
Reincarnated into an Otome Game as the Heroine's sister

In her past life before reincarnating, she was a test subject where they fused an ancient, enchanted demon katana with her soul and became the World's top assassin and War machine. Now given a new start, she is determined to live a life with no regrets. ~Details~ Updates every Wednesday Still ongoing Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any criticism, feedback or advice welcomed and appreciated!

MoonlightFireflies · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

Unexpected meeting and Awakening Pt 3

After the blinding light had disappeared, it seemed like everything was the same as it was...well besides the fact that Lilith was completely unscratched. This situation seemed puzzling to the sea dragon as it tilted its head with a questioning gaze. In that moment Lilith had to admit that the sea dragon was pretty cute even through all her shock of surviving the blast, but that was before her vision blurred and she finally felt the darkness she was fighting back finally consume her.

~30minutes have passed and Lilith has finally woken up~

Lilith wakes up to find that she was lying in a soft bed, she takes a minute to try and piece together what had happened after the blast had happened. From an on-lookers view, she looked like a broken, soulless doll as she kept staring out into sparkling lake.

"Where am I?" Lilith manages to croak out, sensing an unknown presence making its way towards her.

"..." silence was all that greeted her, along with light footsteps that could be heard, as the unknown person made their way to the room, stopping right outside with the screen separating them.

"Ah, I see that your awake now...how are you feeling?" said a soothing, deep voice entering the ears of Lilith, completely ignoring Lilith's previous words.

"What do you want from me," Lilith demanded whilst rearranging herself to sit upright, she was never the person to ask people for things rather she was the one who demanded it.

"I advise you to lie back down before you exhaust yourself again, we don't want you collapsing again do we?" The voice kept calmly speaking.

'Who is this?, from their voice I know it's a male and roughly around the age of 22. she was used to missions in her past life that required her to identify others and their relative locations by voice, so it came naturally you could say it was a habit now. But why would they live near the beast's lake? Maybe the beast belongs to him? But that wouldn't make any sense...' Lilith silently thought, racking her brain for answers.

A moment of silence passed between the two, with only the sounds of rustling leaves from the wind, filling the room in truth it felt very peaceful and comfortable whilst also calming at the same time. The atmosphere helped Lilith in calming down and return her to her normal cold self.

"Sir, I recommend that you tell me what business you have with me. If it's nothing, then I must inform you that I have places to be and things to do. So please make this quick." Lilith said turning her head to look at the screen where the man was behind.

"I guess you really want to know why I saved you." the unknown man said hopelessly.

"Wait, what I don't remember you ever saving me. Did you cause that blast of rainbow light? Or did you defeat the beast just before it was about to eat me?" Lilith said bewildered at the man's words.

"Excuse me, child I would never lay my hands on a mortal child. That's just immoral especially for a Godly-Being such as I." the mysterious man said offended at how the little mortal child would think that he would eat her.

"...WHAT!? YOU MUST BE JOKING RIGHT? YOU CAN'T BE THAT MASSIVE CREATURE CAN YOU? YOUR OBVIOUSLY A MAN!" Lilith yelled completely shocked out of her mind to find out the identity of the mysterious person. "...this can't be physically possible...you must be joking" she kept quietly repeated to herself. You could say that her mental state wasn't was it used to be especially when the world she was in was full of so many surprises that were theoretically and practically possible in her last life.

Sounds of the screen sliding weren't enough to draw Lilith back to reality, but the calm and soothing voice of the mysterious man was, "Are you alright? Little girl, did I scare you?".

Looking up Lilith was stunned by the gorgeous man that was in front of her, the man before her very eyes was the most handsome guy she ever laid eyes upon whether it be her past life or her current one.

He had slightly messy purplish-blue hair with complimented his light but healthy pale skin, he had extremely attractive lips, nose, and jawline but what really stood out was his eyes, being that of one scarlet pink-red and one of a beautiful light blue that looked like a darker shade due to his hair casting a shadow. All in all, he was hella attractive but don't get her wrong, Lilith was never the type to judge someone based on looks, but she couldn't deny that this man was outright the best-looking guy she ever had the pleasure of laying her eyes upon, she felt like the opportunity of even being able to look at him was such a privilege.

'Rosie!, good to see that your awake...' Scarlett's voice joyfully rang in the ears of Lilith, 'And who may this handsome specimen be?' Scarlett's seductively said without shame to Lilith, causing her face-palm at Scarlett's behaviour. 'Seriously, Scar. Is this all you care about right now?' Lilith responded helplessly about to complain but not before she heard Scarlett's reply 'I can't help it.'

Lilith was seething in anger, she could practically see her friend shrugging her shoulders without a care in the world. Her anger came quick 'Hey. Seriously though who is this guy and why does he look so familiar to me?...'

'What? Do you know him? But that's impossible since we never have been in this world before. Are you 100% sure that you're not having another one of your "moments"? Like you always do when you see a handsome guy?' Lilith says curious but also teasingly.

'Yesssss, I'm sure. And you and I both know that what you said was untrue, I'm like more than a thousand years old, I've seen so many handsome men that I'm practically immune. But I do have to admit though he is very good-looking.' Scarlett stressfully says trying to convince Lilith even though she knows that Lilith wouldn't believe her.

After another minute of chatting with Scarlett, Lilith finished "studying" his face and returned back to her senses and calmly answered with a smile, "Yes, I'm alright. No need to worry I'm perfectly fine. But I would like to ask whether what you said before was true or not."

"Ah, Yes what I said is 100%, true little girl."

"I am Lucifer, The Celestial Guardian dragon serpent of the One Thousand-year-old Reflection Lake. I'm also a descendant of the Lost Interstellar Dragons Race, and who may you be little girl?" He elegantly introduced himself as he gives a short but gentlemanly bow.

"My name's Lilith Rosie Carter, It's a pleasure to meet you, Sir Lucifer. May I inquire into why you saved me?"

Even though she knew that he was not a real human it doesn't mean that she wouldn't address him as one, especially when he could kill her within seconds.

Lucifer paused for a second debating if he should tell her, 'Hmm, so the little girl want's to know. Well if I do tell her then it'll make doing "that thing" much easier...but what if she finds out too much? Or she goes against me...*sigh* Oh, well I guess I can just resort to "that method" if everything goes south.' finishing his thoughts with a gleam in his eyes. "Well, you see little girl...the blast of rainbow light wasn't actually from me. It came from you." Lucifer patiently explained, studying Lilith's facial expression and body movement but then a thought struck him. 'Wait. What if she can't understand anything I'm saying. She's only a 4yr old so...but she doesn't act anything like a 4yr old, *Sigh* this is troubli-'

"Yes, I am already aware of that. What I'm asking is why you saved me, cuz you and I both know that I was at the brink of death..." Lilith said emotionlessly, suspiciously staring into his eyes.

A sweat-dropped from Lucifer at her bluntness, he quickly reprimanded himself for being foolish for thinking that she wouldn't understand and calmly continued. "Since you know then I'll continue. Basically that blast was the breaking of your Spirit channel seals-" his pause was due to the little girl before him, Lilith looked at him confused slightly tilting her head with her big golden eyes filled with confusion and interest.

Seeing her like this he could help but thinking that she finally looked and acted her age. With that, he further explained, "Spirit channels are what allow us to use magic, we manipulate spiritual energy from our surroundings then turn it into mana which is stored in our bodies. Each person has their own affinity, this determines what kind of magic your able to cast when using magic the mana we collected will flow through the Spirit channels and thus let us create miracles. But for humans, it's known that due to some special case once the child is born then they must have their channels locked for approximately 6 years. This is because of what happened 1000 years ago where they found that 1 in 5 children under the age of 6 who practiced magic had heavy repercussions. So the king at the time made a decree where a seal will be placed on the child once born and will be unlocked at the age of 6, this event will only happen once each year and will be done by a professionally trained high priest/priestess. That day was then known as the day of the child's debut into society and became a really formal occasion..."