
Reincarnated in my own Douluo Dalu Fanfiction?!

Xuan Yan: "What? Where am I?" ???: "Oh! you woke up! Well, you can think of me as God! So coming to the question, Do you want to live or die and reincarnate in another world?" A melodious feminine voice ran inside his head. Xuan Yan: "Wh-What? Y-You are God?" He only saw a golden light ball. ???: "But you can only have one wish regarding your reincarnation." *Sigh* Xuan Yan: "I can have only one wish?" ???: "Yeah only one! But you can't ask for more wishes as your only wish!" "..." ???: "Oh! and also don't act like a smartass and say I will write my wishes in the paper and consider that as my only wish." "..." Xuan Yan: "The rules are good, but you choose the wrong opponent for the wish." _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -I don't own any characters except my OC and some of my 'inserted' characters. -Handsome Mc -Overpowered Mc -Harem -R-18 -English is not my first language. So in the starting chapters, there may be some errors. But I am improving myself. -The beginning chapters will be cliche because I still didn't have a solid plot in my mind at that time...but believe me it will get better later. - I first tried to write in First person POV, but later I changed to Third person POV. I think the story gets better at that time. -Pictures are copied from Google. So whoever you are, let me borrow it for reference, Thank you. But if you don't want, just let me know and I will delete it. ... My Discord link : https://discord.gg/vHmG6YxfTm Character pics are in the discord and many more 'good' pics even NSF- ahem anyway join and lets have fun. My patreon: patreon.com/user?u=65886118 or you can search Akkuzz_69

Akkuzz_69 · Tranh châm biếm
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307 Chs

Tomb of God!

3rd person POV-

Bibi Dong's face turned serious and she said "Yan'er I have an important thing to say and I need your help. It is my deepest secret that no one knows."

Xuan Yan lightly waved his hand, formed a noise barrier around them, and solemnly said "Teacher, ask me whatever you want. I will help you."

Bibi Dong seeing the barrier lightly nodded and said, "Yan'er a few years ago I coincidentally found a Tomb of a God rather a tower of a God."

Xuan Yan frowned and asked "Tower of a God?"

"En. You can enter it and as long as you pass the trials, you will get the inheritance of that God. You can reach level 100 and become a God." Bibi Dong said.

Xuan Yan was stunned and asked, "You can reach level 100 and become a God?"

"Hmm. And the name of the god that I found is Rakshasa God." Bibi Dong replied solemnly.

Xuan Yan asked "Rakshasa God?"

"Yeah. In these past years, I have tried my best and reached level 4. From level 4 to 6, your spirit power will be suppressed and you can't use spirit skills, you can only use pure physical strength." Bibi Dong said.

"So, you want my help to clear that trials?" Xuan Yan asked.

"En. You can also join and help me, After each level is cleared, there will be some rewards for you too. Well, after seeing your spirit rings I don't think you need those rewards anyway. So, you can consider this help as I owe you a favour." Bibi Dong said.

Xuan Yan shook his head and said "I don't want your favour. Isn't it natural to help my dear teacher?"

Hearing this, a smile bloomed on Bibi Dong's face "Okay. So, when shall we go?"

"Whenever you think, I am always ready for you." Xuan Yan casually said.

Bibi Dong nodded and said, "Then we can go tomorrow morning."

"Okay, then we can go tomorrow." Xuan Yan replied and got up from the bed.

"Teacher, I am leaving. I will go and meet Nana at the training grounds." Xuan Yan said.

Bibi Dong nodded "Hmm. Go and meet her. She is always thinking about you."

Xuan Yan nodded and left the room. After Xuan Yan left, Bibi Dong looked at the door and her face went slightly red.

Whenever she is with Xuan Yan she is always getting that feeling—the feeling when she first met him.

She still remembers that cute little boy acting embarrassingly around her. But after his awakening of the bloodline, his looks and his temperament changed and he became more mature. He transformed into a whole different person.

She has complicated feelings about him. She is proud that he is her disciple, but a part of her heart wants him not only as a disciple....

An egg faced guy came to her mind. He left her and she also heard that he then loved his own cousin and left her too.

She felt disgusted that she loved a person like him who don't even how to love and care for a woman. She then thought of Xuan Yan, even though he has many women around, he cares for them and never leaves them.

She sighed and fell on the bed. Am I not attractive enough for him? Wait...all of his girlfriends are young girls. Maybe he is not into mature and old women. Huh?

No, No, No, What am I even thinking? *sigh*


Xuan Yan walked to the training grounds in the Spirit Hall.

Seeing Xuan Yan, the guards were shocked and they soon kneeled and let him in.

Entering inside, Xuan Yan saw the Golden generation team and the disciples of other elders training there.

He saw Yan and Xie Yue fighting each other. He used his Eyes of Heaven and sensed Hu Liena cultivating in a room in the training ground.

He walked towards the centre. Seeing his arrival, everyone was shocked and stopped their training and looked at Xuan Yan without taking their eyes off him.

A woman who was supervising the training also noticed Xuan Yan and she was bewildered.

Soon she appeared in front of him and bowed "You Highness!" She is one of the elders of the Spirit Hall, Spirit Kite Douluo.

Xuan Yan lightly nodded and asked, "Elder Kite, how's the training going?"

"Everything is going well, Your Highness! Everyone in the Golden generation team has already reached level 43 and Miss Hu Liena reached level 46." Elder Kite said.

"Oh! That's a good improvement. I guess Nana is working really hard. I will go and talk to her, You guys continue your training." He said and turned toward Hu Liena's direction.

Spirt Kite Douluo nodded "Yes, You Highness. Miss-" before she could continue, she saw Xuan Yan walking towards the direction of the room where Hu Liena was cultivating. She was slightly shocked. How did he know where she is?

Other students just stared at him in a daze.


Xuan Yan walked towards the room, opened the door and entered the room slowly without making any noise. Then he closed the door.

He saw Hu Liena sitting on a stone platform in the middle of the room with closed eyes. Then he looked around the room and saw spirit energy entering the room through the roof.

He walked to Hu Liena and sat beside her. As she was immersed in cultivation, she didn't notice Xuan Yan's presence.

After a few minutes, her eyelashes quivered and she slowly opened her eyes. Sensing that someone was beside her, she quickly turned her head and saw Xuan Yan's face at a close distance, she screamed "Ah!"

She lightly backed away. Xuan Yan chuckled seeing her frightened face "Haha."

Hu Liena saw Xuan Yan and blinked her eyes. Then she rubbed her eyes with her hand and said "Am I hallucinating Yan'er? *Sigh*"

Xuan Yan pinched her cheek and said "You are not hallucinating idiot."

"Ehhhhh!" Hu Liena was astonished, But she soon came out of her shock and jumped on Xuan Yan "Yan'er, you are back."

Xuan Yan fell on the stone platform with Hu Liena on top of him. She hugged him tightly and rubbed her face on his chest.

Xuan Yan giggled and patted her back. A while later, she took her head from his chest and looked at Xuan Yan's face.

Xuan Yan smiled and stroked her hair that is falling on him. Hu Liena leaned forward, caught his cheeks and pecked his lips. *smooch*

Xuan Yan didn't hesitate and kissed her back. She soon inserted her tongue and they both shared a hot kiss forming a string of saliva between their mouths.

Hu Liena gasped for air. *hush* Xuan Yan rubbed his lips and said "Sweet as ever."

Hu Liena smiled and said "I missed you so much, Yan'er" and kissed his cheeks.

"I missed you too, Nana" Xuan Yan smiled and replied.

Then she got up from Xuan Yan and sat on the stone platform. Xuan Yan also got up and sat beside her.

Hu Liena held Xuan Yan's hand and leaned on his shoulder. Xuan Yan asked, " I heard that you are training hard and that you have already reached level 46."

"Hmm. If I want to be your wife in the future. I have to be more stronger." she replied.

Xuan Yan shook his head and said "Nana, you don't have to do hard training and overexert yourself. I will love you, anyways."

Hu Liena lightly shook her head and said "I am your f-first girlfriend. So, I am also your first wife. I have to be stronger to assert dominance over your other wives."

Xuan Yan was dumbfounded hearing this. He was sure that Hu Liena can't do that because his other wives would be way more powerful than her. He inwardly sighed.

At this time, Hu Liena asked "So, Did you find any other girl during your journey?"

Xuan Yan lightly nodded and said, "Yeah, I found one."

Hu Liena became excited and asked "Oh! tell me about her!" Why are you so curious?!

Xuan Yan then told her, how he 'accidentally' saw Zhu Zhuqing in a forest and helped her and how they fall in love...etc..etc..some rom-com shit.

"So, you went directly into the Zhu Diuke family and made them terminate the contract huh." Hu Liena said.

But then she became confused and asked "But the Duke family should have level 80+ Spirit Douluo right? Who defeated them?"

"Who else, it's me!" Xuan Yan said casually.

Huh? Hu Liena was baffled. "Y-You defeated them?"

"Hmm. Yes!"

"Y-Yan'er, w-what level are you now?" Hu Liena asked.

Xuan Yan scratched his neck and said "Level 87" in a low voice.

Huhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh? L-Level 87? Hu Liena was astounded her mouth forming an O.

She thought of catching up with Xuan Yan, but now it seems that's impossible.

She looked at Xuan Yan as if he was a different breed of human. Then she sighed, level 87 at a young age.

Maybe in the next two years, he will be a titled douluo. The youngest titled douluo in history...


I hope you guys liked this chapter.

Is this new wallpaper good or should I change it back? Also if you have Qian Renxue hot pics, comment here, only Qian Renxue only her...

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