
Chapter 5 Fight back

[A/N: Weird stuff happen a lot while I was writing this chapter. Also, I think I misspelled some name so please tell me. (Pleas tell me before I lose my sanity pleas I beg you)



It's been a while after the 'incident' and I have a lot of time to think about it.

And I have come to a conclusion: 'Why the hell did I do that?'

I think I did it because I was being too paranoid about trainers even after they approached me better than anyone I have ever encounter.

And now I have to live on with this guilt. I can't go there and say sorry too. It's not easy to sneak in either.

I tried, ended up getting chase by army of trainer. Not doing that again until I have enough strength to survive from every trainer in the city! Or something...

But the problem is I can't get stronger without practicing. Or fighting... Which I will never do! I hate getting hurt!

Unless... They cant hurt me.

Finally, I have a goal: Find a way to fight without getting hurt.


"Hello everyone! Welcome back to our channel, Riolu684. Today I will be showcasing you guys what I have learned from my training."

[A/N:I might regret writing this]

"In our last video, we talk about how I keep getting chase by trainers and uh... I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE! How am I suppose to talk to air like I am talking to a real person?"

Yeah, I am feeling lonely.


"Loneliness... Is for the weak. And I am weak..."

Or am I? After all I am only around a week old. I shouldn't be strong, right?

I wish I know more about pokemon. Speaking of Pokemon. At least I know what I am.

"Anyways! This video is sponsored by.. me"

I should stop doing that.

Anyways, I figured out how to use my aura and uh. It's somewhat automatic, when I get angry then it will start acting on its own. It's also make me angrier too.

It does sound like this world is trying to turn me into a villain.

But because of that. When I get mad, it's very easy to 'manipulate' my aura. Or It's manipulating me...

Anyways, I am hungry so let's get some...! food?

I swear I heard something just now.

I wish I am not this short so my vision won't get block by a bush.


'Damn I forgor'

I completely forget that I have aura vision. And haven't used it for a while.

I activated my aura vision by closing my eyes(It's a bad habit of mine)

"Dear God..."

I found a trainer, but that's not the point. The point here is how my vision got wider than before. Not sure how much but it's a lot.

*-Insert bush noises*

"Haha! Finally found you! Don't even try to run! I got you surrounded from every side!" The trainer said.

I look around and see a few bird pokemons and I have no clue what they are. But I am sure I see them everywhere in anime.

Oh and he got another one in the air.

'This is bad like very-'

"Just give up and let me catch you already"

"Nein!" I screamed

"Resisting eh? Pokemon are just a tool for human, don't you know that? Those trainer just refuse to accept it" He said.

Did he just treated me like an object?

"How about I send you to hell instead?"

I channel my aura through my paw and form a stick with it.

One of a tricks that I learn while training.

But I have no idea why it look like a human bone thought. It's also glowing red which doesn't look menacing at all. Sarcasm, of course.

"How did you do that? I might have never seen a riolu before. But I know that you are not suppose to do that yet."

"What kind of rule is that?"

"I don't know what you are trying to say! Pidgey, now!" He commanded.

And surprisingly they followed, by dashing at me at the same time. Unfortunately, I got the range advantage.

I spin the bone around smashing into 3 of them. But I couldn't get the one above me who is getting closer.

I can feel that it's going to dodge so I fake my swing and release the bone stick right before it dodges.

It was about to dodge so it didn't have time to recover. Not like I will let it recover.

I grab it by its neck and pin it on the ground.

I can see its struggling to break free. Slapping it's wing at me. Which unfortunately didn't work.

The terrified expression of the bird somehow make me feel happy. Make me feel strong and powerful.

The trainer notice this and quickly run toward me.

The other birds are recovering as well.

"I am not experienced when it come to fighting but I am sure it's enough to defeat all of you" I said.

Now. The trainer is reckless. Running toward me with no defense at all. He could get himself kill if I wasn't busy choking this bird.. "What am I DOING?!"

Before I could realize what's going on, the birds start coming at me again.

I look back at the suffocating bird. Which seems to have reached the limit and pass out... Just pass out... I hope.

With that, I let go of the bird and summon the bone stick again. This time summoned 2 of them.

Whack-a-trainer time!

With 2 of the bone sticks on both of my paw.

They continue to charge toward me. Are they serious or they are faking it?

Whatever, I just hit them smash them to the ground one by one.



And three!

'Quite funny how they just dash toward me like a bunch of NPC'

I send them lying on the ground except the trainer which still hasn't reached me yet.

"You are the first trainer to ever make me want to kill. No, Just want to beat the hell out of you"

After finish my 'villain monologue' I leap and smash his head with all my strength.

It split in two and blow up like watermelon.


Blood splatter everywhere. Even on my body.

I hope he survive that.

I turned toward the birds to see them looking at me with terrified face.

I saw one of them try to get up but didn't move an inch.

That when I realize I somehow hit them hard enough to make them unable to move.

But it make sense considering how the stick is longer than their body.

While 3 of them are still consciousness.

One of them is not. The fourth one that I strangled.


"Good luck surviving out there" I said before running away.

All of them are scared. Who wouldn't? A Riolu show up and strangled one of them to death. Break their bones. And then split their trainer head in two.


A few hours later.

"Where is the damn river..."

The blood on my body is dried. And it feel uncomfortable unlike when it was wet.

Pretty comfortable, cozy and warm. Uhh...


'Thank god that trainer was inexperienced despite having an actual plan to capture me'

Should I worship Arceus?


In a random house of the 'city'

In a dark room with the light off. A TV could be seen, with no one watching it despite being on.

"This one is for trainer or a civilian who would like to visit nearby forest, recently we found a a deceased body of a young man. Inside of the forest, along with what seems seems to be his team of 4 pidgey with all of them being dead. From what we know, all of the victims have been hit by a long bat or an iron bar but with one of the pigey suffocated by what something heavy pressing on its neck. It is still unknown what or who is the cause of this incident but it's not an accident"

"Oh no! I left my TV on again! My parents are going to be so mad if they find out"



End of the chapter!

Sorry if it's look too short but I am planning on releasing a long chapter for once.


Also pleas comment something, I feel like no one is there when there is no comment at all.

I hope they don't notice the chapter disappearing

Asriel_IsDreemurrcreators' thoughts