Sensei let's go eat!" He answered his sensei and walked next to the now retreating Gojo through a couple rough looking alleys. "Hey sensei, where are we going?" Itadori asked, keeping an eye on the alley's occupants, rats, dead birds and loads of bins.

"We're like spies sneaking through the city, just follow. We need to keep you a secret after all." Gojo said as he gracefully strutted through the dodgy alley.

Itadori followed behind with a bounce in his step, watching as Gojo entered a ramen store and ordered, Itadori quickly followed behind. As he sat next to the man and ate he made sure to eat as much as possible after all he was pretty hungry.

Dying was energy exhausting, and as Itadori and Gojo finished they got up and left the store after paying, Itadori watched as Gojos head lifted towards the sky.

Gojos head perked looking towards a falling star! He was confused. The star felt weird, he didn't know how to explain it, it felt off.


"Hey! Sensei let's make a wish" Itadori said looking up and closed his eyes as he made a wish, Gojo closed his eyes as well, not that Itadori would have been able to tell either way. 'Ah, I wish my students stay safe'

"Hey sensei! What was your wish? Mine was that I could kill a ton of curses and save people!" Only then did Itadori realise his mistake, his eyes widened as he ran around in a slight panic.

Gojo watched his most naive student with a smile on his face as the idiot cursed himself for exposing his wish. "Ahh sensei, my wish won't come true anymore!" Itadori exclaimed.

"Of course it will come true! You're my student, don't let silly things like falling stars hold you back!" Gojo said with a slightly mocking grin on his face. He grabbed Yuji's shoulder before teleporting to a secure room.

"Okay Yuji this is now where you will live for a while, it's my house so uh don't blow it up" Gojo finished explaining and opened his mouth again "Hey Yuji I'm going to check something out, you stay here a little bit"

"Hey! Sensei take me with you please" Itadori started to give Gojo puppy dog eyes, Gojo blindfold seemed to twitch slightly before he nodded. "Yes! Let's go on a Sensei and Student adventure!" Itadori shouted as Gojo grabbed his shoulder before teleporting them again.


The boy woke with a groan "God my head" he pressed his head against the rubble he was laid against, still only in his plain boxers he was freezing and laying against the warm impact sight was better than nothing.

He stood and stumbled, wow ok, I'm in Borutos body that's uh, this is fine.

He regained his balance rather quickly, this body was extremely athletic. Well that's understandable he's a Ninja after all.

With that thought hundreds of memories of training rushed into his head, causing him another headache. He sat down in the rubble of the roof he was on. 'Okay I'm Boruto now, what abilities do I even have'

'Right, Ok so I have the uh…holy shit….Boruto is a 100% Otsutsuki…I'm a fucking God' he laughed as he thought about that, he was a god or at least a future God becuase right now he would get his arse beat by a semi powerful curse.

'I have the Jogan which I know nothing about' as he keeps thinking he witnessed all his memories, No Borutos memories he corrected himself and watched in awe. He might not have liked Boruto but he was pretty impressive.

He started searching through the memories for the basics of Chakra. He goes through and watches the basics of Chakra control, being able to copy it quite easily, the feeling of walking up a wall was very odd.

And after about 5 or so minutes of just testing his Chakras basic he hears a sound to his right, he swung around going to grab a Kunai from his pouch, No Borutos pouch. He completely forgot he was only in boxers, the warmth that chakra seemed to emit protected his body from the cold.

As he rotated he subconsciously activated his Jogan, he saw a blinding star causing him to close his eyes with a wince, he opened his left eye which felt fine and saw Gojo and Itadori!

'Holy shit' was his only thought at the moment as he stared at the odd looking Yuji Itadori and the Tall Satoru Gojo. 'Why are they looking at me like that?' "Uh hey" he said with a pathetic wave.

"Hey who are you?" Gojo asked with a tilted head, with Itadori following in his wake also tilting his head.

"Uh hey, I'm uh" 'who am I? Fuck it just give them a name "Boruto" he slighly winced as he said it.

"Hey Boruto! Uh you fell from the sky, I thought you were a falling star. But Gojo sensei said that you were actually a guy! Pretty cool huh" Itadori shouted, still at least 10 metres away.

"Uh yeah…that's cool man" Boruto said slightly wincing from the cold. "Uh you guys got any clothes" before he even finished Itadori threw Boruto his hoodie, he grabbed it out of the air and quickly threw it over his head.

"Thanks man, it's freezing huh" Boruto said looking at his surroundings before focusing on a curse, a small curse but still something he had never seen before. It had so many eyes Boruto walked over to the edge of the roof before jumping off the small building.

Gojo and Itadori followed right behind watching him curiously as he observed the small curse on a little kid's shoulder sat on the little girl's shoulder and as said girl walked past him he grabbed the curse before it could react by the scruff of its neck.

He quickly tested a theory, he activated his Jogan and saw the cursed energy in the curse, there wasn't much but still more visible than your average civilian. He decided to not look at Gojo until he had more control over his eye.

He went through his memories and focused on one particular lesson, or three rather famous lessons. The rasengan he followed the exact movements Boruto did in his memories and created a ball of energy in his right hand.

It felt wrong, unstable but he used the inefficient ball of Chakra against the Cursed Spirit killing it instantly. The ball of energy in his hands exploded causing some pain in his wrist and as he rubbed it Gojo tapped his forehead from behind, knocking him out.


Boruto woke with a groan in a very familiar room, the same room Yuta and Yuji both also once woke up in. "My back" he complained, hitting the ground after falling from the sky and also sitting in this really uncomfortable chair really made it ache.

"Heya Boruto!" Gojo said from the other side of the room, towering over Boruto. "Now you're an anomaly so the Highers ups want to execute you, ah don't you worry this actually happens a lot so I pulled a couple strings here and there and now you're a student of Jujutsu Tech!" Borutos eyes widened 'that was quick, but it is Gojo after all'.

"Uh that was nice of you….." clearly wanting Gojo to introduce himself. He didn't remember if Itadori or Gojo introduced themselves earlier so he didn't want to magically know their names.

"Gojo, and I'm guessing you're 15ish right?" He said with a smile. Boruto nodded in response to which Gojos' smile only grew. "Okay well it looks like you will be calling me Sensei Gojo from now on!" Borutos eyes widened, he was excited, this sounded cool as hell!

"Ok! Sensei Gojo!" Boruto ripped the ropes off himself effortlessly and stood. "Okay let's go! I wanna go to sleep first though" 'I'm not tired but it's must be at least 10 so I need to not screw my sleep schedule on my first day in a new universe'

"Okay! But no sleep, it's already 10 you sloth" Gojo grabbed Borutos shoulder before they teleported into a shopping centre, Boruto slightly stumbled in surprise before he balanced himself quickly.

Oh it's 10am and not pm he slept through the night, huh cool!

"Okay Boruto, you have this money! And an hour to grab a new wardrobe. Hurry up" Gojo said as he walked off, Boruto looked down to the money in his hand in confusion 'I don't know if this is alot or a tiny amount, I know fuck all about Japanese currency'

He decided to wing it and started to look for a very specific outfit he was going to steal from Boruto because it was possibly the coolest thing he has ever seen.

He left the store with a grin, who the hell knew these places had cloaks as well, he thought he'd have to miss out on that, it turned out he had been given a lot of money by the looks on the cashiers faces when he slammed the pile on the counter and started to count it out.

He had grabbed several cheaper normal outfits for normal occasions but this one was for when he was needing to fight a super curse or something, he was already wearing it he liked it that much, he also did come here in a hoodie that wasn't his and Boxers so he needed to change anyway.

Boruto walked over to Gojo handing him the charge, Gojo looked at the hand with not much money left in slight shock. "You, you… you're worse than Nobara!" He looked up at Boruto again with shock on his face "Where the hell even sells this stuff…you've got a cloak!" Gojo looked slightly shell shocked.

'His newest student had well a nice outfit sure, but did he have to spend so much money….but…it is a nice outfit' he admitted to himself grudgingly the kid was wearing a black cloak, the black coats inner fabric was a maroon colour, same with the blazer underneath, black with a maroon inside, under that was a white unbuttoned white shirt. His brown belt holding his black pants up.

Gojo sighed "Alright enough money spending let's get to training with your new teammates" Gojo grabbed his shoulder before teleporting to a field with two figures in front of him. Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki both stared at him in confusion.

"Who the hells this sensei" Nobara asked bluntly, her voice heated with Megumi in the back just observing his eyes narrowed.

"Ah he's your new teammate! Boruto, meet your teammates, the loud one is Nobara and the emo one at the back is Megumi! Have fun kids" Gojo said as he left Boruto in a awkward position 'Dick' Boruto thought to himself 'probably getting revenge for spending his money'

Boruto was an odd sight with his right eye closed, a visible scar over the top of it and his golden hair and very over the top outfit for just training.

"Hey! Who do you think you are huh!" Nobara shouted "you think you can replace Itadori" Borutos eyebrows furrowed 'oh yeah they think he's dead, probably better to keep it that way'

"I don't even know who that is so you gotta relax, i'm not here to replace anyone, i'm my own person" 'am I…am I my own person did I not just steal this body' he shook off the thought "I am new to this world, of curses and well everything so i'm here to learn and I hope to be a good teammate that you can both rely on" he said bowing his head slightly.

He wanted to have a decent relationship with his future teammates, it would suck if they hated him.

"Now I'm not a complete rookie so don't go easy on me" he said with a grin as he stood across from the two. Nobara took a step forward with a malicious grin, "huh you wanna spar then?" She asked rhetorically.

She went to punch Boruto who easily saw it coming, he backed off opening his right eye revealing the Jogan

He grinned the wind blowing his cloak before he got into a fighting posture he watched Boruto learn about while shopping.

"Yeah, I kinda do wanna spar"