
Reincarnated in the world of Wednesday as a Voidwhisper

An ordinary guy finds himself reincarnated into the peculiar world of Wednesday Addams, armed with his knowledge and some gifts. Join him on an unusual journey filled with odd adventures in this light-hearted tale. Writing just for fun. Artwork is not mine. If the creator contacts me, I will either post their name or remove it.

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18 Chs


While I am closely staring at Enid's ass, I suddenly feel someone's knees hitting me. Glancing over, I realize it's Olivia, who was engaged in conversation with Enid. Could she have noticed me looking and hit me to divert my gaze?

Watching her from the side, she pats her thighs – does that signal she wants my hand there? I place my hand on her thighs, but she appears to grow frustrated while continuing her conversation with Enid. Without warning, she delicately places her hand on top of mine, her fingers gently intertwining with mine, and she guides our entwined hands down to rest on her skirt, directly beneath her pussy. 

My face becomes crimson at the unfolding of the event, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment. However, she seems to smile happily, her eyes holding a subtle hint of teasing as she continues talking with Enid.

Oh, you're teasing me? Well, I'll happily play along. Playfully, I press where I believe her clitoris is. As she animatedly shares her thoughts with Enid, sudden spasms overcome her, making her speech momentarily falter. "I know, right? My nails are bec-*oouuuhmmm*." The unexpected interruption leaves her face flushed in embarrassment.

Concern etches across Enid's face as she watches her friend, quickly asking, "Are you feeling well?" With misty eyes, she glances at Enid and manages to respond, "Y-yeah, it was just a sudden stomach-ache." 

The break passed while I teased Olivia pussy, sometime flickering or stroking or even just piercing lightly her hole with skirt and panties. It's a curious and soft sensation beneath my touch, accentuated by the fabric between us. I could even, with all the clothes between us, trace the contours of her slit delicately, savouring the subtle moment.

She made a valiant effort to engage in a normal conversation with Enid, but spasms and groans persisted throughout, leaving Enid watching her with concern, thinking she might be experiencing stomach pain. Honestly, I expected her to remove my hands from her crotch at some point, but she continued to keep our hands intertwined and encouraged me to do what I want.

I never expected that this seemingly shy and submissive girl had such a naughty side. I find myself falling deeply in love with her…

Before the break finishes, Enid exits the class, leaving us behind. Olivia slumps onto the desk, trembling the entire time. I approach her and whisper provocatively, "This is what you get for teasing me. Did you enjoy it?"

She gives me a sidelong glance and extends her legs beyond the cover of the desk. I notice an obvious wet spot on her skirt, near her panties. I watched with pride at how much pleasure I brought her with just my fingers, but also felt a twinge of concern about how she would manage the rest of the class with wet panties and a wet skirt. She seems to sense my worries and smiles, "I don't mind being bullied by you. You can bully me to your heart's content." Hearing this sentence, I feel my blood rush to my face. This isn't a shy girl; she's a succubus!

I clear my throat, breaking the brief silence that followed our playful exchange. "How will I bully you if you can't even handle my fingers?" She responds with a shy smile, a playful glint in her eyes as she innocently says, " You'll have to train me a bit harder."

As her words linger in the air, I find myself watching her absentmindedly, caught in the moment. The atmosphere shifts when, almost unintentionally, I confess, "I think I have fallen for you....." After the admission, her cheeks flush a deep shade of red, and she hides her head in response. It dawns on me that I've just made a sincere confession, and surprisingly, I don't mind at all—having her as my girlfriend seems like a delightful prospect.

After the break, we endured more tedious classes. I refrained from doing anything more, giving her the space she needed to contemplate my words. I patiently waited for the moment when she felt ready to respond.

The bell rings again, signaling a break, and I make my way to grab a bite. As usual, Olivia follows closely behind me, her cheeks adorned with a delicate blush, and her legs tremble ever so slightly. Thankfully, the wet spot isn't visible anymore.

Before entering the canteen, I was intercepted by none other than Bianca, the academy's most popular girl. I have no particular interest in her, not due to any racial bias, but simply because I don't find anything remarkable about her. She is bald, her facial features are unremarkable, and her only saving grace seems to be her charming aura, possibly owing to her being a siren.

"What do you want? If it's for a date or to join some peculiar clubs, the answer is no."

She responded with disdain, "How narcissist can you be? Just because other girls fall at your feet, you assume everyone is interested in you? I only want to warn you that someone is using you and indirectly harming my position."

"Do you think I care? Bye."

I was well aware that someone was using me as a pawn. I'm not an innocent or naive character. My suspicions grew when the rumors started circulating, but I initially dismissed them as typical teenage gossip. It was the incident with the teenager who assaulted me that raised my suspicions. His eyes revealed a genuine belief that Olivia was my hostage. While teenagers may not always consider consequences, offending someone popular and falling into disfavor isn't something most would do without a motive.

My suspicions deepened, prompting me to take the matter seriously and observe my surroundings. I don't like leaving problems unresolved, as they tend to escalate, leading to more drama.

Initially, I suspected someone was jealous of me or wanted to create a scenario where I owed them, giving them leverage over me. However, I dismissed this idea; after all, we are talking about teenagers, and most don't think that deeply, right?

So, I brainstormed and came up with a plausible explanation.

"I'm not hungry anymore; I'll go take a stroll to the lake."

And so, I walked outside of school, heading to the lake. Naturally, Olivia followed me like an obedient maid.




Author Note:

Some people asked me to post an image of Olivia that looks real...so please send me pictures of women with purple hair. Thanks :)

(If you post pictures of actresses or influencers, it would be nice to include their Instagram names so they can gain some followers.)


Wednesday Addams (Instagram: jennaortega)

Enid Sinclair (Instagram: ememyres)

See you Monday