
Reincarnated in Danganronpa

Reincarneted in a world full of despair, a boy is forced to build a good story to entertain the audience above. In this run for life, will he survive till the end? [P.S: My native language is not english, don't expect too much from me.]

KnightRidingACow · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

A cruel truth that blossoms into a blue lily.

"Each one reaches the truth that is able to hear."

A "reaction-formation" occurs when a people feels the desire to say or do something, but does the opposite. It appears as a defense mechanism of the need to cover up something unacceptable, through the adoption of an opposite position. When a person who behaves in an extremely docile way hides an extremely violent instinct behind it.

"Each one reaches the truth that is able to hear", if the person is not ready to reach a certain truth, because it gives him some kind of pain, suffering or any effect that can be considered as harmful to this people, he will instinctively activate a defense mechanism. And until his psychic maturity enables him to see the truth, 'this' can be clearly in front of the person, who himself, protected by his psychic structure, will not see or perceive anything.

That said, Maizono Sayaka is a good example of a person who couldn't accept the "truth" that was proposed to her.

To become the Ultimate Idol, she definitely stepped over dozens or hundreds of other peoples to reach the fame she has today.

And because of that, she had the determination to put her plan in action. She had the determination to try to kill Leon Kuwata. She had the determination to try to frame Naegi Makoto.

But her plan was as fragmented as a broken mirror, blinded by her own anxiety, she failed to realize how stupid she was.

And for her stupidity, she died.

Koutarou contemplated. Naegi Makoto's scream was so loud and desperate that he could hear it even when he was in the dining room.

A time had passed since the reveal in the A / V room, during which the entire plot continued to complete itself piece by piece.

Koutarou didn't feel the need to stop Maizono Sayaka's death, her failed assassination attempt was necessary for the story to continue in the direction he wanted.

It didn't take a long time for Naegi to be wheeled into the gym, unconscious, the students gathered. As much as he didn't want to, he still joined with everyone by Monokuma's orders.

After the discovery of Maizono Sayaka's death, most of the students were avoiding being around Naegi, who had discovered the body first, except for Asahina, Ohgami and Chihiro, who tried to wake him up.

It didn't take a long time to Naegi come to her senses.

Naegi: "What... Place is this?"

Asahina: "It's the gym. Naegi, you had fainted in your room."

Chihiro: "Ohgami-san carried you."

Naegi: "Wasn't it a dream...? Maizono-san?!"

To Naegi, who was impressively pale-skinned, Byakuya replied.

Byakuya: "Maizono Sayaka is... Dead."

Naegi Makoto had an expression that looked like she had just heard a nonsense bullshit. His breathing was heavy and a trace of sweat trickled down his forehead. He quickly tried to get up and run but was stopped by Ishimaru.

Ishimaru: "Where do you think you're going?!"

Naegi: "It's not obvious?! Maizono-san... She..."

Ishimaru: "Wait! Calm down, Naegi!"

Naegi: "No! I have to go!"

Naegi quickly disposed of Ishimaru, but his momentum was stopped again by Byakuya.

Byakuya: "We have already checked thoroughly. Maizono Sayaka is dead, without a doubt."

Naegi: "So what's the point of us being gathered here?! Shall we just stand here quietly?!"

Kirigiri: "We are not here because we want to be."

Naegi: "Then why?!"

Fukawa: "It's not obvious? It was Monokuma! He told us to meet in the gym."

Ishimaru: "Of course we were against it! How could we stand here when someone just died? But..."

Kirigiri: "I gave a suggestion to everyone. That we had better obey him for the moment."

Naegi: "Kirigiri-san..."

Naegi looked a bit nervous, in comparison, Kirigiri looked infinitely calm as she answered completely logically.

Kirigiri: "We are prisoners here. We cannot face the enemy blindly like that, to not increase the number of victims."

Naegi: "Maizono-san... Was murdered by him! By Monokuma!"

"That's wrong."

To Naegi's accusatory words, Koutarou, who had been on the sidelines the entire time, quickly cut him off. This earned him a few surprised expressions, while others looked like they were already thinking about it.

Naegi, whose emotions hadn't calmed down completely, hurried to question Koutarou.

Naegi: "So who was it, who killed Maizono-san?!"

"Obviously one of us. It could have been me, it could have been you, it could have been anyone in this gym."

His words seemed to have frozen the hearts of some of the students, while others only strengthened the resolve in their minds.

"Monokuma is someone sadistic, cruel... For him to kill Maizono Sayaka personally, wouldn't that be incredibly boring? He would prefer if we killed each other, one by one."

Naegi seemed to find Koutarou's words meaningless, but his complaints were interrupted by Kirigiri, who retorted in a subtle but accusatory tone.

Kirigiri: "You seem to be quite familiar with Monokuma, isn't it Koutarou-kun? Come to think of it, you're the only one who isn't worried about getting killed or living in this school for the rest of your life from the start."

With Kirigiri's words, the students finally seemed to come around to something and looked at Koutarou suspiciously.

Feeling that Kirigiri's accusation was a little funny, Koutarou replied with a short smile plastered on his lips.

"Hah... I already knew that the suspicious that there is a spy among us would eventually arise, but I didn't expect that the first suspect would be me."

Kirigiri was feeling a bit uncomfortable with Koutarou's relaxed tone, but she didn't let it show on her face.

Kirigiri: 'Guys like this are the hardest to read...'

"Unfortunately for you, Kirigiri-san, I am an example of a loyal citizen. I even make sure to throw the trash in the trash can, it pains me to think that you have suspicions about my integrity!"

Koutarou looked a little sad, but Kirigiri also didn't take him seriously. She was about to answer when she was interrupted by a high-pitched voice that everyone was already familiar with.

Monokuma: "The boy is right, I wouldn't do that, it would make things very boring!"

Monokuma, who had appeared on top of the lectern at some point, looked at the students with his characteristic red eye.

Monokuma: "As long as you guys don't break the rules, of course!"

Naegi: "Monokuma!"

Monokuma: "Listen to me, I would never do anything to interfere with this fantastic high school life of yours! I was famous at the zoo because I kept talking about how important rules are, after all."

Asahina: "So, in fact, someone among us..."

Monokuma: "You know very well. Whoever killed Maizono Sayaka, was someone among you guys!"

Despite everyone having been warned of this before, it was impossible to contain the anxiety, panic and suspicious that followed.

Monokuma: "Any of you guys killed Maizono Sayaka to graduate, that's all! That's the rule, nothing wrong was done."

Asahina: "It can't be... It must be a lie..."

Asahina looked especially upset, and Naegi, whose emotions were still in a frenzy, snapped back angrily.

Naegi: "Of course it's a lie!"

Monokuma: "No, it was surely someone among you all who killed her! And the culprit knows this very well."

Chihiro: "That is true...?"

Ishimaru: "Be honest, who killed Maizono-san?!"

Fukawa: "Even if the culprit was here... It's not like he's going to talk!"

Celestia: "Well, it could be any one of us."

Hifumi: "I'll tell you guys right now, it wasn't me."

"It just makes you look more suspicious, but I doubt that someone of your stature could kill Maizono-san without crushing her."

Hifumi: "Hey! What do you mean by that, you bastard?!"

Koutarou perfectly ignored him, but cast a glance at Leon Kuwata, who felt uncomfortable with the slyly insinuating smile and quickly snapped back.

Leon: "What?! Why are you looking at me?!"

Byakuya: "Be quiet, idiots."

Byakuya politely interrupted the discussion, asking Monokuma right away.

Byakuya: "Oi, if the culprit is one of us, that means he can graduate, right?"

Monokuma: "Upupupupupupu... Hahahahah! How naive, too naive, infernally naive!"

Monokuma's high-pitched laugh managed to make everyone uncomfortable.

Monokuma: "The fun part starts now!"

Naegi: "The fun part...?"

Monokuma: "Now, I will begin the explanation of the graduation rules."

Celeste: "The killer cannot let other students know that he committed the murder. You're talking about that part, right?"

Monokuma: "Exactly! Just killing is not enough, you have to kill without others discover you!"

Celeste: "So you're saying it needs to be a perfect crime... Is that it?"

Monokuma: "And then, the system for judging whether this has been achieved or not... It's the "School Judgment" session that will ocurr shortly after the murder!"

All: "School Judgment...?"

Finally, Monokuma reveals one of the main natures of this mutual death game.

Monokuma: "At the School Judgment, you will argue among yourselves to find out who is the killer. If the answer you arrive at is correct, only the culprit will be punished. However, if you get it wrong... All the remaining innocents will be punished!"

"That punishment should be... Death, right?"

Koutarou's question left everyone with a lump in their throats, but that was nothing close to what they felt when Monokuma confirmed his doubts.

Monokuma: "Precisely! Shock in the electric chair, suffocation on poison gas, having your body dismembered in a hurricane. Believe me, I'm very creative with assassination methods, so everyone will have a different death for each one, don't worry!"

Contrary to how excited Monokuma appeared to be, the students had a heavy conscience. Fear and anxiety began to take over their hearts little by little, and even the most stoic ones couldn't help but feel dark inside.

Ishimaru: "If we get the culprit wrong... Will we all be executed?!"

Monokuma: "Uh-uh, a smart student! Your type is the most suspicious."

Monokuma seemed to have hited Ishimaru right in the point.

Monokuma: "Anyway, this is the School Judgment! You are the ones who will decide who is the culprit!"

Junko: "Shit bear! What you're saying is crazy!"

Junko, who had remained in silence until now, seemed to have finally started to play her act.

Junko: "Fuck that School Judgment! I will not participate of this shit!"

Monokuma: "Huh? Why?"

Junko: "It's not obvious?! Why do I have to find out who is the culprit?"

Monokuma: "You are abusing of my goodness!"

Junko: "It's you who does things the way you want! Kill yourselves as much as you guys want! I will not participate of this!"

Monokuma: "It's so exciting to see such an overwhelming evil determination like this...."

'He's sweating again...'

Koutarou wondered, perplexed, how the fuck that damn bear managed to sweat.

Monokuma: "But... I won't change the rules for you! I am a principled bear, who fights to the end! If you really want to leave... You'll have to face me first!"

Monokuma threatened with his unthreatening claws, leaping from the lectern to face Junko in a kung-fu pose.

But, it was quickly trampled.

Junko: "Done! Are you satisfied?!"

Monokuma: "I ask you the same..."

Junko: "Huh?"

Monokuma: "Violence against the director is strictly prohibited! I already told you, it's against the rules!"

Monokuma quickly started beeping, but Koutarou knew that what was coming wasn't an explosion.

Monokuma: "Activate summoning magic! Save me, divine spear Gungnir!"

From the ground, some compartments opened, ejecting sharp metal rods that mercilessly pierced Junko's body. Blood seeped from the wounds as she stared in disbelief at the spears piercing her.

Or at least, it should have been that way originally.

Junko: "Holy shit!"

Junko, or rather: Mukuro Ikusaba, who had been pulled back in time by Koutarou, exclaimed as she watched the metal rods that were just a few centimeters away from killing her. Fortunately, due to Koutarou's help, she was able to leave with only a leg injured.

Junko: "This... Why..."

'That's bad, she looks like she's about to go into a panic attack.'

Despite being the Ultimate Soldier, Mukuro Ikusaba had an extremely weak and submissive mindset to her sister. She never took Junko's attempts to kill her seriously, knowing that Junko would fall in despair if she really could kill her eventually. However, being thrown into this situation, without being informed of anything and still being almost killed by the one she loved the most... It was as if she had been completely abandoned, discarted, as if... She was no longer of value to Enoshima Junko.

"Ohgami-san, can you give me a hand?"

Koutarou called out to Ohgami who was beside him. Sakura quickly knocked Mukuro unconscious with a blow in the back of her head, and there was no need to mention Fukawa who had already fainted out the moment he saw blood. Everyone was scared.

Monokuma: "Ara, Koutarou-kun. Were you ever taught to not interrupt a punishment? If I don't set an example now, wouldn't everyone here just disrespect me with no conscience?!"

"Junko-san wasn't serious, she just got carried away by emotion. It won't happen again, right guys? You're a great director, so you're going to be reasonable with Junko-san this time, since it was her first infraction, isn't it, Monokuma-chan?"

Koutarou tried to convince the bear with a smile on his face, his tone was sincere and all the students quickly agreed.

Monokuma: "Hah... You have a good tongue in that mouth of yours, don't you? Alright, I'll let it go this time since you seem so sincere, but there better not be a next one!"

Monokuma looked convinced. Koutarou felt something was off since Monokuma gave in so easily, but at least he got what he wanted in the end.

Monokuma slowly climbed the lectern with his small body, facing all the students from above once more.

Monokuma: "Anyway, you understand now, right? I am serious! I'm going to reduce the amount of time you have to investigate as a low punishment, so you'd better hurry, as the School Judgment will start soon!"

Said that, Monokuma quickly disappeared behind the lectern. Again, no one knew where he came from or where he went.

The students remained in heavy silence for a while, until Byakuya took the initiative to say something.

Byakuya: "Well, at least we know that if we break the rules one more time, there will be no excuses."

Celeste: "So let's start the investigation right away. We can't go around wasting time forever with two uselless."

Celeste said, looking at the unconscious Junko and Fukawa who had fainted out just a time before.

Naegi: "You don't have to talk like that..."

Celeste: "I told you, didn't I? Those who cannot adapt will die first."

Kirigiri: "Stop arguing. Our priority must be to find out who the culprit is. Standing here won't get us anywhere."

Hagakure: "W-what is that? The pages are increasing!"

At Hagakure's shout, everyone quickly pulled out their handbooks and noticed the addition of a new page called the Monokuma File. In it, the information about Maizono Sayaka and the details of her death uncovered so far were presented.

Hifumi: "This... Maizono Sayaka's death is written here!"

Celeste: "Watch carefully. Maizono Sayaka's place of death... It's Naegi Makoto's room!"

Naegi: "Hah?!"

Owada: "Oi, Naegi, so it was you?!"

Naegi: "Wait a minute! You're getting it wrong!"

Byakuya: "Getting what wrong?"

Naegi: "I switched rooms with Maizono-san for one night! Cuz' she was scared!"

Owada: "Changed rooms? Who's going to believe such a nonsense?"

Naegi: "Are you guys... Suspecting of me...?"

Byakuya: "Of course we're going to suspect of you! If you're saying we're wrong, you have to prove us first!"

Naegi: "It cannot be..."

Byakuya: "Okay, let's start the game."

At Byakuya's lead, everyone started to move away to begin the investigation. Naegi Makoto couldn't help but bite her lips in frustration.

Naegi: "I'm not the culprit..."


Naegi: "Uawh! Koutarou-san?!"

Naegi, who was scared by Koutarou suddenly appearing behind him, quickly turned around to see what he wanted.

"You'd better go and investigate too, after all, Monokuma said he shortened our time, didn't he? I'm going to take Junko-san to the infirmary since her leg is still bleeding. As for Fukawa... You can just leave her there, if it's her, nothing will happen."

Naegi felt a drop of sweat run down his forehead at Koutarou's words, which made him realize that Fukawa didn't seem that simple.

Naegi: "Thank you, Koutarou-san. I better hurry up."

Anyway, Naegi didn't have time to think about Fukawa right now and quickly rushed to get clues to innocent him.

Koutarou, who had been left behind, licked his lips lightly.

"Well, how about we have a little chat, just the two of us, Junko-san? Or should I call you Mukuro Ikusaba?"

Mukuro: "..."