
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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95 Chs

Meeting Finale and Embarrassed Bella

Soon, the toad was thrown out of the meeting as everyone equally agreed she was adding nothing to the discussion. For the first time in the history of the wizarding world, only one person united both the Light and Dark sides, with even those in the grey areas supporting them. Only a legendary figure could achieve such unity.

Lords started arguing at the emergence of Voldemort, even though it was still a hypothesis, it was frightening to them. That man had the power to burn down their houses, even if they had wards. Most people in the meeting survived due to their submission or remaining under the Fidelius Charm.

Malfoy was the most frightened. He was one of the most prominent Death Eaters who betrayed his 'master', and now he was sure he would be living under constant fear of Voldemort coming after him. Bellatrix was another matter; the Lestrange bastard had given the Dark Lord a perfect killing machine. That woman had killed more people than Voldemort himself.

Another concerned party was Lady Longbottom. She was furious at the Ministry and Amelia Bones for failing to stop a single wizard. She had been so happy that her son and daughter-in-law were now healed, thanks to Heir Peverell, and the first thing they saw in the Daily Prophet was the freedom of the witch who had crippled them. It was devastating for her. Here she was, arguing with Dumbledore and Malfoy.

Dumbledore stood, looking hopeless and tired. He deflected questions about his whereabouts on the night of the breakout and how the Order of Merlin was not alerted. How did the intruder know the location of Azkaban? He simply dodged or tried to answer them as vaguely as possible, as he didn't want to lie. It was amusing to see how disappointed the Light families looked with his answers, unable to voice their dissatisfaction, but not Lady Longbottom; she only cared about her family's protection.

Lady Longbottom had requested the Protection Act. As the name stated, a Lord could request protection to ensure their safety for one month. This act was introduced by Millie, who regretted it immediately after its passing, as the task force at the Ministry's disposal was reduced due to her short-sightedness, only this act was the stain she had in her time as a Minister of Magic, she wanted to remove this act as soon as possible.

[Agustus POV]

The shit show continued even after the disturbance caused by Umbitch. The arguments were a sight to see. Many lords argued about House Black's involvement in the breakout, but a glare from Lord Black shut them up, Old man was terrifying for these fools.

"Alright, Aurors, please bring Barty Crouch from the cell," called Dumbledore, as this decision was also on the agenda for today's meeting.

The Aurors brought a man who looked like he could die at any moment. I couldn't see the fat he had before; he was sunken. Crouch had no expression on his face, a cold and ruthless expression with killing intent faced towards the crowd. One could not recognize one of the major war heroes standing in front of them in this condition.

He slowly walked in front of the crowd as Aurors tied his hands with chains. He looked around, and his eyes stopped on Dumbledore before continuing to wander off again.

Even though he was shackled, one could see that the fighting spirit of the old horse was still there. He looked particularly more frightening to the Death Eaters as they remembered this man clearly.

"So why am I here again? Wasn't I sentenced to 8 years in Azkaban?" asked Crouch in a raspy voice, a little confusion could be seen on his face.

I chuckled a little at this; I was waiting for the moment Dumbledore told him about us knowing his son, and I didn't have to wait long.

"It's about your son. He is missing from Azkaban. Do you know anything about that?"

This made the old man flinch as he shook, remembering his wife's dying wish. He looked at Dumbledore and lied, "I don't know anything about that. Maybe the man that caused commotion at Azkaban broke him out."

It was a long shot, but he took it. Amelia Bones stood up from her seat and said, "No, he didn't visit your son's cell. Bellatrix's cell had broken walls due to a Bombarda, while Barty Crouch Jr's remained untouched. The man didn't go near him."

Well, there you have it. The meeting progressed as expected. Barty Crouch Sr. got a lifetime in Azkaban for breaking out a Death Eater from Azkaban, Aurors were sent to his house to search, they found nothing in his house.

'so the house elf fled with his young master' I thought with a smile.

Now ministry has two death eaters running arround, Lady Longbottom was furious at this, she hated both of them.

I was tired of sitting there. Honestly, I wouldn't be attending any more of these freaking meetings again. If it weren't for Narcissa being there, I would have admitted to breaking out Bella, as there was nothing these people could do to me.

I noticed something in me changing, my views. I didn't see people like Malfoy as a person but as a tool to gain something. I was becoming a little like Voldemort. Maybe I should play around more. Politics lessons from Mille had made me a ruthless bastard looking for opportunities every time.

I took Narcissa home. Nobody tried to talk to me this time as they were too worried about saving themselves from Voldemort. It was established in the meeting that Voldemort was indeed alive. Death Eaters rushed to the nearest Floo Network to get home as soon as possible.

As we arrived, I saw Dora and Bella flying on brooms. They were playing Quidditch in the garden, skadi was acting as their referee. I looked at Narcissa, who just shrugged in return.


"Yes, master," the old man appeared as soon as I called him.

I pointed towards the women flying. He understood and answered immediately.

"My lord, Lady Tonks was getting bored, so Miss Peverell suggested playing Quidditch in the garden. They later came to me asking for brooms. Lady Tonks especially asked for your brooms, so I gave them. It's been an hour since they began playing."

Damn, Dora really knows how to annoy me. That's my girl for you. She got me two times on the same day. Playing a sport I didn't like in my favorite place of the garden and also flying on the custom-made brooms from my company. It seems little Dora has earned some spanking.

I dismissed my butler as he returned to his duties. I had told Alfred to treat her orders as mine, and the old butler obeyed.

Narcissa on the side just chuckled and hugged me from behind, knowing my mood. She tightened the hug and nibbled my ear, saying, "It's fine. Let them play. Bella enjoyed Quidditch in her younger years and Dora seemed to be having fun too."

I found it amusing how my wife was acting towards her sisters. "Oh, it seems my wife has forgotten about her husband. Poor me. Now her priorities lied in her sister's intrest."

This made her eyes twitch as she turned me around and kissed me passionately, I was initially surprised but returned her kiss.

Seeing us like this in the garden, both Bella and Dora arrived and landed near us, Dora pulled out her wand and blurted out a few ticking spells which were interrupted by POD, she clicked her tongue in annoyance and watched us snogging in the middle of the garden.

Bella wasn't doing well either, she had a scandalised look on her face, thinking how her mother and aunt would die again if she saw her sister like that in the middle of a bloody garden, but when she saw that Dora's spells weren't reaching me, she became confused and more curious about my magic.

So we parted, she smiled and kissed me on the cheek and said, "You said something, husband," and I spanked her ass, eliciting a groan from her. I love my wife.

I looked at the two girls in front of me, Dora was visibly annoyed, I pulled her close to me with POD and kissed her on the lips, she blushed a little because people were here.

We've kissed many times before, but this was the first time we'd done it in front of people.

"So my Dora was being a naught witch," she panicked and tried to free herself from my embrace, well aware of the consequences.

"No...I wasn't. Please not her Agustus," she had turned deep red due to embarrassment.

I couldn't help grinning, she's so cute, I raised my hand and spanked her sweet ass, which jiggled in response.

She just moaned and stopped struggling, I spanked her a few more times over her pants before I healed her skin as it was surely red, Dora was a mess, all black girls loved to be spanked, it was their weakness and Dora was no exception.

Narcissa grinned as she looked at Bella's face, Bella had never seen anything so embarrassing and naughty in front of her, she was an innocent, pure witch, she hadn't even kissed anyone, as that was forbidden before marriage, seeing something like that was too suggestive for a girl in her 17 years.

"Did you enjoy the show Bella," said Narcissa the later said nothing and threw the broom on the floor, she ran and didn't stop until she had reached her room and closed the door.

She panted and laid on the bed, burying her head on pillows.

Me and Narcissa laughed while Dora pinched my waist snuggling in my embrace.

[Bellatrix's POV]

Wavwa! How can they be so shameless?

My face was hot; I could feel my cheeks reddening. Dora seemed to be enjoying the punishment.

Agustus was hitting her back. What would it feel like? No, what am I thinking?

These three are corrupting me. I will complain about this to Big Sis Andromeda. She will surely make them gain some shame and tact on how to behave out of their bedroom.

I peeked out from behind my pillow and looked at my back, curiosity getting the best of me. I took my hand and hit my bum. Hmm, it didn't feel that good; it was disappointing. Maybe he knew some kind of technique to make it feel good.

I wriggled on my bed. Tomorrow, I am going out with him. How can I even face them after watching that?


[Agustus POV]

I woke up with Dora sleeping on my chest and Cissy holding his hand between her soft twin peaks. I gently poked her cheeks, and she soon woke up, while Dora remained deep in her slumber.

Getting ready, I walked down with Narcissa and saw Bella already waiting for us in the hall. She wore skinny black jeans and a white t-shirt beneath her Peverell robes, looking effortlessly stylish. Dayum, She looked good in those jeans.

We all had a light breakfast together to kickstart the day, Alfred had contacted the goblins to get few more house elfs as it was getting hard for him and other elfs to keep the whole manor in shape. The breakfast was also prepared by them.

While eating, Narcissa couldn't resist teasing Bella, "Are you prepared for your first date Bells?"

Bella glared at Narcissa, snarling, "It's not a date; we're just going to buy a wand, a few dresses for me, maybe some ice cream, and return, right Agustus?"

Amused by Bella's response, Narcissa laughed and glanced at her, causing Bella to blush and lower her head on the table.

I intervened, saying, "Alright, that's enough teasing. She might not go out with me if you overdo it."

Narcissa smiled and played along, "Okay, but you must take care of my little Rose."

Bella looked up expectantly at me and asked, "Can we go to Grimmauld Place too?"

I nodded in agreement, replying, "Not with me, though. Aunt Andy and Narcissa will accompany you later."

Bella beamed with joy at the prospect of reuniting with her cousin and grandfather.

'Maybe I could duel with the old man again. Just like the old times,' she thought to herself.

[POV end]


2000+ alright, I'm planning on writing 3000+ just give me some time.

Seeya tomorrow. Comment about mistakes as I couldn't edit this one properly.