
Reincarnated in Marvel: My Cheat is OP [Rewritten]

Reincarnated in a dangerous universe, what are you going to do? Read as Will tries to overcome all the challenges and dangers he faces whether seen or unseen. ---------- I'm bored so I made a fanfic. I own nothing it's made with entertainment purposes in mind.

30Degree · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Chapter 22: Lectures

"The only knowledge a person can possess is the knowledge that he possesses no knowledge."

"When you aim high, you sometimes come across fights not worth fighting..."


Will Allan Foundre POV

I am currently standing in the hallway outside the Principal's office door with the two morons glaring at me like I owed them money but that is all they do... pathetic. I just stood there not caring about those two anymore and is thinking about what would happen now.

'I am clearly the victim here but that is not important, what would my parents think that I am in a fight on the first day of school? Getting their trust in me will be more difficult and I will not get much freedom after school to do my plan. Should I just give them some money so that this will not happen?'

'Fuck that... I am not getting taken advantage by those weaklings. It's their fault, what is their problem anyway?'

"All of you can come in!" shouted inside the office.

I let the two morons go in first because I don't know what they will do behind my back and I know that they can't do anything but better safe than sorry. They glared at me as they passed by so I gave them a middle finger. The one named CJ almost punched me but he was stopped by his friend.

Once inside we just stood there and the Principal just stared at us or more specifically the two morons beside me.

"*sighh*...both of you had been held back because of your behavior and abysmal attendance and now here you are again starting a fight on the first day of school. Haaahh... what will I say to your parents now?" The Principal said after a while.

"Like they would fucking care anyway..." Mike said

"Michael I know you're smart and I also know that your parents care, I saw your test results and I met your mother when she came here. She is working hard for you to have a better future so get your act together. And you, Christopher I know that you are a good kid you're mother and I are good friends before you know... what will she say now to what you're doing?" The Principal said in a lecturing tone.

"Tch we get it, that is why we are here there is no need for a lecture you're not my Dad." Mike said and CJ just nodded while looking down.

'What is this? The Principal knew their parents? So he will be lenient to them? What the hell is this favoritism?'

"Haaahh... both of you will get detention for a month, you should also apologize to Mr. Foundre before you can leave"

"We are sorry for what happened I hope you can forgive us." They both said without even an ounce of sincerity.

"Good, good now what do you say Mr. Foundre?"

"... I accept your apology."

"Now that's better right? You all should get along and put this behind you, Michael and Christopher, both of you can leave now."

So I was left there standing with a confused expression because of what just happened. 'What they got is not even a slap in the wrist. That guy has a box cutter and he almost stab me! I call bullshit, this is clearly favoritism. If I get punished I will fucking sue this school.'

Then the Principal looked at me "Now you Mr. Foundre, I know that you're smart I was the one that checked your test papers but I also know that you were homeschooled and this is your first time in school. Violence is not the answer to your problems there are a lot of teachers here if you were being bullied you should have asked for help." He said with a tone like he was talking to a kid.

'I don't like the tone of his voice, he is talking to me like I don't even know the basic things in life and help? What the hell were the teachers going to do? It will just be a temporary solution, what I did will let them know that I am someone that shouldn't be underestimated the only thing that I didn't think of is the cutter.'

"I will tell this to your parents they shou-"

"No no, there is no need to tell my parents, I know what I did wrong. I should have asked for help from the adults, they know what to do better than me." I said with a smile on my face like a naive kid like what he thinks of me.

'I can't let him tell my parents so let's just play along for now.'

"Good, good that is correct. You may be smart for your age but you are still a kid, there is still much for you to learn about how the world works" He said with a smile

'Fucking bastard what the hell do you know about how the world works? It is all about power and right now you have power over me.'

"Yes, thank you Sir for the advice." I just smiled

"I called you here to check on you and for you guys to get along. It looks like you are really smart Will, I can call you Will right?"

"Of course Sir."

"Forgiveness is man's deepest need and highest achievement and you understand it very well that's good. Now go along now it is almost time for school to end." He said like he knows everything.

"Thank you Sir." I smiled and then left.

'I hate that guy. Who does he think he is? Lecturing me like he knows everything and is better than me. Haahh... why am I even getting angry at him? Maybe he is just genuinely trying to help me.'

"WIIILLL!" someone shouted my name.

I can hear rapid footsteps coming from a turn in the hallway and when I saw who those footsteps belong I am surprised.

"Will you're alright, thank goodness..."

"What are you doing here Gwen? I thought classes aren't over yet."

"I came to see you. I heard that there was a fight in the school cafeteria at first I didn't care because it happens all the time but when I heard that it involved a small new kid I immediately knew that it was you."

"...That is a great deductive ability Gwen ha ha ha." I laugh awkwardly because I couldn't decide if I should be happy that she recognized me immediately or not.

"You look angry."

"What I am not angry. Sure maybe I feel insulted but not angry."

"No no no, you look angry even before I talked to you."

"What are you talking about? Come on let's go out, school is almost finished anyway."


We waited until my dad showed up. We just talked and got to know each other during that time. She is a cheerful girl and talking to her helped me forget the unpleasant day this is. She was supposed to have a ballet practice but she skipped it because she invited me to her home.

"Why do you need to attend ballet practice anyway? I thought you played music, I expected that you will join a music club or something."

"Because it's boring." She said with a tone like saying the sun is hot.

"What's that supposed to mean? I thought you liked music."

"Yes I like music and I want to create a band but I lack members. Hey, we should create a band! Come on it will be fun! You said that you can play the guitar right? Show me and that will be like your audition or something hahaha."

"I never said that I was any good at the guitar and you didn't answer my question."

"What is it again?... oh! the ballet right?"

I just nodded.

"Well I definitely like music so much so that I want to be a singer when I grew up but the music club in this school is super boring! They barely know how to play a single song and it is just so frustrating being there so I joined the ballet class."

"What? Where did the ballet come from?"

"Oh, hahaha I just saw them practicing one day then I thought that it is cool so I joined. Here let me show you."

Then she started dancing and jumping around in the waiting bus shed. I can already hear people talking about her around us, isn't she even a bit embarrassed? But damn... she looks as graceful as a swan and seeing her makes me feel that I want to join a ballet class as well.

"See isn't cool?" she said while panting after she was done.

"...yup it's cool"

"So wanna be join me?"


"Hahaha you said it, no take backs alright?"

"...sure anything you want."

"That's great! We are going to be the best band there is! I'll be the lead singer and you can be the lead guitar."


"What? You just said that you'll join me in my band. No, takebacks!"

'What just happened? I was just dazed looking at her and damn... am I in love?'

After a while, Dad finally arrived. The whole time that we were waiting I kept on thinking about what happened and I was distracted.

When Dad stopped in front of us I can see Mom sitting in the passenger seat and teasingly smiling at me. 'What? can Mom see again?'

"Mom you're here!"

"Of course, my son is going to meet the parents of his girlfriend I got to be there. You grew up so fast, next thing I know there will be a wedding haahh..."

"Moomm! she is not my girlfriend. We just met!"

"Oh my, you really are different from your father. You just met and you're already going to her house and meet her parents how fast."

I can feel my cheeks heating up and this is not because I am blushing it is because of the heat that is all.

"Dad say something!"

"Don't worry about me son, I have your back! The father may be a challenge and he might not approve but as long as we managed to win over her mother it is no problem. That is why I brought your mom here as backup!" He said with a tone of voice like we are going into enemy territory.

"Gwen say something don't just stand there! If you don't speak they might really ask for your parent's approval." I said and looked at Gwen by my side.

"W-Wedding?...that's too fast but he already proposed to me so maybe it's ok? Will Dad approve? How about Mom? But we are still too young! On second thought maybe planning early is good. I'll definitely sing at my wedding but what el-"

She is blushing and is looking down while muttering to herself.

'What the hell...'

"Come on let's just go." I said and got in the car while pulling Gwen along with me.

We sat in the backseat while Dad drove.

"So how's your day?" Mom asked from the passenger seat.

My mood immediately plummeted once I heard that.

"...It's ok."

"Come on is it fun? Did you make new friends besides Gwen here?" She turned around and looked at me from the passenger seat.

"C-can you see again Mom?" I asked hopefully because she has been looking at us since she got here.

"O-oh I still can't see normally." She's not lying. "Anyway, how is your first day? is it fun?"

"He was in a fight and got called in the Princip-"

I immediately covered Gwen's mouth but it is too late.

"What?! Why are you fighting at the school?" Dad said with an angry tone of voice.

"Are you okay? Did you get hurt? Come on let's stop at a hospital." Mom said in a worried tone.

"I am fine! no need to go to the hospital. It was just two morons trying to bully me... so I fought back."

"Violence isn't the answer son."

"What? I showed them their pla-"

"VIOLENCE isn't the answer son."


"Will talk about this when we come home."

I didn't say anything and just looked at the window outside. Then I felt Gwen coming closer to me and leaning into my ears.

"I am sorry I didn't know that this will happen. I told them because they might get worried you know?"

"...it's fine Gwen."

She smiled brightly at me and nodded.

I looked outside the car window again and thought to myself.

'I finally realized why I was angry earlier. I thought I was angry because the two guys that tried to extort me of money reminded me of Kingpin and the Principal is the police just letting them go with a slap on the wrist. But I was angry because they both remind me of what I did out of foolish anger. They reminded me of the shooter that I brutally blinded.'

'They all have reasons they did what they did, sure it might be stupid but that is just humans is... stupid. This is not some comics or movies where there is a black and white, hero and villain. This is real life...'

A/N: I am still alive hahaha. A week with no chapters it is because I have a lot of activities to do and I've been procrastinating.

I watched bungou stray dogs, all of it from S1 to S3 and the movie instead of doing anything hahaha. I also read dungeon life and final core from start to finish so it is no surprise that I almost didn't pass on time for my activities.

Good thing that the one that motivates me the most-

The Deadline came, so I was awake till sunrise just to finish it all.

So this chapter is all to the procrastinators out there.

30Degreecreators' thoughts