
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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91 Chs

Phoenix and Time skip

Agustus watched the ice phoenix egg that had begun to hatch.

The cracks on the egg spread and the shell shattered.

A little phoenix peeked out of the pieces. The room temperature dropped as the phoenix looked at Agustus and gave a cry, as if inviting him to pick her up.

Agustus picked up the little phoenix and admired her. The phoenix looked a bit thin due to having no feathers. But Agustus knew she would grow into a beautiful bird.

Chirrrp chirrp.

"Your name will be Skadi, goddess of winter," he said.

Chirrrp chirrp. The phoenix rolled in Agustus's hand.

The bird played with Agustus's fingers, nibbling and tugging at them. The little bird was almost constantly hungry, and a phoenix hatchling was difficult to keep sated. Worms and beetles seemed to make tasty treats for her.

Agustus fed the bird as she chirped happily. When she was full, the bird fell asleep in Agustus's hand.

Agustus took Skadi and apparated to his room at Hogwarts, putting Skadi on a pillow and sleeping on the bed.

A few hours later, Agustus was awakened by the sound of Skadi's chirping. He opened his eyes and saw Skadi sitting on his chest, looking at him with curiosity. He also noticed that his hair was frozen and covered with ice crystals, he didn't felt the cold due to Power Of destruction protecting him.

Agustus looked at the time and thought, 'Oh boy, this is going to be tough.'

It was hard for Agustus to look after little Skadi, but he managed.

After a week, Skadi learned to fly and one day she followed Agustus to a class, which caused a commotion as a Ravenclaw fifth year identified the bird as an ice phoenix. When Dora saw Skadi, she hugged the bird, but Skadi did not like Dora, much to Dora's dismay.

Right now, Agustus was sitting in his room, playing with Skadi. She had become two weeks old, and very mischievous. She had pranked some students with the Weasley twins yesterday. He had to punish Skadi by not playing with her for a day.

Skadi chirped and tried to get his attention, but he ignored her.

He had received a letter from Gringotts, the wizarding bank. They wanted to meet him and discuss the recent theft of the contents of his vault. He fixed the meeting for the next weekend.

Saturday arrived, and Agustus left Hogwarts to go to Gringotts.

As he reached the bank, the goblins at the entrance recognised him and ushered him inside, where the goblin chief was waiting for him.

"Welcome, Heir Peverell, to Gringotts," said the chief. "I apologise for the theft that occurred at our bank, and I thank you for keeping your silence about it."

Agustus nodded at him and said, "No worries, I received adequate compensation after all."

The goblin chief remained silent for a few seconds before continuing, "I heard that you have acquired an Ice phoenix. Could you please summon it here? I have never seen one alive in my entire life."

Agustus knew where this was going and said, "Sure, Skadi."


As he called her name, she appeared in a flash of blue light and perched on his shoulder, rubbing her head on his cheek.

Agustus laughed and patted her little head.

The goblin chief examined the phoenix with a keen eye and then stood up and said, "Heir Peverell, I have to ask you, where did you get the egg?"

Agustus answered, "Oh, I bought the egg from a dealer in Knockturn Alley for 500,000 galleons. And I don't regret it, because I love Skadi."

Chirrrp chirrp.

Skadi chirped happily as Agustus stroked her feathers.

The goblin chief believed Agustus, and why wouldn't he? Agustus was just an eleven-year-old boy. He couldn't have possibly robbed the most secure bank in the world. Agustus had withdrawn 300,000 galleons from Gringotts a month ago, which the goblin chief assumed was for buying the phoenix egg.

The goblin chief sighed and said, "Heir Peverell, the phoenix egg was stolen from one of our vaults, so I must ask you to return the phoenix to us. We will give you 500,000 galleons as a reward."

Agustus shook his head and said, "Nope, I don't want your money. Skadi is family now."

Agustus didn't get angry hearing this, he was expecting the goblin to say this, after all the phoenix once belonged to him. What Agustus cared about was the next step goblin chief would take. Court or Violence. But he was sure 99.9%, next step would be a case threat.

The goblin chief frowned and said, "You bought that egg illegally, Heir Peverell. Please reconsider, or we will have to file a case against you."

And we have a winner, 'Who are you fooling? You would be the biggest idiot if you do that, and the case wouldn't affect me anyway.' thought Agustus,

"You can do whatever you want, but this is why you called me here? You wasted my time. And my butler will come to withdraw all of my galleons from your bank." Agustus said.

The goblin chief didn't like this one bit. He was losing on both sides. So he hurriedly stopped Agustus, who had turned around to walk out, and said, "I apologise for those words, Heir Peverell. I was just trying my luck there. Please understand, we are very troubled here at Gringotts."

Agustus stopped and looked at the goblin chief with a sad face and said, "But... but those words hurt me deeply. How could I forget those words?"

Chirrp chirrp.

Skadi could feel Agustus's emotions and looked at him with a surprised face.

The goblin chief gritted his teeth and said, "Is 50,000 galleons enough for the damages?"

Agustus's sad face disappeared and he smiled at the goblin chief and said, "We'll see you again."

The goblin chief was sad and wondered if Agustus had some goblin blood in him.

Waving goodbye to the goblin chief, Agustus walked out with Skadi sitting on his shoulder.

'It's so much fun to rob people of the things they love the most.' thought Agustus.

The days flew by quickly and soon it was time for the exams. The twins and Dora were cramming at the last minute, while Cedric and Agustus helped them revise.

The exams went by smoothly, and Agustus aced all of them without breaking a sweat. No one was surprised by his performance.

The twins, who had used their brains for studying for once, also got really good grades.

After the exams, it was time to go home for the summer. Dora left from King's Cross station with her parents, Edward and Andromeda. Andromeda had wanted to invite Agustus to their house, but Agustus had politely declined. He wanted to see his grandma, little Emily, and the other kids at the orphanage. Andromeda was not happy with his decision, so she complained Dora about her boyfriend all the way back home.

Agustus arrived outside the orphanage and saw the kids playing in the garden with smiles on their faces. He had really missed this place.



Which country would you like to travel and experience. You don't have to worry about the money.

People were really sad due to Fawkes death poor bird. Did Fawkes due or Agustus apparated it somewhere? Who knows?

Next chapter meeting with Minister, elections are coming closer.