
Reincarnated in the world of Shinobi

In a world of swirling possibilities and ancient mysteries, the life of a young man named Daichi came to an abrupt end . He was an ordinary individual in the modern world, leading a quiet and unremarkable life. Fate, however, had other plans in store for him.Guided by a mystical Sign-In System,Daichi realizes that he has been granted a unique opportunity to become the strongest being.

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11 Chs

Chapter 11: Clash with the Demon of the Hidden Mist

The boat sailed smoothly through the waters, carrying Team 7, Kana, and Tazuna towards the Land of Waves. The journey had been uneventful so far, and the team was cautiously optimistic about the mission ahead. As they disembarked and began their walk towards the construction site, little did they know that a formidable adversary was already lurking in the shadows.

Unbeknownst to them,a notorious Demon of the Hidden Mist, was watching their every move from the cover of the dense trees.Zabuza had a reputation that sent chills down the spines of even seasoned shinobi. His presence in the Land of Waves could only mean trouble, and he had his sights set on the group approaching him.

As Team 7 and their companions made their way along the path, Zabuza seized the opportunity to strike. With a swift and deadly throw, he launched one of his massive swords directly at them. But before the sword could reach its target, Kana's eyes spotted the spinning greatsword hurtling towards them. Her instincts kicked in, and she immediately shouted a warning to the others.

"Get down!" Kana's voice rang out with urgency.

Daichi,ever vigilant and quick to react, took charge. In one fluid motion, he pushed Satsuki,Naruko,and Sakura down to the ground with him to evade the incoming attack.

The greatsword struck the tree with a tremendous force and stuck on it.A figure emerged from the dust and debris,standing effortlessly on the blade of the sword.It was Zabuza Momochi himself, a cold and calculated expression on his face.

Kana glared at Zabuza with unwavering determination. "Well, well, if it isn't the Hidden Mist's demon, Zabuza-kun," she said, her voice carrying an air of confidence mixed with caution.

Zabuza's eyes narrowed as he recognized Kana. "Ah, the famed copy ninja from the Hidden Leaf," he remarked, his tone laced with a hint of amusment."Sorry but the old man is mine."

Tazuna, who had been startled by the sudden attack, now stood behind Kana, trembling with fear and anxiety. "K-Kana-sensei, who is this man?" he asked, feeling the tension in the air.

Kana glanced back at Tazuna, her eyes softening for a moment. "He's Zabuza Momochi, a dangerous missing-nin from the Hidden Mist Village," she explained, her voice calm yet cautious. "He's an expert in silent assassinations and water-style jutsu. We must be careful."

"It will be a little tough until I do this."Kana said while removing her headband which was covering her sharingan with tomoe.Her face filled with a serious expression.

Kana's Sharingan eyes were now fully revealed, and her intense gaze never left Zabuza. The three tomoe in her Sharingan swirled with power, a testament to her formidable abilities as a skilled Uchiha.

Satsuki, who had been witnessing the scene, couldn't believe her eyes. The sight of the Sharingan left her in shock.Sharingan was a legendary bloodline trait of the Uchiha clan, Her mind raced with questions, wondering how Kana had acquired such a rare and powerful eye.

Daichi inwardly reading that how the Sharingan Kana possessed was a gift from her former comrade,someone she had lost in the past. He knew the pain and sacrifice that came with possessing the Sharingan, and his heart went out to his sensei.

Naruko, not one to hold back her curiosity,asked, "What is the Sharingan? I've heard about it, but I don't really understand what it does."

Satsuki, regaining her composure, took a breath and began to explain. "The Sharingan is a special eye ability unique to the Uchiha clan," she started. "It grants the user incredible visual prowess, allowing them to perceive movements and predict their opponent's next actions. Some Uchiha can even copy and mimic the jutsu of their opponents."

Satsuki continued, "However, the Sharingan is not something that everyone in the Uchiha clan possesses. It's a physical condition that only appears in a selective few members of the clan. Those who awaken the Sharingan often experience intense emotions or traumatic events."

Zabuza, though menacing, seemed intrigued by the sight of sharingan"Ah...I already get to see the famous sharingan...I am honoured "he remarked, a wicked smile crossing his face.

Kana's eyes narrowed, and she entered a defensive stance. "We're not here to entertain you, Zabuza," she retorted sharply. "We have a mission to protect Tazuna, and we won't let you get in our way."

Zabuza chuckled darkly, the sound sending shivers down the spines of Team 7. "Very well then, let's see if that Sharingan lives up to its reputation," he said, charging towards them with blinding speed.

The battle was about to escalate into a dangerous confrontation, with the lives of Tazuna and the future of the Land of Waves hanging in the balance.Tam 7, Kana, and Tazuna steeled themselves for the fight ahead, knowing that the path to victory would be paved with challenges and sacrifices. But they were determined to protect their client and complete their mission, no matter the cost.