

How does the saying go? Old habits die hard? Well I'm feeling that very much right now. I'm not sure what I expected that just because I was in a new world my sleep schedule would instantly be fixed. Here I was at 4 am typing on the interface leveling up my Pokémon. Swinub or rather… Mamoswine, yep you heard right, is now level 38.

Swinub evolves at 33, so then I taught him ancient power and leveled him up once more to evolve him from Piloswine to Mamoswine. I haven't even brought him out yet… I guess I'll have to remedy that, maybe I can ride on his back or something. According to the Pokédex he is 9 feet tall, so that should give me plenty of space. Maybe I'll have someone build me a saddle or something.

Anyway that's not the only Pokémon to face the rapid fire level up. You see I'm not sure if it's considered OCD or not, but I love to keep all my Pokémon at the same level if I can. So after evolving him to Mamoswine I got him to level 38 with Tsareena.

Beedrill followed being only one level away, then Staravia and Cranidos. Meaning I know had a level 38 Staraptor, and a level 38 Rampardos. I was working on Deino and got her to level 35 before finally passing out. I wish I could say that was the extent to my degeneracy, but I would be lying if I said I didn't catch anymore Pokémon.

I'll be completely honest, I caught a lot. In my defense I went to my room at only 7:30 not realizing it was still so early. So I had from 7:30 pm to 4am to just spam levels on Pokémon and catch them as well. Let me bring up the list, that would be easiest.

[p!Pokémon last 15

1: Trapinch 30

2: Grotle 31

3: Larvitar 22

4: Zubat 22

5: Gurdurr 32

6: Ducklett 13

7: Makuhita 29

8: Machop 24

9: Simipour 38

10: Drapion 5

11: Rhyperior 7

12: Boltund 37

13: Eevee 21

14: Golett 16

15: Axew 34]



I know I know. And no the info by Drapion and Rhyperior aren't wrong, they are actually level 5 and 7 respectively. Obviously there are a few on there that caught my eye, so I set up the rest in the auctions.

I kept: Trapinch because Flygon, Grotle because Sinnoh Starter, Larvitar because Tyranitar, Makuhita because I love gen 3, Drapion looks badass, Rhyperior because why not, Eevee same as Rhyperior, Golett, and last but not least Axew.

I sold the rest for just 100 Pokécoins a piece, meaning I made a nice 600 coins that night. I converted 300 of it into real world money and with the conversion rate being 1Pokécoin=$100, I was not sitting fairly comfortably with $30,723 and I still had 400 Pokécoins.

Now that the recap is out of the way I'm currently getting dressed after taking care of my daily routine. It's 2pm as I've slept most of the day away and I'm getting a late start on my day. I should probably finally fix my sleeping schedule because I won't always be near a Pokémon Center and I don't particularly want to travel at night.

Slipping on my backpack I make my way down the stairs to find Nurse Joy behind the counter and she gives me a worried expression when she sees me.

"Oh Jaron, I'm glad to see you're alright. I was beginning to worry when you didn't come down and if you were any later I would have came and checked on you myself." Her eyes roaming my body with concern as I stood there with an apologetic smile on my lips.

"Sorry, Nurse Joy. I lost track of time last night and didn't go to bed until late and I used the rest of the morning planning out my route to Pewter city through Viridian Forest. Wouldn't want to get lost after all." This seemed to ease her concern and she sighed in contentment before another flash of worry passed.

"I wish those 2 friends of yours had the same sense. They both dashed out of here before I could give them a map or any tips about the forest. Please look after them if you come across them, you seem to be quite a skilled trainer if what I saw last night is any indication." She requests with a bow and a smile which I return.

"No worries, Nurse Joy. If I happens across them I'll steer them the right way."

After exchanging goodbyes and her giving me a packed lunch for my help I made my way out and in the direction of Viridian forest.

<Several Hours Later>

I hadn't come across Ash and Misty yet, but I had gotten Deino to level 38 and I was surprised he hadn't evolved yet. When I checked the Pokédex I couldn't believe that he doesn't evolve until level 50! And his final evolution is at 64! What a crazy Pokémon. I didn't usually use dragon types when I played Pokémon, but surely not all of them take that long.

I was now working on Charmeleon who was currently at 23 when a kid jumped through the trees only to be swatted down by an unamused Staraptor. I'm surprised the kid even attempted such a thing when I was riding atop Mamoswine. Looking closer I figured out who he was as he was wearing Samurai armor and had a sword laying beside him.

"Whoa! You're amazing, you swatted away my sneak attack like it was nothing!" The kid exclaimed as he stood up dusting off his armor.

"It wasn't me, my friend didn't like how you tried to attack me." I pointed to a tree where Staraptor could be seen preening her feathers. The samurai stared at her in wonder before shaking his head and looking up to me, finally realizing I was riding a Pokémon as he had to dodge the tusks of Mamoswine that came swinging around.

"Well I would normally say let's battle, but I can tel that I wouldn't have much of a chance against you." He said in embarrassment as he rubbed at his neck.

"Don't worry about it." I say waving him off before and idea pops in my head.

"Hey, why don't you take this Pokémon for me. It's a bug type called Scatterbug and I just don't have much expertise with bug types. In exchange could you tel me where I could find some Scythers?"

My proposal seemed to catch him off guard as he and the Scatterbug I had just released stared at each other. He seemed to debate internally before nodding.

"If Scatterbug wishes to join me and my bug Pokémon troupe then I would gladly accept him and tell you where you can find a Scyther." Scatterbug looked to me and I gave a nod, it jumped to the Samurai kid and I tossed its Pokéball while swapping ownership through the Pokédex.

"Now, about those Scythers?" I asked with a wide grin on my face.


Chap done.

Current team:

Marshtomp 18

Charmeleon 23

Beedrill 38

Staraptor 38

Sandshrew 8

Mamoswine 38

Tsareena 38

Lickitung 15

Rampardos 38

Deino 38

Trapinch 30

Grotle 31

Makuhita 29

Drapion 5

Rhyperior 7

Eevee 21

Golett 16

Axew 34

Poké coins= 400

Money= $30,723

Alright next chapter should be catching a Scyther, and I'll show some more of the system. Sorry if you guys thought this would be a slow burn, but it was inevitable for his Pokémon to level up rapidly. If anything I've been going to slow and this isn't even with an Xp boost or incense for more Pokémon to spawn.

I'm sure it's confusing to keep track of but for the most part it will be enough to know he has a lot of Pokémon. Sometimes I'll do a time skip where he sold all the Pokémon he caught to the auction and only kept specific ones.

Those 15 were the legit last 15 Pokémon I caught through the discord bot, as have all of the Pokémon I've gotten so far on here.

So far we've stuck to the timeline of the show, but I want to throw some new spins in eventually. Haven't decided on them yet, but soon hopefully.

Hope you enjoyed.

Have fun Layous putting the pics for all those Pokémon! Sorry there were so many this chapter, I appreciate your dedication.