
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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[ Carlisle POV]

I walked up the stairs, thinking it was time. Lord Drakul had kept me in a prison, but he wasn't a heartless man.

During these days, he fed me the blood of many different magical creatures and didn't treat me badly. I just wished he would spare my family from any harm. And by the generosity he had shown me, I thought I could convince him to do that.

As I entered a big room, my eyes widened in shock.

"What?" I said, looking at Alice, who was sitting next to Lord Drakul and hugging his arm. She was also rubbing her face on his neck, she also tried to bite his neck but couldn't do it.

Beside them sat Emmett, Rosalie, and Esme. The three looked towards me after hearing my voice; however, Alice just ignored me. Why are they here? And where are Edward and Bella? These were the questions in my mind.

"Father!" shouted Emmett and Rosalie.

"Carlisle!" exclaimed Esme.

They rushed towards me and hugged me. This time, Alice peeked out of his embrace and joined the family hug, but only for a few seconds before she got back on the sofa again.

"What are you guys doing here? And what the hell is Alice doing?" I asked Esme, who explained everything.

The king is dead, Edward and Bella left for America, and Alice's mate is Lord Drakul. She also became human. If anyone had told me this a month ago, I would have laughed on his face.

"Thank you for sparing my family, Lord Drakul, and take care of my daughter here. She's troublesome but has a good heart," I said to him as I lowered my head. She glared at me, which I promptly ignored. Alice was a prankster, she is also the joy of Cullen coven, it makes me sad that she is going to leave our coven, but I am also happy that she finnally found her love. It's so hard to be father of a girl.

"Please don't bow, and there's no need to thank me. You guys are family now, as I plan to marry this pixie over here," he said, patting her head. Her glare melted as she giggled. It's good she's happy.

"Let's go home. Alice, remember to visit us, okay? We'll miss you," I said. She left the sofa and hugged me tightly.

"Thank you, Father, for everything."

I wiped her tears. "We love you. Remember that." Leaving her, we all walked towards the gate as it was night time and easier to travel. Esme, Emmett and Rosalie too hugged her and said goodbye.

As we were about to leave, Rosalie stopped. "Can you make us humans too?" she asked. She finally lost control. I could see her hesitation and nervousness. She despised asking this but gave in.

"Rose!" said Esme to the girl. Emmett looked visibly uncomfortable, he's a giant but has a very shy heart.

"Oh, I was planning on that, on my and Alice's wedding day," he said with a chuckle.

Rosalie ran and hugged him, thanking him repeatedly. Esme and Emmett were happy too.

Alice couldn't take it anymore and separated both of them. She then glared at Rosalie. "Don't hug my mate."

Everyone smiled, looking at her jealous face. She just pouted and hid her face in his chest.

[Pov end]

[Voldemort POV]

It was finally happening. Dogs were arriving in Britain from all over the world. I would have to avoid confrontation with that damned boy. I have to figure out everything about his power. Herpo had some hideouts in Egypt; I have to visit there as Salazar did in his younger days to gain knowledge and power.

I had miserably lost, which is unacceptable. I'll make sure to pay him back tenfold.

Lucius and the other Death Eaters had been quiet as I had tortured some dark mages to make sure they remember their place. They are maggots, but their usefulness makes it hard for me to kill them.

Raiding Black Manor—that was the plan. Potter would surely come out of his rabbit hole to save his godfather. I can't do this in Hogwarts, but I was sure Peverell won't interfere if I directly attack Potter. As a selfish Lord, he doesn't really do anything out of kindness. If he did that, I would have lost my body again.

I was also planning on making new Horcruxes. I couldn't feel them; they are likely destroyed by Potter or Peverell. I have to do something about that.

There was also a feeling creeping in my head, fear. I feared the boy might again halt my plans, I had to be precise this time as I can't afford failure again.

Dumbledore seems to be out of Britain recently, I don't know the reason but it did made me more vigilant, he was old but I knew his power and intelligence is not to be underestimated.

I had to make sure Vampires arrive on time to attack as I had yet to hear confirmation from them, it has been a week since my mages left to get them here.

[POV end]

[Arianna Dumbledore POV]

I had been living with my brother Aberforth and his wife, Rosemerta.

Big sister Rosemerta is a fierce woman. She told me their love story about how she smacked the depression out of big brother. She's funny and kind, reminding me of our mother.

When I was revived by Agustus, it all felt surreal. One moment, I was in a pool of souls floating around, and the next, I was in front of him.

The world was so beautiful without the memories of my past trauma. I remember some things like shivering, not sleeping, and screaming, but I don't remember the incident itself. My guess was that this was his doing.

Big brother Albus was another problem. He used to cry every time he saw me! He is such a crybaby. He blamed himself for my death. I used big sister's technique and smacked him on the head, which seemed to work fine as he usually stopped crying after three hits.

Big sister did mutter something about both brothers being 'masochist' but she didn't tell me the meaning of that word.

I will be going to Hogwarts next year as a seventh-year student. Albus was teaching me everything I needed to know. It was not possible to cram six years of knowledge, so he started teaching me with the help of a Time-Turner. It took a lot of convincing, as he was reluctant to let me use it.

I also visited my friends. Yes, I became friends with Dora and Bella; they were great. Speaking of friends, Skadi became my best friend. Fawkes is a good boy, but Skadi is just too cute. She plays with me and takes me outside sneakily. I love her.

Spending time with family and friends was fun, I got to enjoy magic which I couldn't use first time, my body was healthy, I could run, jump and play around, big brother Albus took me to see Unicorns near Hogwarts, we also visited a Dragon Nest, it was terrifying and beautiful experience at the same time.

I am lucky to have a second chance at life, and I am going to make the most of it.

[Pov end]

[Pandora Lovegood POV ]

I had stopped my research and experiments to create new spells. I had made a grave mistake and paid for it dearly. It wasn't only me who was affected—my little bunny was affected too. I had traumatized my daughter, giving her scars that didn't show on the outside but hurt her more than any physical scar would.

After returning from Heir Peverell's manor, I looked for my husband but didn't find him anywhere. Luna told me about him mourning my death, which made me feel even worse. I was sad that he and my daughter were suffering because of me, but also happy that he still loved me so much.

I wanted to surprise him. He was still wearing the pendant I had given him on our second date. I tried to locate the pendant, and it led me to a Muggle town.

I was confused but shrugged it off, guessing he was trying to get away from magic and spending his day alone.

As I reached his location, I found myself standing outside a double-story Muggle house. It looked ordinary, like the other twenty houses on that side of the road. Using a Disillusionment Charm, I Apparated inside the house to surprise my husband, but he reversed it. I was the one who got the surprise of my life.

My husband was soundly sleeping, but beside him was a woman who looked just like me. Seeing traces of magic on her face, it was clear he had transfigured her face to look like mine.

I walked toward the table on which an empty potion vial lay. Smelling it, I couldn't help but frown. It was a love potion. I felt sick to my stomach. He... how could he do this? This was rape, it's not something I could ignore, he is playing with lifes of other people and acting like a loving father to Luna. I felt utterly disgusted and mortified at the scene.

I get that he loves me obsessively, but to leave Luna alone and do something so vile—it hurt me to my core.

I... what do I do?

[Pov end]


Sup, gimme stones. Seeya.