
Reincarnated in the Nakano Family with Sign-in System

An otaku named Irfan died when he was hit by a Truk-kun after watching the movie Gotoubun no Hanayome in theaters. Just when he thought it was the end, he was born as a baby with a Sign-in System. Not only was he reborn, he also had quintuplet sisters! Follow the protagonist’s journey through his daily life! At least he thought he was born into the everyday world. [Note : Saturday and Sunday are off]

Takamiya_Shin · Tranh châm biếm
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370 Chs

Akira's Worries

Time flies constantly, and before you know it, it's already the weekend.

Saturday at 7.30 a.m.

In Akira's room.

Akira sleeps wearing only knee-length shorts, while hugging Dakimakura with a picture of his waifu, namely Celia Claire.

He slept very soundly because for the past few days he had insomnia.

Besides Hajime Tanaka's nightmares that haunt him, Akira must also think of countermeasures to face the members of the Super Dimensional Guild, who will kill him after his birthday.

Luckily for him, today he didn't have any nightmares and was able to sleep soundly.

The bedroom door was pushed open, and then a young girl with long hair, who was decorated with bows in her hair, walked into the room.

With those butterfly accessories, who else if not Nino?

"This room is so messy... It's not that different from Ichika's room. Well, what can I do, After all, Akira is also a boy, and it's normal for boy's rooms to be messy."

Nino saw that his little brother's room was a mess, and didn't blame Akira.

The floor was littered with clothes, pants, video game cassettes, joysticks, etc. This room looks like it just had an earthquake.

Nino stepped carefully so as not to step on things on the floor, arrived in front of the window, she pulled the curtains aside, so that the morning sun flooded the room.

"Uhhh~ So dazzling..."

Akira's forehead wrinkled slightly, but his eyelids didn't open, and he turned to face the wall.

"Akira's lazy nature is increasingly similar to Ichika's... No, I can't let Akira get infected with Ichika's laziness!"

Not wanting his little brother to become lazy in the future, Nino approached his little brother, and gently shook his body.

"It's already morning, time to wake up Akira."

"It's the weekend, let me sleep, Nino-Nee."

Without needing to open his eyes, Akira guessed his older sister's identity based on her speaking style.

"Precisely because it's the weekend, you can't just sleep all day. Hurry up and have breakfast. If you don't wake up, Itsuki will finish all his breakfast later."

Nino doesn't give up, and she uses Itsuki's name to scare Akira.

"Itsuki-Nee will be angry to hear that." Akira reluctantly got up.

"Hmph! As long as Itsuki doesn't find out, there's no problem." Nino put his hands in front of his chest and hummed proudly.

When Nino saw Akira sitting up while wiping his eyes, her pretty face turned red in the blink of an eye.

Although this was not the first time she had seen his little brother's body, but comparing then and now, it was already very different.


Nino subconsciously gulped looking at the muscles forming on Akira's body, and she subconsciously reached out her hand to touch his little brother's abdominal muscles.

"Nino-Nee, are you satisfied?" Asked Akira seeing his big sister's behavior.

"Aaah… What am I doing."

Nino hastily pulled his hand from his little brother's stomach, his face turned bright red, and she was very embarrassed by his unconscious actions.

"I went out first."

Without waiting for Akira's response, Nino walked out of the room, as if leaving the wolf's den.

"It turns out that not only men are perverts, women are perverts too. Now I believe the article is real."

Akira recalled the scientific research he had read about [Women Are More Passionate Than Men].

Men are considered normal if they talk more about sex and wild intimate activities. But is it true that men have greater sexual desire than women?

Recent studies reveal, women have a more passionate sexual drive than men.

The results of a survey of 1,000 long-term couples from five different countries with a time range of one to 51 years found that men crave more simple things like hugs and kisses.

"If Nino-Nee has a high sexual drive, doesn't that mean the others do too?" A thought appeared in Akira's mind.

Rising, Akira picked up the black t-shirt on the floor and put it on. Then, approaching the window to let the morning sun shine on him, he did some light body stretches.

"Hmmm... This is an interesting problem, they have the same physical size and have the same figure, meaning their sexual desires are also the same, right?"

Akira was talking to himself.

"Forget it, it's a matter for their future husbands to satisfy their high sexual desires, this has nothing to do with me."

No longer thinking about this, after stretching, he grabbed a towel and headed to the bathroom.


Men's bath time is much faster than women's. After about 10 minutes, Akira finished taking a shower, got dressed, and headed to the dining room.

On weekends, everyone in the Nakano Family is not required to have breakfast together.

Passing the living room, Akira greeted his big sister, who was watching TV on the couch.

"Good morning, Nino-Nee, Miku-Nee, Yotsuba-Nee, and Itsuki-Nee."

"Good morning, Akira."

Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, and Itsuki returned Akira's greeting.

"By the way, where is Ichika-Nee?" Akira asked not seeing Ichika's figure.

"Ichika is still sleeping in her room." Miku replied.

"Huh, on weekends, Ichika wakes up at 10 in the morning at the earliest." Nino snorted.

"Is breakfast still left for me?" Akira asked and his gaze subconsciously fell on Itsuki.

Noticing his little brother's strange look, Itsuki puffed out his cheeks and said annoyedly:

"Why did Akira look at me like that when asking that, it made me angry."

"Because Akira was worried, you ate all breakfast without sparing him." Miku explained the meaning of Akira's gaze.

"W-What! I'm not greedy, am I? Yotsuba?"

Itsuki looked at Yotsuba with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Ahahaha... Your breakfast is still warm, hurry up and eat it before it gets cold."

Yotsuba laughed awkwardly, and changed the subject.

"You all bullied me!"

Seeing that Yotsuba wasn't denying herself being greedy, Itsuki pouted and looked away.

Leaving the living room, Akira headed for the kitchen.

In the kitchen, Rena was washing dishes when, hearing footsteps, she looked back.

"Good morning, Akira. You don't usually wake up late on weekends." Rena had a soft smile on her face.

"Good morning, Mom..."

Akira hugged Rena from behind, he could smell the natural lavender scent from his mother.

"Did something happen at school?" Rena stopped washing the dishes and asked worriedly.

It's not usually that her son is spoiled like this, but Rena is worried that Akira is being bullied at school.

"Nnn... My school life is going well, I suddenly want to hug mom." Akira spoke in a firm tone and hid his anxiety.

To be honest, Akira was afraid of facing Super Dimensional Guild members, he didn't know who or how strong the other party was that was coming to kill him.

Although the Myriad Anime Sign-in System hides his strongest ability, [Gift : Last Future Embryo], the problem is that he hasn't fully mastered this Gift yet!

The system only allowed him to use the basic abilities provided by the system, and he himself had to explore the potential of those abilities.

For example, the trump card of [Gift : Last Future Embryo] was the [Aurora Pillar], which was described as capable of destroying all the stars in the sky, but Akira couldn't use it at all!

That's why Akira experiences insomnia caused by excessive worry and anxiety.

"Everything will be fine, I believe Akira can solve the problems facing you."

Rena turned around, and gave her son a warm hug.

As a mother, even though Akira tries to look normal, Rena still feels something odd.

"I hope so..." Akira said, burying his face in his mother's chest.

Rena rubbed her son's hair gently, since her son didn't want to tell her, she wouldn't ask.

She believed Akira could solve the problem that was bothering him.

"Until when are you going to hug mother, aren't you ashamed to be seen by your big sister?" Rena whispered in Akira's ear.

Hearing that, Akira turned his head to the side, it turned out that Nino, Miku, Yotsuba, Itsuki, and even Ichika, who should still be sleeping, were peeking behind the door.

Akira hastily let go of his mother's embrace, his face slightly reddening. He didn't have thick skin like the shameless protagonists of China novels after all.

"I want to eat first."

After saying that, Akira sat down at the dining table, and ate the breakfast that had been served on the table.

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