
Reincarnated In HP world with Power of Destruction

Power 1.Unlimited Power of Destruction 2.Perfect control 3.Tom Riddle's Magic Talent, and lot of Magical Energy Orphan trope Harem 1.Nymphadora Tonks 2.Luna Lovegood 3.Fleur Delacour 4.Daphne Greengrass 5.Astoria Greengrass 6.Hermione Granger Summary: MC is OP as fk but don't act cold towards people he care and actually listens to them (beta naive mc) He is Heir of an ancient noble family. A lot of MC's ass kissing, cringe af, ya this is it. I won't recommend you reading this shit. There are way way better ff available on webnovel read those than wasting your time here. why am I writing this then? cause I'm a fking loser. You're not right? sorry just got upset due to criticism. Ahh I should just delete this shit and do something productive with my life. You can't satisfy everyone. some like Hermione, some hate her to guts. fking idiots.

Agwinz · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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98 Chs

Hocrux and Death

So I was mixing protagonists name between

Augustus and Agustus

The name is Agustus alright. If you see more typoes please point them out so I can fix them.

I had to edit more than 20 fking chapters, still i may have missed somewhere. Sorry for that


(flashback 28 October ROR)

Agustus felt exhausted and sweaty after a rigorous training session. He decided to take a shower in the Room of Requirement, where he had already stored some spare clothes beforehand.

As he enjoyed the warm water, he thought about a question that had been nagging him ever since he took the inheritance test at Gringotts, but always ignored it.

He had discovered that he was the Heir of the House of Peverell, one of the oldest and most powerful wizarding families in history. He wondered if he could summon the Deathly Hallows, the legendary artefacts that were said to belong to the Peverell brothers.

He decided to try it out. He thought about which artefact he wanted to summon and chose the Gaunt ring, which contained the Resurrection Stone. The ring had been cursed by Voldemort, who had used it as one of his Horcruxes.

He asked the Room of Requirement to provide him with an empty space where he could experiment safely. The room changed accordingly, leaving him alone in a large hall.

He stood in the center of the hall and wrapped himself with the Power of Destruction. He focused his mind on the ring and called it to him.

To his surprise, he felt a weight in his hand. He opened his eyes and saw the ring. It was a simple gold band with a black stone set in it.

He felt no trace of the curse that had once afflicted the ring. He examined it closely and found it to be surprisingly beautiful. The stone had a mesmerizing quality, as if it held secrets beyond his comprehension.

He decided to destroy the ring and keep only the stone. He used his Power of Destruction to break the metal and free the stone from the soul of voldomort. He held the stone in his palm and let go of his power.

He felt a sudden chill in the air. He looked up and saw a dark figure standing in front of him. It was a hooded and cloaked being, holding a huge scythe in its skeletal hand. Agustus recognized it immediately.

It was Death.

Agustus was startled but not afraid. He had power to face worse in this life. He stared at the being with curiosity and defiance.

The being knelt down in front of Agustus and spoke in a very raspy and dead voice. "Welcome, Master Agustus. I have waited a long time for your arrival."

This made Agustus more intrigued. He ordered the being to stand up and explain everything.

Death obeyed and said, "There was a decree of nature, Master. A prophecy that foretold the coming of a man who would wield the power to destroy the laws of the world. I gave my tools to the brothers to find you, my Master. The true Master of Death and the laws of the world."

Death continued, "I have ruled over death for eons. I can extend or shorten the lifespan of any human, resurrect the dead, and kill anyone in the mortal realm. And I would do anything for you, Master."

Death had a crazed obsession in its eyes and gave a fanatical look to Agustus.( he couldn't see that due to death's hood)

Agustus was stunned by this revelation. He thought to himself, 'I thought death was just playing with the brothers out of boredom, and now I have control over death?'

He looked around and asked death, "So this is your domain, and this is how you look, death?"

Death replied, "Yes, Master, this is my domain. All the souls come here to be judged by me or my soul servants. But this is not my true appearance, Master. I use this disguise to make sure people fear death. Would you like to see how I really look, my lord?"

Death asked this question with puppy dog eyes, but Agustus couldn't see them under the black hood.

Agustus nodded, curious and intrigued. Death flicked its left hand and a throne materialized behind Agustus.

"Sit down, Master. I want to see your reaction when you see my true appearance," death said.

Agustus smiled at death and sat down on the throne.

Death then said, "Master, use your power to destroy the black cloth on me. Don't worry, I'm wearing clothes underneath."

Agustus nodded again and used his power to destroy the black robe covering death.

What Agustus saw left him speechless. He saw one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Death was dressed in a black dress that hugged her curves. She had long brown hair, fair skin, and bright blue eyes. She looked like Hayley Atwell, the famous actress.

Seeing Agustus mesmerized, death's voice changed into a beautiful female voice and said, "Do you like my appearance that much, Master?"

Agustus nodded absent-mindedly, unable to take his eyes off her. Death smiled and moved closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. She whispered in his ear, "Master, I am yours. We are going to be together for eternity. You can see me as much as you want and do anything you want with me. I would love to receive your affection, Master." She pressed her body against his, ready to be in bed with her Master.

Hearing this, Agustus snapped out of his trance. He quickly stood up and hugged her, feeling a mix of emotions. Death was overjoyed that her Master hugged her back. She felt his warmth and his heartbeat. Agustus said, "You are beautiful, Death. I'm honoured to be with you. But we will take this slowly. I know you waited too long and it is selfish of me to ask you to wait more. But there is also someone else I want you to meet before we take this any further."

He said this, knowing that Dora, she wouldn't forgive him if he did anything with Death right now. He loved Dora, she wasn't his girlfriend right now but he just couldn't bring himself to do anything with death knowing Dora loves him too she just hasn't realised her feelings for him. Agustus always felt he didn't want more than one girl and Dora was more than enough for him, but he also felt a strange attraction to Death. He didn't know how to explain it, or how to deal with it.

Death smiled at Agustus's heartfelt words. She understood his dilemma. She had been waiting for her Master for a long time, and now he was with her. He was hugging her! Death was happy. She playfully said, "Alright, Master. But you will have to compensate me for making me wait."

Agustus smiled and said, "Do you have any other name? Calling you Death doesn't suit you when you're like this."

Death smiled, still in Agustus's arms. She said, "Give me a name, Master."

Agustus nodded and thought for a while. He said, "How about Hela? She is the Norse goddess who rules over the realm of the dead."

(A/N - not much creative, are we?)

Death, or rather Hela, cried in Agustus's arms. She said, "Thank you, Master. I love the name you gave me."

Agustus said, "Stop calling me Master. Call me Agustus."

Hela smiled and said, "No, Master. I won't. I waited for years to call you my Master. I won't change that."

Agustus gave a challenging smile and said, "Even if I order you to?"

Hela smiled back and said, "I know you won't."

Agustus just gave a sigh and smiled at her. She looked at him with admiration and love. She blushed and said, "I will take you back to the human realm, Master."

Agustus said, "It was nice meeting you, Hela."

Hela kissed Agustus on his forehead and said, "I love you, Master. See you soon."

Agustus appeared back in the Room of Requirement with the Resurrection Stone in his hand, and a cloak and a wand near his feet. They were the other two Deathly Hallows. He had become the true Master of Death.


Can't believe this shit was on popular ranking.

Next chapter dumbles reaction to losing wand and cloak. And flashback end and destroying other hocrux.

See ya in next one.