
Reincarnated in the world of Shinobi

In a world of swirling possibilities and ancient mysteries, the life of a young man named Daichi came to an abrupt end . He was an ordinary individual in the modern world, leading a quiet and unremarkable life. Fate, however, had other plans in store for him.Guided by a mystical Sign-In System,Daichi realizes that he has been granted a unique opportunity to become the strongest being.

FbiAgent · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

Chapter 5: Dreams and Shadows

One day, while they were sitting under the shade of a large tree after a training session, Daichi mustered up the courage to ask a question that had been lingering in his mind for a while. "Itana,why do you train alone most of the time? Don't you have friends your age?"

Itana's expression softened, and she gazed at the distant horizon. "I do have friends, but sometimes the path we walk is a lonely one. As an Uchiha, there are responsibilities and expectations placed upon me that others may not fully understand. And besides, solitude can be a friend in itself. It gives me time to reflect and meditate."

Daichi nodded, sensing the weight of her words. Despite his young age, he could relate to the feeling of being different from others. After all, he carried the secret of the Sign-In System, something he dared not share with anyone, not even Itana.

"Daichi," Itana said, turning her attention back to her, "I can see that you possess great potential. Remember, strength comes not only from power but also from the bonds you forge with those you care about. Cherish your loved ones, for they will be your source of strength when the path gets tough."

Her words resonated with Daichi, and he couldn't help but admire Itana even more. She was not only a skilled ninja but also someone who understood the importance of human connections.

"So, Daichi, what do you want to achieve in the future?" she asked, curious about his aspirations.

Daichi's eyes sparkled with determination as he replied, "I want to become the strongest being in the village! I'll protect all my loved ones and be a hero!"

Itana smiled warmly at his enthusiasm, but then Daichi's comedic side kicked in, and he added with a playful grin, "Oh, and you know, I also want a harem! Just like in those wild stories we hear sometimes!"

Itana couldn't help but chuckle at his unexpected response. "A harem, huh? You sure have some big dreams, Daichi."

He shrugged, still smiling mischievously. "Hey, what can I say? I've got to aim high, right?"

Itana ruffled his hair affectionately. "You're a unique one, that's for sure. Just remember to focus on becoming a strong ninja first, and maybe the rest will follow in due time."

Daichi nodded, taking her advice to heart. "Don't worry, Itana. I'll work hard and make you and my mother proud. You'll see!"

Like this he continued to train jutsu together with itana.He also devoted time to honing his taijutsu skills with his mother.His natural agility and quick reflexes made him a formidable opponent in close combat.His mother was very happy how impressive his son was.

Two years passed, and Daichi turned seven years old. His dedication to training and his unwavering spirit had not waned in the slightest. He had grown taller and stronger, his once-round face now showing the signs of a young ninja in the making.

During this time, Daichi had continued to work on his chakra control and had learned to perform basic ninjutsu with ease. He could create shadow clones and had even started to experiment with elemental chakra, thanks to the guidance of Itana and his mother. But his favorite part of training was still taijutsu, where he excelled remarkably.

On his sixth birthday he recieved an inventory with unlimited storage capacity.The inventory had the ability to store various items, and it was a valuable tool for any ninja. Daichi was thrilled with the gift and immediately began experimenting with it, storing all kinds of training gear and scrolls.

On his seventh birthday he received a scroll as a sign in reward.Curious, he picked it up and unrolled it.To his amazement, the scroll contained a special sign-in reward for his dedication to taijutsu. The reward was a unique taijutsu technique known as the "Dancing Shadow Fist." It was a technique developed by an ancient taijutsu master and was said to grant its user incredible speed and agility in combat.

Eager to learn the new technique, Daichi wasted no time in practicing it. He found a secluded spot under the same large tree where he used to sit with Itana, and he began to imitate the movements described in the scroll. At first, his attempts were clumsy, but with persistence and focus, he started to grasp the essence of the Dancing Shadow Fist.

Under the moonlight, Daichi practiced diligently, day after day, letting the technique become a part of him.As days turned into weeks, Daichi's mastery of the Dancing Shadow Fist grew, and he began to incorporate it into his sparring sessions with his mom and Itana.They were impressed by his progress and praised his dedication to mastering the art of taijutsu.

It was as if the shadows themselves were guiding him, and his body seemed to flow effortlessly with each motion. The Dancing Shadow Fist harmonized perfectly with his agile nature, and soon, he was executing it with incredible speed and precision.