
Reincarnated in my own Novel as Final Boss.

My grammar is not too good since my first language is not English. synopsis:- A man died on earth and reincarnated as the final boss of his novel. But the problem is the final boss once was a kind man but fell into darkness due to some incidents in his life. To know how?? , why ??. Why you should read this novel? 1.Cause we have a milf elf, fox girl, dwarf girl, cold iceberg type girl, tsundere, yandere girl waiting for you, so you can save them from this cruel world. 2. No mindless smut, a pure romance novel and obviously some R18 stuff, an action novel, and a fast paced novel. tags:- harem, weaktostrong, netori, Villain. no ntr keep up with the story, I will try to improve my grammar.

Akshu_5678_tans · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs


"Ah.... Look she is here"I was waiting for her, today she was going to come to our house with her mother, my mother and her mother were good friend, so she usually came to our house to have a chat.

"Oww.. you look to excited to meet Silvy(silverene)"my mother said in teasing tone with mischievous smile.

"Nooo, I was just telling you," Even if I was excited, but as an adult (from inside), how could I accept it.

"Ohh, so you are not happy with her arrival, should I tell her, she will be too sad" Celina didn't back down, and gave a powerful blow to me.

"Nooo mom, I a...m happy, but ...but....you don't tease me, hmph" This was awkward being teased twice in a row.

"Heheehe, okay okay, look they are coming out, lets go and meet your sweet friend, hehe sorry sorry lets go" I glared at her, but she apologized and we went to greet them and Veronica followed him, as a personal maid she stayed by his side all the time, seeing the banter between mom and son, she remembered her life and slightly felt dejected, but now she had a new chance to live, so she pushed her thoughts back and followed Greve.

"Welcome, Silver it is good to see you" Celina greeted silver, she looked quite pretty, she was wearing a red coloured gown which looked quite Nobel, behind her was a very cute child, she was wearing a blue top and a white knee length skirt, she had a pale white complexion, and red hair and silver eyes, just like her mother.

"It is good to see you too, is your health okay?, you know afterall it is your last month of pregnancy"she told my mother, did I forgot to tell that she was already 9 months pregnant.

" Ah..., Don't worry, I am okay afterall Greve always take care of me, and don't let me do anything," Mother looked at me.

"Oh, Greve is very good child, it is good to see you, Greve"Silver said to me while patting my head.

"It is good see you too, aunt, and afterall it is my duty as soon to be older brother, to take care of him" I replied to Silver, enthusiastically.

"Oho, you are already quite mature of you age Greve, now go play with Silvy, cause I don't want your mother to stand too much, okay"Silver told me, she cared too much about my mother as her friend.

"Okay, aunt" I replied to her, and they went inside.

"Hlo, Silvy, how are you?" I asked her a normal question, afterall I didn't know what to do.

"Mmm I am good, Greve, who is she?"Silvy asked while pointing at Veronica.

"Ohh, let's go to the garden I will tell you there"then we went to the garden and sat under the shade, it was dome type and, was created to chat and drink tea, while looking at garden.

"You can sit too Veronica,"I looked at her while she was standing after serving the tea.

"No, young master I am just a maid".

"Just sit down, you don't have to stand up all the time, can you ask her to sit down, Silvy?"I thought she was standing because Silvy was Nobel and she didn't want her to looked down on me.

"Yes, you can sit down, mm Veronica "Silvy said with her gentle voice with cute puppy eyes

Seeing her eyes and gentleness Veronica sat down reluctantly.

"Oh, Silvy my maid listen to your demand but don't listen me, hmph," I said to her in dramatically tone while pouting.

"Hehe, what can I do?, Afterall I am cute, gentle, too good, that's why people listen to me"She said with giggle.

'God she is getting mischievous day by day, was it me, Who changed her?, But still this side of her is also cute' I thought to myself.

"Well, you know her name, but still her name is Veronica, she is my personal maid and..."I told her all the story that Veronica had tell me while we were talking in morning after training.

By the end of the story Silvy had tears in her eyes, afterall Veronica really have had tragic life.

After the story ended, Silvy stood up and hugged Veronica while crying, afterall she was just a 5 yrs old child, this story even moved my mother to tears.

"Don't worry miss, I am okay now, after all master gave me this new place" Veronica said while consoling Silvy.

"Greve, you better take care of her, otherwise I will take her" Silvy said to me still hugging Veronica.

"Muu..., Silvy what do you think of me, you don't believe in your friend, I don't want to talk to you now" I told Silvy while faking the tears and pouting.

"Ah... Sorry sorry Greve, you are my best friend and I know you will take good care of her" she said hastily as she saw tears in my eyes and came to me and hugged me.

'WHAT, I didn't expected this, but still this is warm, even if she is like a young sister to me as I was in my early 20's in my previous life but still this is what those people say.....


"Okay now, every thing is okay, let's play something Greve and you too Veronica"she said while releasing me, I reluctantly let go of her.

After that we started playing tags, hide and seek and other games.

But after some time, Miami(maid) came running and said.

"M-master, lady Duchess is going to give birth".

I hope you liked the chapter, if yes than add it to your collection.

Akshu_5678_tanscreators' thoughts