
Reincarnated in Konoha: I am now Uzumaki Naruto

Story Name: Reincarnated as Naruto I had to change as it is already used by someone. What to say? Well he reincarnated as Naruto and unlocked his memories when he was kicked out of orphanage at the age of 5. Since then butterfly effect started and changed the history and future of the world. Some AU elements though they aren't big enough to make you angry and leave at the fact that it is an AU. The ripples due to his actions will cause changes in the world. As for harem, well he is last prince of Uzumaki Clan, I will give a little spoiler. He will have an Uzumaki Wife. . . . . . . . . You can read extra chapters at P@treon. https://www.p@treon.com/Logical_Dot Of course, replace the @ with a. If you need more spoilers, then pay me, (〃` 3′〃) If you want to commission me for something, message me at patreon and I will add a tier for it. If you are still reading till here, then you should read the story instead. o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

Logical_Dot · Tranh châm biếm
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78 Chs

I will do my best, Believe It.

Wrote another one, here it is.


A few days passed since the chakra extraction incident in which I burned my body. I got to know about this later from Yugao and was shocked about this.

In the past few days, except for reading the books about Ninjas, Chakra, History, and other subjects, I couldn't do anything as every time I tried to extract chakra, Yugao would come and stop me.

She didn't even let met me do physical exercise. Though she bought all the books related to daily work, cooking, laundry, and other things, and she even forced me to read them when I tried to skip them.

Her answer to the question of why was doing this was always the same.

"It's what I have been ordered."

But I knew she was lying as I could feel her irritation sometimes and when she would force me to read the books I didn't want, I could feel she felt smug and even happy.

Now after completing the books and recovering after a few days, my training with Yugao is going to start.

"Let's go! Now for the next few months, you will be under me. I don't want to hear any complaints from you. Do you understand?"

I heard Yugao speak and nodded at her. Just then, she put her hand on my shoulder and I felt my surroundings blurring.

'So this how Body Flicker Technique feels? I don't think. I think she is just moving at great speed.'

A few minutes later, I and Yugao arrived at a training ground. She removed her hand and said, "Now do the exercises you have been doing in the past 2 months. When you are done stretching, we will start basics."

I nodded at her and did all the PE and gym exercises I have been practicing. In an hour, I was done warming up and when I stopped, Yugao appeared at the place.

"Now sit down and close your eyes. Try to feel the chakra in your body and try to rotate it first in the clockwise direction and then anticlockwise. See in which way you feel more uncomfortable."

I nodded at her and closed my eyes. Forming a hand seal, I tried to mould chakra from physical and spiritual energy and then rotate them in a clockwise direction first.

I kept on rotating the chakra until it dispersed. Then, I did the same process but this rotated the chakra in the anti-clockwise direction. Both times, I used the same amount of chakra but when I rotated in the anti-clockwise direction, the chakra lasted a few more minutes until it dispersed.

"So it's anticlockwise direction. From now on, whenever you will mould chakra, do it in an anti-clockwise direction." Yugao said and I nodded at her.

"Now that you have done this, try to mould the chakra and then make it rotate around the body. First start from your hands, and when you can freely move chakra in your hands, do that with your legs."

Hearing her, I nodded and closed my eyes. Again molding some chakra in my body, I tried to control it and move it to my arm but most of it dispersed in the process.

'Oy! Kurumi, can't you take back your Chakra now? Then I will have good control of chakra.'

[Nope! Practice with my chakra's interference. You have many years until the canon will start. Till then, I want to you have chakra control on the same as Tsunade even with my Chakras interference. With that, it would be much easier for you when you will start to learn Nine-Tails Chakra Mode.]

Hearing her, I grumbled but still decided to take her advice. With this, my training with Yugao started and now after a week of doing the same thing, i.e. trying to move Chakra freely in my hand, I can now do it with my hands and legs.

"It took you a week to do this. It seems you have good talent as I expected you to keep on doing for a fortnight. Now that you could control the chakra inside your body, I can finally start teaching you Taijutsu movements."

"Now come at me and try to attack me. Also, try to use Chakra to cover yourself from inside to decrease the damage you will receive."

Hearing her, I am surprised at the fact that my Taijutsu training will start now. I had expected her to make me master my chakra control outside the body as it was so horrible that I couldn't even bring Chakra outside the body.

Yugao looked at me who was thinking about something and flicked my head. I felt pain in my head and came out of my thoughts.

[Hahahaha! Finally! I was getting bored here. Now I will enjoy you getting beaten.]

I ignored Kurumi and attacked Yugao. In my past life, I was a lazy guy who earned 95% in school even after sleeping for 12 hours a day. I was detached from life and didn't feel anything towards anyone or anything. I would always try to escape from any work and think of ways to lessen the work time and increase my sleeping time.

That's why, I chose the path of mediocrity and did as minimal things as I had to to survive. But now in this world, I can feel everything and because of this, I was excited at the fact of becoming strong in the world.

After knowing about this world, I am sure that there exist other worlds which I planned to explore when I am strong enough to survive in space like Otsutsukis, and for that, I know I have to become strong and train myself.

And now, I am going to take the first step of my path as I rush towards Yugao with the intention of attacking while covering my insides with Chakra.

As I rushed toward Yugao, I felt my mind getting cleared and when I was attacking her, she sidestepped and I lost my balance and fell down.

'Hahahaha! Too much thinking and I lost the sigh in front of me. It seems I am too far from my goal.'

[Brat! You aren't far. Planning and taking the first step is the same as completing half of the work. Now you have to just keep on walking on the path. Besides, it was a good monologue, even I got a little excited as I heard this.]


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