
CH - 11 - Hedge Fund Homeboys - Part -1

Gossip Girl (Voice from the Skies): Hey Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here... and I have the biggest news ever. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen. Was it only a year ago our It-Girl mysteriously disappeared for quote 'boarding school'? And just as suddenly she's back. Don't believe me? See for yourselves: Lucky for us, Melanie91 sent proof. Thanks for the photo, Mel!

We see a man late 30s or early 40s look around the station and finally lock his sights on a boy and a girl walking through the crowded station, they are his son and daughter, he walks up and hugs them

Rufus calls out loud "Hey, Dan, Jenny! Over here!"

A blonde girl who we now know is named Jenny replies "Hey, Dad!"

Rufus continues "Hey, hey! You made it. Welcome back! How was your weekend? How is your mom?" the second question had a bit of 'hopefully she doing bad' energy in it

A boy with dead eyes😉 who we know is called Dan replies "She's doing fine."

Jenny adds " Good... fine, I guess." correcting herself

Dan covering up says "She's good and fine."

Rufus to confirm asks "Like 'Maybe I should never have left Manhatten' fine or 'Taking a time-out from my marriage was the best idea I've ever had' fine?"

Dan, seeing red flags immediately changes the topic of the conversation and says "Dad, you know… I'm starving."

Rufus seeing this goes " Let's go home. I'm cooking. Caprese salad with a little mozzarella di Bufala... yeah..."

Saying this Rufus puts an arm around Jenny and they walk off, Dan turns around and notices Serena

Gossip Girl (Voice Over): Spotted: Lonely Boy… can't believe the love of his life has returned. If only she knew who he was. But everyone knows Serena. And everyone is talking.



We see Noah and Alexis seated on stools all dressed for the gathering at the Waldorff Residence, Alexis eating cereal, and reading the paper. While Noah is on his laptop making a presentation. Castle enters.

Castle looking at his children specifically Alexis comments "Reading the paper? You're gonna lose all of your wired-teen-hyper-texting-nano-gizmo street cred." Hearing this Noah chuckles not taking his eyes off the screen. Castle continues "You are no better son"

Alexis counters "I'm a rebel. I kick it old school." then looks at Noah waiting for his counter.....Silence...running out of patience she pokes him and asks "Soooo..."

Noah ignoring the poke just replies "Yaa... mee.... too.... I guess " still not taking his eyes off the screen. Irritating Alexis further losing patience goes to close the laptop to gain his attention but her hand gets caught just as she is about to by Noah who says "Sorry sis, don't get irritated I was just a bit absorbed in the work"

To which Alexis says "Fine..." and takes her hand back and Noah closes his lap after saving his work.

Castle seeing all this just smiles at the banter shared between siblings, but then notices a cup of coffee sitting in the espresso machine. So he asks "Is this...?"

Alexis replies "Cream, two sugars."

Castle asks picking up the coffee "Thanks. Style Section. Anything I need to know?

Alexis replies "The '70s are back."

Castle comments "Hmm. They're like the Highlander, they just won't die. "

[Martha enters]

Castle seeing his mother says "Morning, Mother. You're dressed early."

Martha "Ah, I have class."

Castle taking a jab says "I believe that's a matter of some debate."

Martha replies " Ahh look at that my son cracking jokes... funny man. Look, it-- it's not that I don't appreciate everything you've done, but a girl has to stand on her own two feet."

Noah curious asks "What's the class?"

-------------------------------- Simultaneously-----------------------------------------------

[EXT NEW YORK - Several people are standing in the streets, looking at the newest 'Gossip Girl' entry on their cell phones]

Gossip Girl (Voice Over): Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. Sure, they're BFFs but we always thought Blair's boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena.


We see Blair looking at a new text message: 'Serena is Back!!', she leaves the bathroom and rejoins a party, her mother, Eleanor, is talking to a friend

We hear Eleanor talking to her friend " ...I have to design a dress for this woman."

Eleanor turns to Blair and says to her "Blair, if you're gonna to wear one of my designs tell me about it so we can at least get it properly fitted."

Blair looks down at her outfit and grimaces at the slight jab at her weight, but doesn't let her mother know it and says "Thanks, mom. I will keep that in mind. Great party."

Eleanor turns back to her friend to continue their conversation... and says to her "She is my best advertisement."


Martha replies "Introduction to Life Coaching. It's-- it's always been my desire to make a difference, whether on the stage or off. And I have had cards made. Ha-ha."

She presents it to Noah, who after reading it smiles looks at Castle then passes it to him. Castle reads it, looks to Martha, and says "That's my ID... It says here, I'm your client."

Martha counters "Well, of course you are. Haven't I been telling you what to do your whole life?" saying this she breezes out of the room. Castle is too dumbstruck to respond and moves to the fridge.

Alexis "Oh, uh, Dad, Julie Schmidt's father's back in rehab, so a spot opened up to chaperone the D.C. trip."

Castle looking in the fridge says "Where is the... How did you know Julia's dad was back in rehab?"

Alexis replies "Must be a wired-teen-hyper-nano thing. So what do you say?"

Castle replies "Sorry, kiddo, but uh, with you away, my chaperoning needs reside here. Or are you forgetting what happened the last time we left her alone?

Noah comes to her defense and says "She just had a few friends over so what? Plus I am here for your chaperoning needs."

Castle says "There were lime shards embedded in the walls."

Noah says "It was Cinco de Mayo."

Alexis with conviction goes "Exactly"

Noah says seeing this conversation go nowhere "Anyway let's go we can discuss this later or else we will be late to arrive for the gathering at Waldorff Residence"

Castle's cell rings. Hearing this Castle like a little kid excitedly says "I don't think I will be able to make it, Noah" and answers the call in a way only Castle can "I hear dead people!

(picks up) Who was murdered, and was it gruesome?"

Castle ends the call by saying " Sure I will be there"

Noah asks "Where is it?" Castle replies "Central Park" 

Noah says "It's on the way I'll drop you ... let's go Sis."
