
Reincarnated Into A Tree

"I like books” *** Jun Lee, age 17 lived a somewhat sad but peaceful life. He lived with his Aunty for his mother and father had both passed away. Jun never really wanted more out of his life, being content with books rather than exams or even people, he rather escape reality. One day however after dropping his Mother’s last wishes by accident he notices a little girl just next to him. Her body, the car and his body just seemed to move in a blur as the last thing he remembered was pushing the girl to safety. *** *Qualifications met*

JK_Maternity_ · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
7 Chs


'It's nice here, calming, peaceful, I don't want to ever wake up'

"Jun! Wake up!"

'What?!' Getting up Jun looked around confused, where and how he got to where he was, was confusing?

"Jun we need to run now!" Grabbing his arm the woman pulled him along in a hurry as her other hand casted a frozen spell on the oncoming attackers.

Everything was happening so fast that the world around Jun became that of a blur until one main scene where the woman laid in front of him. It wasn't the nice kind of day of rest but rather it was her death bed.

"Ju-n you can't s-stay he-er- they wan..t your pow…er- so run…!" Jun not understanding suddenly got up to his feet and ran away from her bloodied body as she smile slightly casting her last spell.


Waking up, Jun was still underwater, his body was still that of a tree. After the woman that had been the God of the Ocean had given him sight and more. Jun however now accepted in a new way had been having weird visions.

"Tree God? What is wrong?" Spoke a water nymph, it had been sometime passing since Jun had now become the soul protector of the Ocean himself as a tree. It was funny and rather sad when he found out his new form as a tree when in his mind he still looked the same before his death.

He was unsure of how long time had passed for the most part but with the help of the water nymphs it became easier to rely upon them for information.

'I'm okay, I just had a strange dream?' Jun replied to the water nymph as the nymph sat on the closet branch to Jun's centre.

"A dream? Is this the same one you've been having since 50 years ago when you were asked to become the God of the Ocean?" Yes it had been that long, Jun had developed far in the terms of wisdom, as a being who's lived past 500 years old. He might as well say he was a very prune and grumpy old man- if he had an actual body. "Do you know the young woman you see? Does she maybe have a soul connection to you?" The nymph asked him as Jun walked around within his soul in thought.

'Every-time I see her I'm human…'Jun spoke in an almost sad way as the Nymph seemed to feel Jun's sadness. 'Is it even possible for me to have a human form?' Jun questioned the water nymph as she thought hard about it herself on his branch.

"Wait!" Getting up, her wings fluttered under the water smoothly as she glided down to Jun's roots and then found a small entry point. "Come on!" She grunted as she pushed her small body through the roots making Jun shiver at the weird feeling.

'What the hell are you doing!?' He surprise yelped, as the water nymph saw it.

"There had to be a way you could turn human because the god before you could too" when Jun thought about the God before him, he remembered her warmth and light that saved him from the darkness within his soul.

'So how do I?' Jun asked as the Nymph touch a giant pearl like ball that was under the base of all Jun's roots.

"If my memory serves me correct after my rebirth, this pearl like ball under your roots is the base of you birth. This was once the seed you were before you grew and became a tree God." Jun could feel it, the vibration of what she was talking about. "You just have to get your soul which is based in the heart of your tree form down to the pearl to be reborn. Don't worry about this form as much though" she said while touching a root coming directly out of the pearl. "You will still be the tree only some of your magic will be separated to make your human form. So in short, you'll be splitting your main form in half, so you'll feel everything you do now in this form but also everything in your new form"

'Are there any side effects?' Jun wondered as the water nymph looked a little sheepish.

"I'm still trying to figure that one out, my memory is still a little off" she sighed as Jun sat in his soul layer weighing his pros and cons. He wanted to figure out the vision and more but it wasn't getting far being in one spot. 'What if she is already dead?' He'd had the vision for over 50years after all, the woman could have already been buried six feet under.

"Well I guess there is that but didn't you want to explore this word? You spoke of it 30 years ago that you wanted to be better than your past life" as a water nymph they were reborn every so often but retained most if not all their memories. They were direct ancestors called upon by humans to make pacts and give some of their magic away to them upon their requests being fulfilled. The water nymph that stayed by Jun was over 1000 years old which made Jun feel less of an old man but not by much.

"Even though I don't recall the side effect of this all, the nymphs will protect your main body encase of anything that happens tree God" Nymphs were very powerful and grew in power the older they were, the water nymph here was named Talia by the former God and was one of the oldest. "With that being said, would you like to try it?"

Did he? Would he really want to see the new world he was reincarnated in? Thinking about it some more he finally gave in. 'Fine whatever, let's do this'

"This is a very delicate process Tree God, the nymphs will have to aid you since this is your first time" Talia said as she had gather 6 other Nymphs that surrounded the main centre of Jun's form. Each of them had pressed their hands firmly on the bark as Talia placed her hands on the pearl. "The nymphs and I will constantly infuse magic into you centre so you can move your soul through it in ease. Don't worry too much about everyone else and focus on the path of energy you feel" her directions were simple as Jun concentrated while the nymphs on Talia's command started to pour pure magic through Jun's centre.

Immediately Jun felt them, their energy, the pathway to the pearl under his roots. Breathing in and out slowly, Jun felt ever end and beginning of his branches, felt the energy of his power and soul with the blessed signature of God over it. Through his concentration Jun pushed his soul through the maze pathway, the follow was consistent but still hard to follow as the nymphs used more forced.

"Just a little more tree God, you are close" Jun amongst the flow of magic would of laughed at Talia considering he had asked her many times to call him Jun. However now wasn't the time as he felt the dip in his main centre as he pushed his soul further down before landing into the pearl below. "Yes! Alright! Now you just have to use your magic and fuse yourself a form to your liking" Talia spoke as she let go of the pearl and watched many colours move around inside the orb. No matter the God's she served the sight of birth of a God's mortal form was always a breath taking sight.

The bright light poured out from underneath Jun's roots as the pearl slowly pushed out limb after limb of the new form Jun would take to the world above.