
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]

Reincarnated in a dangerous universe, what are you going to do? Read as Will tries to overcome all the challenges and dangers he faces whether seen or unseen. ---------- I'm bored so I made a fanfic. I own nothing it's made with entertainment purposes in mind.

30Degree · Tranh châm biếm
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Chapter 3: Amusement Park

"The person who looks the other way fails to see the attack."

"Out of sight, out of mind, right? That motto is just a temporary fix - until you're forced to come face to face with what you've been running from. That's when the mental walls you've built to hide behind come crashing down in one hard blow."

— Penelope Ward


Will Allan Foundre POV

Going outside still makes me nervous because I don't even know which version of the marvel universe I am in. I could be in the MCU (I wish...), the Earth-616, or hell I can be in the Ultimate Universe where you can find a lot of gore, violence, or even cannibalism. I REALLY really hope I'm not in the Ultimate Universe because even the greatest of heroes there still die, hell they even kill each other.

I've already confirmed that there are mutants here and I'm still not sure if I want to be one. I saw how they treat mutants here like, it's something of a disease but it is also the most natural powerup I can get so I can at least defend myself and the people I love just in case. It's not like I can steal the spider that will bite Peter because I don't know what it will do to me, maybe I will also steal the bad luck that Peter has.

Maybe any power that I may get will invite trouble but I cannot be defenseless and just hope me and my loved ones will survive, we live in the godforsaken place called New York City.

I searched on the internet and I know that there is an Oscorp, Fisk Industries, Baxter Building, and Stark Industries so It's possible that there will be a Spider-Man, Green Goblin, Daredevil, Kingpin, and Ironman. The weird thing is that there is no Reed Richards but I think It's because it is still early, even the Fisk Industries are new, like 5 years new.

I think that's good news...?? haaahh... I don't know.

I'm just a casual fan of Marvel, I watched the movies and some of the series like Loki, read some fanfiction, you know the basic stuff. Because it is hard getting into the comics with all of the retcon and reboot that they've done, I am not even going to be surprised if Gwen Stacy and Green Goblin had a kid.

[A/N: I read that one when I am researching the character of Gwen Stacy. Man... that shit is fucked up, I feel sorry for my boy Peter.]

Am I going to die not even knowing how? again?

I felt someone looking at me so I looked in the direction of where I felt it coming from and I saw mom staring at me in the rearview mirror. I smiled and she smiled back shaking her head and looked ahead on the road.

Mom is always concerned about me, maybe it's because I'm a weird kid? Getting scared and nervous when going outside of the house, I'm surprised that she hadn't had me looked up and diagnosed by a psychiatrist maybe it's because she thinks that there is nothing wrong with me? Sighhh... I should just be happy that she believes and cherishes me so much.

She's been there for me ever since I was born, back then I still can't believe that I was reincarnated and my vision is absolute shit and so is my body. I cried and cried because it's honestly the only thing I can do, It's probably pathetic... In my past life, my life is pretty easy I grew up in my grandparent's care with my sibling and cousin in a small town in the province, carefree and happy.

Now I am here in a different universe her warmth is the only thing that can calm me down, I felt safe in her arms. At first, I didn't think of her as my mother because I already had one and she may not be perfect but she was my mother. Then months pass by and she's always there, when I woke up, when I go to sleep, every single day...

Now in this new life of mine, she's my mother, and I am her son.


It was almost noon when we arrived at our destination.

An amusement park.

Dad is looking for a parking spot when mom turned around and looked at me excitedly from the front seat then said, "It's an amusement park baby! We're going to have so much fun! we are going to ride the rollercoaster and it will go 'wheee' then 'ahhhh' after th-"

"Slow down honey, I don't think Will is going to be allowed on the rollercoaster" dad interrupted.

When the realization that I will not be allowed to ride the rollercoaster hit her she visibly deflated and her shoulder sagged. Wow... dad is so straightforward as always, why did he have to do that? mom is so cute wildly moving her arms around like it's a rollercoaster.

I think dad noticed so he hurriedly added "But! there are also the bumper cars, merry-go-ride, and more!"

"But it's not as fun..." Mom responded I think she's a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Dad looked panicked and is sending me signals in the rearview mirror so I said.

"It's fine we'll just come back when I'm older"

"Right!" then she smiled with all of her teeth showing. She is instantly back to normal, I think she's just teasing dad.

When we got inside I looked around and whooah... this place looks amazing. There aren't many people around maybe because it's a weekday, there are rides as far as I can see, and there are also food stalls and game booths.

I saw mom looking at me with a wide smile on her face she then said to me, "Looks magical right? and we are just at the entrance haha." She then took mine and dad's hands and pulled us along with her.


Today had been fun mom basically dragged us all around the place, we rode every ride possible except for the ones that I was not allowed in. We even played at almost every game stall and dad managed to win us a lot of stuffed toys, keychains, and all that junk we had to go back to the car because it is getting tedious carrying all that around. We also ate anything that looked delicious until dad threw up because we keep feeding him our leftovers so we took a break and watched a cool Star Wars show.

We took pictures from everywhere that there is an available photographer, It's good being rich I guess cause those pictures sure cost a lot.

Right now we are sitting on a bench while waiting for the fireworks show to start, even now mom still looked energetic, I don't know where she gets all that energy from because I and dad are exhausted.

"Did you enjoy your day baby?" Mom asked me from my side.

I looked at her and then smiled the biggest smile I had ever done and said "YUP! It's fun!"

Dad ruffled my hair from my other side and said "Haahh... It better be because I'm exhausted... did you guys really have to give me all your leftovers?"

Mom just laughed then pouted at dad and argued "But it all looked delicious... what? do you want me to get fat? hmmph!"

"No no of course not... haha" dad then put his arm around mom's shoulder and kissed her and the forehead, while I'm in their middle.

"Then why are you complaining?"

"No! who said I was complaining I was just thinking of all the waste food"

"Then why are you shouting?"

"Wh-what? I'm not shou-"

I just laughed because mom can be so childish at times "Hahahaha... haha"

Then dad roughly ruffled my hair and said "Your laug-" but got interrupted again by a deafening bang that reached our ears as the fireworks exploded and scattered thousands of tiny sparks into the sky.

*Boom Boom*



We watched the extravagant display from the bench and were amazed at the vivid green, red, orange, purple, and yellow colors against the night sky. It was quite dazzling to watch as some of the fireworks shot straight up before exploding, while others quickly shattered into thousands of sparks.

The awe-inspiring sight of multi-colored fireworks exploding in the sky will stay in my mind forever.

I then felt mom getting closer and so is dad, we're hugging closely together and this feels nice...

Right now I forgot that I was in a dangerous Universe and just enjoyed the moment of peace and tranquility with my parents, what could go possibly go wrong?

Writing dialogue is difficult...

It feels like you are talking to yourself and only crazy people do that.

30Degreecreators' thoughts