
Reincarnated in Naruto with the Blood of the Starscourge

"Fark this GAME!! All you do is enemy spam!" Levin had had enough playing his current addiction Elden ring for more than 48 hours straight. He wasn't particularly good at it but he kept trying. This was until he met a particular set of bosses who thrived on overwhelming the MC with attacks and numbers. To keep himself calm throughout, he had played his favorite anime Naruto in the background. After giving up for the night, he fell asleep and woke up to a goddess staring at him. "I'll be quick mortal, you can be reincarnated in Elden Ring or Naruto with...." The goddess began. "NARUTO!!!!" Levin yelled out instinctually. *Elden Ring Naruto Crossover *No Harem *Reduction of Alien Presence in the story if you know what I mean. *MC is powerful but definitely defeatable, will lose if he fights an incompatible opponent or fights above his league. *The first portion of the story (10 chapters) is a bit meme heavy and doesn't take itself to seriously. The story starts getting more serious after. The novel has a Ko-fi account now by the way. If you guys like the novel, please consider leaving a review and rating or donating Ko-fi tips to show your support.  https://ko-fi.com/rammyboyz Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from OCs used here.( Cover, Art, characters, or setting. )

RammyBoyz · Tranh châm biếm
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23 Chs

Village Hidden in the Stars

"Push Yua, I'm here with you."


Levin was awoken by the sounds of yelling.

When he opened his eyes he saw a man smiling down at him. He had pale tone, a thin and bony face, blue eyes and a narrow nose. Levin instinctually smiled at him. The man's face immediately lit up.

"Look, Yua. Our baby boy is smiling. Hello there, little one. I'm your papa." The man was joyful.

"Can I see him Aka, let me hold our boy." Yua, with a tired but happy voice said.

"Sure my love. Look at him he's so precious." Aka places him in his mother's arms. Yua's long purple hair touching her son's small body.

"Your right my love, he's so cute... What should we name him?"

As Aka was about to speak.


A large meteorite crashed through their house's wall.

"What!? That's the village star!" The meteorite, the source of the villages ninjutsu was floating in front of the couple and the child. It then began to dissolve in midair into a gaseous form and then immediately travel to the child and go inside its body.

"It... went inside our boy." Aka stuttered.

"Quick Aka, call father. Our boy could be dying."

"Don't worry Yua, I am here. I saw the commotion. What happened?" Yua's father, the third hoshikage entered through the hole the meteorite created in the wall.

"Father please look over, our son. The star suddenly dissolved and went inside his body."

"What?!" The third Hoshikage quickly went to his daughter and held his grandson in his arms.

He examined the boy carefully. He noticed that there was the purple radiation from star in the child. However, it became clear that the radiation was no longer harmful and was slowly integrating with the child.

'This child...' He began before pausing.

"This child is special Yua, he's fully been able to integrate the meteorite into his body. His chakra has mutated, perhaps this is the birth of a new variant of our bloodline. Let's monitor him closely in the next few years however.'"

Both parents, widened their eyes at this.

"I can't believe it Yua, our boy is special."

"I know Aka." Yua smiled at Aka's statement.

"Wait... Aka. Can you manifest your chakra using our village's secret technique?"

The village hidden in the stars previously used radiation from the meteorite to manifest purple chakra that could be versatilely molded and used to enhance their bodies. Unfortunately, this had a drawback of causing their body's to slowly deteriorate due to the radiation. However, now that the meteorite was gone, the Hoshikage felt a change in their technique.

"Sure sensei but..." Aka stepped away from his child and wife and then summoned the chakra to form the clan's trademark wings they could use to fly. After, summoning it, he realized that the burning sensation that usually accompanies the usage of the mystic peacock technique was no longer present.

"Sensei, the pain is gone!" Aka's eyes was open in shock. There was the beginnings of joy in his face.

"It seems our village is in good hands today." The third Hoshikage smiled as he looked down at this grandson's cute face.

*4 Years later.

Tora Hoshi was sitting on a tree branch holding his new twin baby sisters. He had dark spiky purple hair and was big for his age.

"Aren't you guys cute!" Tora smiled at his two sisters, Ayaka and Aiya.

'Oh my, and what a cute older brother.' A voice sounded in his head.

'Ah, hello goddess. How are you? It's been a few weeks since we talked.'

'Oh you know, busy busy. How are your feeling this new world Levin? Or should I call you Tora now?

'Hahaha, it's fine to use Tora now goddess. So what brings you here?'

'Tora... I think it's time you fully graduated into the ninja world. It's better you get this over with as soon as possible.'

'I see... I had a feeling this was coming, I was trying to avoid doing this, but well... f*ck'

'Be careful Tora. They're just up ahead.'

'Okay... thanks goddess.'

'No problem Tora, I know you can get past this.'

Tora stood up from the tree branch and summoned his status bar.


Name: Tora

Age: 4

[Kekkei Genkai: Blood of the Starscourge]

- Gravity & Heavenly Body Release: Able to manipulate gravity and summon/control heavenly bodies.

-Physique of the Conqueror: Increased Affinity for taijutsu and kenjustu.

- He who holds up the Stars: While your clan is still active, and members of you and your siblings blood still live. Invaders from the stars cannot enter your world.

- You are unable to use any of the nature transformations as well as genjutsu.

[Fighting Strength]: Low Genin


Vigor: D (Genin)

Endurance: D (Genin)

Strength : D- (Low Genin)

Dexterity: F (Academy Student)

Chakra: F+ (Peak Academy Student)

Chakra Control: D- (Low Genin)


Taijutsu: D (Genin)

Kenjutsu: D (Genin)

Ninjutsu: F (Academy Student)

Genjutsu: N/A

Shurikenjutsu: F (Academy Student)

[Jutsu/Jutsu Series Known]

Mystic Peacock Series: D+ (Peak Novice User)

Starscourge Series (Gravity and Heavenly body Jutsu): D- (Low Novice User)

Tora had gained full consciousness a few months ago. He was surprised to see his surroundings as he was mainly a manga naruto fan and had a fuzzy (if at all) memory of the anime filler. It was only when the goddess spoke to him in his mind a few weeks after he gained sentience was he able to gain more information.

He was born in Hoshigakure (Village in hidden in the Stars), a minor ninja village in the land of bears. His clan, the Hoshi, founded this village a few generations ago around the meteorite that entered his body.

"Stay here guys, I'll be back quick." Tora turned to the village jounin who appeared beside him and he handed his sisters to them.

"Good luck young master. Some chunin are nearby to make sure everything goes well." The jounin tells him.

"Thank you." Tora nods.

'Well... F*ck. Let's go.'

Tora began to travel a few hundred meters into the forest until he arrived at a hidden camp. He began to sneak as he approached.

"Oy oy oy we had a great haul today hehehe." A brutish looking man cheered while raising a cup of sake to the group of rough looking men around him.

"Hey boss shouldn't we be quiet. There's a hidden village only a few miles away." Another man nervously said.

"Puhh, relax idiot. It's just a minor village filled with dying sick ninja. You idiots are too scared by ninja, unless they're from a major village, we could probably take'em. In fact, why don't we go pay them a visit and see if we can get more product. I'm sure those Jashin Crazies will probably pay more for ninja kids hahaha."

"Hell Yeah!"

"Let's Go!"

Laughter roared among the group of bandits.

"Well, thanks for making it easier on me. I have no trouble doing this now."

The group of bandits turned to the center of their camp and saw a child nonchalantly looking at them while holding a pair tanto (shortswords).

"What? What are you..." One of the bandits begins to say.

"Starscourge Jutsu: Starcaller" Tora quickly forms the jutsu handsigns and stomps onto the ground creating the epicenter of a gravitational field. For the regular bandits without chakra, they are defenseless as all the bandits are suddenly flung barreling towards Tora. Tora then jumps into the air, letting the bandits slam into each other. Once he lands, he begins to hack at all the fallen bandits with his tanto. Blood spurts into the air as cries of pain are heard.

Once all the bandits are dead, drenched in blood, he begins to walk towards a large tent in the camp. He enters and sees a group of beaten and emaciated children huddled together in the corner.

"Their all dead, your safe now."

*Minutes later

Tora, who had wiped of as much of the blood as possible, was talking to the jounin holding his baby sisters.

"Let's head home. Let's get these kids to the village."

"Yes young master... Are you alright?" The jounin was concerned for their clan heir's mental health. This was his first kill and the jounin did not know how this could affect Tora.

"I'm fine for now... Thank you." Tora said in a quiet voice.

"Mystic Peacock Jutsu: Wings" Tora summons his purple chakra to form a pair of wings. The ninja around him do the same while holding one rescued child each. They all fly into the air and begin heading home.

*Shout out to another fanfiction, Reborn in the Naruto Verse. I was having trouble finding/creating a village setting but this was already really good and fitting for the Starscourge theme.

RammyBoyzcreators' thoughts