
Reincarnated in Insanus: A Hero's Journey with a Unique Partner

In a world of insanus, where magic flows through the very fabric of existence, a new hero has been summoned. As the ancient incantations, chanted by the summoner saints, echo through the void, portals materialize and brave heroes are summoned forth from distant realms. The heroes step forward, ready to face whatever challenges await in this new world.With a powerful arma heroica in hand and determination in their heart, they must navigate the treacherous landscape of this unfamiliar land, facing danger at every turn, including the looming threat of the demon lord.

EchoesofVoid · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter 2: The Delayed Arrival of the Heroes

Altairius asked his classmates, "So, what are you guys talking about?"

Excitedly, they replied, "We're talking about the latest school mission – the selection of partners for the heroes. Participating means a reward of 50 gold coins, while those selected by the heroes would receive 1000 gold coins. But being selected means you'll be on the frontline with the hero during wars and battles."

Altairius thought to himself, "The reward doesn't really matter to me. However, it could be a good opportunity to gain more experience and maybe make some new allies. Besides, I'm curious to know if one of the heroes is from earth. Also, I hope to improve my talent in magic, as my strength comes from being a cultivator rather than a magician."

Kael voiced his concerns, "The reward is tempting, but I'm scared of being on the frontline."

Kael thought, "I'm not sure if I have what it takes to fight in battles. But I also don't want to miss out on the opportunity to work with a hero and get the reward."

Rina chimed in, "Oh please, Kael. You don't have to worry"


Rina respond "Your talent is lacking to be selected,"

Rina thought to herself, "I'm not interested in competing with Kael or anyone else. I just want to have a good time and maybe make some friends on this mission."

Kael jokingly responded, "Do you want a free punch?"

Kael thought, "I don't want Rina to discourage me. I need to work hard and prove her wrong."

Altairius chuckled at their banter, "I'm not too worried about being on the frontline. I have confidence in my abilities."

Altairius thought, "I don't need to be careful like the others. My strength is already beyond their imagination. However, I need to be mindful not to show off too much and scare them away."

Kael inserted, "I think it's time to go to the assembly hall."

Kael thought, "I'm going to sign up for the mission and train hard. Maybe I can surprise everyone and be selected."

"What, Time is running so fast I don't even notice," Rina

"I can make it slow if you want," Altairius smile

"As if you can." Rina

Rina added, "Yeah, I'll sign up too. Sounds like it could be fun."

Rina thought to herself, "I don't want to compete with anyone, but I don't want to be left out either. I'll just go with the flow and see what happens."

Altairius nodded, "Lets go."

Altairius thought, "I'll join the mission as well, not for the reward, but to gain more experience and maybe find some worthy opponents. As if there is"

As they made their way to the Assembly Hall, they joked and bantered with each other.

"So, who do you think has the best chance?" asked Rina.

Altairius grinned, "Obviously me."

Rina rolled her eyes, "Can you let me finish my question first before answering, Mr. Overconfident?"

Kael laughed, "I think it's anyone's guess at this point."

Altairius nodded, "Indeed. It all depends on the heroes' preferences and needs."

Rina added, "But I heard that they're looking for people with diverse talents and backgrounds, so that's something to keep in mind."

As they approached the Assembly Hall, the conversation gradually died down, and they made their way inside

As they entered the Assembly Hall, they made their way to their seats. The principal then took to the stage and made an announcement that caused confusion and concern among the students.

"I regret to inform you that the heroes' arrival will be delayed due to an attack on the church where they were supposed to make their entrance," the principal said, his voice somber. "Rest assured that they are safe and on their way here, but we must be patient as they make their way through the aftermath of this unexpected event."

The principal thought to himself, "I can't let them know that the heroes were attacked directly. It would cause too much panic and chaos. I need to reassure them that the heroes are safe, but without revealing too much information." He continued with his announcement, trying to keep his tone as calm and composed as possible.

"What a bummer," groaned Kael.

Rina frowned at Kael's comment. "Don't say that. Let's just hope they arrive soon and we can see what they're capable of."

Rina turned to Altairius and whispered, "Do you think it was an ambush by the villains? What if they're in danger?"

Altairius frowned, "I don't know, Rina. But we have to trust that the heroes can handle themselves. They wouldn't be summoned if they weren't capable."

The rest of the students around them murmured worriedly, some even exchanging whispers and concerned glances. The news of an attack on the heroes' arrival was unsettling, especially since they were all looking forward to meeting them and seeing their powers in action.

As they waited for the heroes' delayed arrival, the principal continued to make announcements, updating the students and staff on the situation. The tension in the air was palpable, and everyone was on edge, wondering what had happened and when the heroes would finally arrive.

Suddenly, a voice from the back of the hall piped up. It was a young student, barely in high school, but with a determined look on her face. She stood up and spoke loudly, addressing the principal.

"Excuse me, sir, but can you give us more information about the attack? Was anyone hurt? Who was behind it?"

The principal hesitated for a moment, not wanting to reveal too much information, but he could see the concern on the faces of the students and staff. He cleared his throat and addressed the girl.

"I'm afraid I can't give you any more details at the moment. What's important is that our heroes are safe and on their way here. We will have more information as soon as possible. In the meantime, please remain calm and patient."

The girl sat back down, looking unsatisfied but not willing to push further. The rest of the students shifted in their seats, their worry growing as they waited for more updates.

The atmosphere remains gloomy as they wait for three long hours. Finally, the heroes arrive, accompanied by the Saintess, and Altairius and his classmates can sense the tension in the air. As the heroes entered the Assembly Hall, the room erupted into cheers and applause, the excitement and relief palpable. The heroes seemed a bit shaken, but their presence and the Saintess' reassuring demeanor quelled the uneasy atmosphere.

The principal stepped forward to greet them. "Welcome, heroes, and Saintess. We're so glad to see you safe and sound."

The Saintess nodded graciously, her presence radiating a sense of calm and authority. "Thank you, Principal. It is good to be here."

Altairius and his classmates were in awe of the Saintess. Her beauty was unmatched, and her aura was powerful and captivating. They couldn't help but wonder what kind of magic she possessed to protect the heroes from harm.

Everyone, I would appreciate it if you could comment or give me advice to improve my writing.

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