
Reincarnated into a magical realm

seth has special powers and can see his stats, abilities, and experience levels like in a video game.

writersAtHeart · Thành thị
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: A Mysterious Ally

Alex left Eldoria with a sense of urgency, the ancient tome safely packed in his bag and Professor Lian's translations swirling in his mind. The knowledge of impending disturbances and the awakening of dark forces drove him forward. He needed to warn Greengrove and prepare for the challenges ahead.

The journey back was uneventful at first, but as he reached the forest near Greengrove, Alex sensed something was amiss. The forest was unusually quiet, and a thick fog had rolled in, reducing visibility. He activated his Stealth skill, moving silently through the underbrush, every sense on high alert.

Environment: Forest

Threat Level: Moderate

Creatures Detected: Unknown

He slowed his pace, carefully scanning the area. Suddenly, he heard faint whispers, like the murmuring of voices carried on the wind. Following the sound, he soon found himself at the edge of a clearing where he saw a figure cloaked in dark robes, standing over a glowing sigil etched into the ground.

"Analyze," Alex whispered, focusing on the figure.

Character: Unknown Mage

Level: 10

Health: 300/300

Skills: Dark Magic, Summoning, Enchantment

Threat Level: High

The mage was chanting in an ancient language, and the air crackled with dark energy. Alex knew he couldn't face this foe alone. He slowly backed away, planning to return with reinforcements, when he stepped on a dry twig. The snap echoed through the forest, and the mage's head snapped up, eyes glowing ominously.

"Who goes there?" the mage demanded, his voice echoing unnaturally.

Knowing he had been spotted, Alex had no choice but to confront the mage. He stepped into the clearing, drawing his training sword. "Who are you, and what are you doing here?"

The mage sneered. "I am merely preparing for the events to come, events that will change this world forever. You are but a mere inconvenience."

Before Alex could respond, the mage raised his hands, and shadows began to coalesce into a menacing form—a creature of pure darkness. Alex knew he had to act fast.

"Analyze," he whispered again, focusing on the creature.

Creature: Shadow Wraith

Level: 8

Health: 200/200

Weakness: Light, Holy Magic

The Shadow Wraith lunged at Alex, its claws slashing through the air. Alex dodged and counterattacked, his sword striking the creature's ethereal form with little effect. He realized he needed a different strategy.

Remembering the pendant of vitality he found in the cave, he grabbed it and held it up, hoping its magical properties might help. To his surprise, the pendant began to glow brightly, emitting a warm, golden light. The Shadow Wraith shrieked and recoiled, weakened by the light.

Seizing the opportunity, Alex pressed the attack, his strikes now more effective. The wraith dissipated into mist with a final, anguished howl. The mage snarled in frustration and began to cast another spell, but before he could finish, an arrow whizzed through the air, striking him in the shoulder and breaking his concentration.

Startled, Alex turned to see a figure stepping out from the trees, a bow in hand. It was a young woman with sharp features and piercing green eyes, dressed in light armor and a forest-green cloak.

"Need a hand?" she asked, nocking another arrow.

"Definitely," Alex replied, grateful for the unexpected help.

The mage, now wounded and outnumbered, glared at them both. "This isn't over," he hissed, before disappearing in a swirl of dark energy.

Alex and the woman lowered their weapons, the immediate threat gone. "Thank you for the help," Alex said, catching his breath. "Who are you?"

"I'm Lyra," she replied, giving him a brief nod. "I've been tracking that mage for days. He's part of a dark cult that's been causing trouble in these parts."

Alex introduced himself and quickly explained the situation with the ancient tome and the disturbances near Greengrove. Lyra listened intently, her expression serious.

"It sounds like we're dealing with something much bigger than just one rogue mage," she said. "I've heard rumors of dark forces gathering, and if what you say is true, we need to act fast."

Alex agreed. "We should head back to Greengrove and warn the others. Master Wu and the villagers need to know what's happening."

As they made their way back to Greengrove, Alex couldn't shake the feeling that their paths had crossed for a reason. With Lyra's skills and knowledge, they stood a better chance of uncovering the truth and defending their home.

When they arrived in Greengrove, the village was abuzz with activity. News of Alex's discovery had already spread, and a crowd had gathered near the center of the village. Master Wu stood at the forefront, discussing matters with the village elders.

"Master Wu," Alex called out, approaching the group with Lyra at his side. "We need to talk."

Master Wu's expression turned serious as he listened to Alex's account of the mage, the Shadow Wraith, and the ancient tome. Lyra corroborated his story, adding her own insights about the dark cult.

"We must prepare," Master Wu said gravely. "If these disturbances are connected to a larger threat, we need to be ready to defend the village."

The elders nodded in agreement, and plans were quickly made to fortify Greengrove and train more villagers in combat and defense. Alex and Lyra were tasked with scouting the surrounding areas for any signs of further activity from the dark cult.

As night fell, Alex felt a mix of exhaustion and determination. The road ahead was uncertain, but with allies like Lyra and the support of his fellow villagers, he knew they had a fighting chance.

In the quiet of his room, Alex reviewed his status window, noting his progress and the new skills he had acquired. He had come a long way since his arrival in this world.