
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]

Reincarnated in a dangerous universe, what are you going to do? Read as Will tries to overcome all the challenges and dangers he faces whether seen or unseen. ---------- I'm bored so I made a fanfic. I own nothing it's made with entertainment purposes in mind.

30Degree · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 8: Training

"You, yourself have to change first, or nothing will change for you."

"Practice is the hardest part of learning, and training is the essence of transformation."

― Ann Voskamp


June 20, 2005

It's been three days since we heard the results and my parents are still asleep. I've been staying with Uncle Charles this whole time and I asked him to buy me a wooden katana so that I can train. Now It's finally here, of course, he asked me some questions before agreeing.


"What?! you want a wooden katana? what for? Wait... do you even know how to use one?" Uncle Charles asked me rapidly. Then I answered him with determination.

"YES! I want to be stronger so that what happened that night won't happen again!"

He then looked at me intently for a few seconds, and when I was getting nervous he laughed at me.

"DERESHISHISHI... Dereshishishi" He kept on laughing at me but I can hear from him is relief and joy, he's not mocking me...

"...dereshishishi... dereshi..." He may not be mocking me but it's annoying nonetheless.

I just kept looking at him until he stopped and patted me hard on the shoulder that I almost stumbled, just how strong is he? or am I just weak?

"That's good, that's good... when I first saw you way back then, you are hiding behind your mother's back and you looked so scared of me that I couldn't even go near you and now your finally trying to become a man."

I'm not that bad, am I? I remember when I first saw him I thought he was a mutant and I am scared of getting involved in anything that might get me killed. But when I spent more time with him I got to know him more and that he isn't a mutant just a really, really buffed guy.

"So? just a wooded katana? don't you want a metal one?"

"Wow... Uncle are you stupid? did you just ask a kid if he wants a real katana?"

He then ruffled my hair and laughed at me again.

"Dereshishi... you're the stupid one. I asked if you want a metal one, not a 'real one'. It means a dull blade so you can feel how heavy a sword is."

"Ohh... why didn't you clarify? then I want both!"


All I've been doing these three days is increasing my stamina and leg strength in Uncle Charles's gym in his condo and going to the hospital to visit my parents. In the hospital, the one that is always there is dad's secretary Thana, I think she's doing her work there because whenever I come she's always reading documents and I can hear her worries even with her emotionless face.

On my first day, I couldn't walk after I rested so I couldn't go to the hospital and Uncle Charles just laughed at me and called me stupid again. The good thing is that Uncle Charles is a muscle freak and knows a lot about a balanced diet with proper nutrition and proper rest. When I asked him why didn't he say anything, he just laughed again and said I didn't ask...

I say bullshit, I think he's enjoying my pain and suffering.

Every time I rest I try to meditate but I can't seem to focus... why? Well, I don't fucking know so I just kept on doing the thunder breathing. The knowledge is just there in my mind and I have a feeling that I need to increase the intensity of my training but Uncle Charles said that my body can't take that much burden and stress.

I hate my kiddie body sighhh...

The good thing is I have practice swords now so I can train the sword forms. Although Zenitsu only knows the first form he developed variations of it and improved and developed it further.

I then looked at the assimilation process and It is progressing fast or is it something like the higher the number the more difficult it is?

|Name: Will Allan Foundre

Gacha points: 0


- None

Character Assimilation:

[ Zenitsu Agatsuma (Demon Slayer)- 27%] [Empty]

Summon Characters:

- None

Unused Cards:

- None|

If I keep this up I can fully assimilate Zenitsu's card in less than a month, so I should train harder and make that a week.

I grabbed the metal one first and damn... this is heavy. I tested it by swinging it up and down, I can feel my muscles burning with just a few swings. I need to do this daily so that I will develop muscles for it. Then I picked up the wooden one and then did some warm-up and stretches.

Okay! let's do this, I then hold the wooden sword on my left, parallel to the ground, lowered my body stance and grabbed the hilt of the sword with my right hand. *inhale**exhale*

'Thunder Breathing First Form, Thunderclap and Flash'

Then I moved in a straight line and slashed.


I then looked at myself, then looked back at where I was before...

I think I moved something like 12 steps and that is fucking... AWEESOOMMEEE!!!

Holyshit... I did it on first try...

"hahaha... hahaHAHAHA" I couldn't help but laugh cause that is amazing.

Although I didn't move a lot but that is still cool. Especially when you think that I am still 10 and my muscles are not trained enough...

"OOWWW... shitshit my legs hurt. what the fuck?!" I rolled on the ground holding my legs, cause that shit fucking hurts.

"FUUCKK... this shit hurts..." I then tried to use the thunder breathing technique but... *Cough**Cough* that shit hurts as well.

I'm going to need to increase my lung capacity because I felt like my lung is going to explode. I need to increase my stamina as well cause I can feel my heart beating fast.

After a while when the pain subsided I did some stretches and rested on the sofa in the living room. I need to do this every day to build some muscles, strengthen my body, increase my lung capacity, and improved my stamina. I also need to practice my swordsmanship so that I can develop some muscle memory for it. So I stood up and tried to run on the treadmill but when I was about to reach the gym Uncle Charles opened the door loudly then shouted.

"Great news! Your dad is awake, come on!" Then he pulled me out of the door.

I've managed to write another chapter but it is too short and there isn't a lot that happened so I decided to post it.

30Degreecreators' thoughts