
Reincarnated in Custom Made Demon King

This story is about a man that got reincarnated in CMDK and trying to get to the top. Here what you can expect in the story: *The mc is a villain and he will do a lot of horrible things. *The mc will act more like a devil and use his brain. *I changed the system so it will be less artistic and more like the system read his mind and create what he picture. *there will be a harem of 3-4 but it will be a sub plot later. A little about myself- English is my second language but don't worry I'm pretty good at it. This will be my first book. I plan to update twice a week in Monday and Thursday. I hope every one will enjoy my book and if you have any constructive criticism feel free to write it in the comments.

MysteriousName · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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15 Chs

Chapter 8: Broken (R-18) 

(Hecate POV) 

I think l probably lost my mind, this is the only explanation I have for what is happening today, being defeated and enslaved by a new middle-rank, a giant silver slime that appeared out of thin air and started to build a castle where my lair used to be. 

I started touching my new red skin and looked at my giant breasts 'Did I start going crazy because I was always jealous of the succubuses' bodies and killed them around my territory?' 

I then looked at this demon that I imagined and started inspecting his body. 'Yes, he does seem like my type a tall Dragonoid demon with black skin like I had, and this giant crystal in his chest looks like one of my treasures. Wait but what about his stomach why doesn't he have big abs I better look inside there.' 

"What are you doing?" asked the illusion as I was about to stick my arm inside his stomach. 

"I am trying to see if you have something inside your stomach." I said as I put my arm inside and felt something kind of soft, I took it out and saw a tentacle. 

"No, it can't be right I hate sea demons, why would I imagine you with tentacles?" I wondered to myself if this was part of my insanity. 

"Wait what do you mean imagine?" Asked again my illusion, 'I am starting to get annoyed talking to him, maybe I should imagine someone else like a big fiery demon king, now that is making me all tingly.' 

"Hecate are you alright?" 

"Can you be quiet illusion, I am trying to imagine myself being dominated by Samael and you keep interrupting me." I shouted at the annoying illusion and then tried to kick him, just to be unable to move. 

"I see, I must have hit you too strong over the head and caused you to become delusional, let me fix that." I then saw him raising his Halberd and bringing it down on my head again. 

Before I fell unconscious, I heard him saying. "let me teach you one less time to whom you belong." 


(The following sex scenes have BDSM and torture in them. If you are disturbed by these things then you are free to skip it, I will put a message at the end.) 

Inside the newly built castle in a dark and eerie room filled with torture devices hanging from the ceiling was an unconscious red demoness, next to her was a tall and slender demon that had an evil smirk on his face. 

"I finished making my new toy, let's test it out on my volunteer." I inserted the butt plug into the unconscious Hecate that made a cute little moan after that, the butt plug glowed and I knew that it started working. 

"Let's wake up the sleeping Princess" I slapped her like my name was Sean Connery and it seemed to have done the trick as she started to wake up. 

"What happened? You again!!! what did you do to me this time?" Asked the confused Hecate, she started to struggle and tried to get out of her chains but to her surprise she didn't manage to break them nor use her magic. 

"It's useless my little plaything, I sealed your strength and magic while you were napping." I said while I started caressing her stomach. 

"No matter what you do to me I won't submit to you!!!" she said with defiance as she looked at Apophis, but he could sense that deep down she was aroused. 

"Very good don't lose your attitude too soon or it will disappoint me, now let us start shall we sensitivity X4" As I said this the butt plug glowed and Hecate started to look uncomfortable and move around which only caused her to feel more aroused. 

"What kind of evil spell did you use on me this time, you bastard." Ask Hecate with an angry and aroused look. 

"It's a little invention of mine, that butt plug apart from sealing your power it can also increase your sensitivity up to 100. But please try and resist more we just began after all, sensitivity X8" I then started massaging her breasts and looked at her face as she greeted her teeth and tried to close her eyes and ignore me. After a couple of minutes, I decided to increase the sensitivity again. 

"You are doing great my brave little girl, but let's not neglect your other part. Sensitivity X15" I then moved my right arm and started playing with her clit and folds. 

"AHHHH" Hecate screamed as she felt the pleasure assaulting her brain, and a few seconds later she squirted all over my arm. 

As I watched her cum, I was feeding on her feeling which also turned me on and I decided to get more creative with my powers. I transformed my fingers into long tentacles and inserted them into her vagina, while I was feeling her insides and playing with her G-spot, Hecate looked like she was having a seizure as her eyes moved around. 

After playing with her for half an hour I decided to step it up, I took her off the wall and put her in a big tub that was filled with water. I bound her hands and feet with the symbiote and put her in doggy style as her head was barely above the water. 

"NO, I don't like being in the water take me out!!!" Hecate screamed as she felt uncomfortable being in the water as a fire demon. "AHH" Hecate yelled as I pulled her hair and made her look at me. 

"Didn't you learn by now, the only thing that matters in your life now is me, not you." Apophis said that with a cruel look in his eyes, while looking at Hecate that had a shocked look on her face that turned into an aroused one. 

Apophis then inserted his dick inside of her, that after his transformation into a 3 meter tall demon also grew to half a meter. If Hecate was a human she would have surely died, luckily for her she was a 2 meter tall demon after the pill transformed her and she could fit the majority of it. 

"AAGGH IT HURTS TAKE IT OU" Before she could finish her sentence Apophis pushed her head into the water. 

"Here this should help you, sensitivity X20" I then enjoyed the feeling as her already tight pussy got even tighter. 

I continued to hold her down as I fucked her, even after she stopped making bubbles and started to lose strength. All the while I was feeding on her arousal and fear. when she started to lose consciousness, I raised her head and let her breathe just enough to stay conscious and then lowered her head again. 

After a couple of rounds, of almost dying and the constant stimulus of fear and arousal, caused her mindset to change. Apophis felt that snap and raised her head, curious about this change. 

"Don't stop drowning me master, I need more punishment for being such a bad girl." Hecate spoke in an aroused and eager voice. 

I then pulled her hair hard which caused her to moan and cum. "So, you finally know who's your master now?" Apophis said with a devilish smile on his face. 

"Of course, it's you after all you control my life and death in the palm of your hand. You are not only my master, you are my god." Said Hecate with a crazed look in her eyes. 

After she said these words, I felt something I never felt before coming from Hecate, faith. It made me feel powerful and happy so, to reward Hecate I made the symbiote release her and turn her around. 

"You moved me with your words so, I will let you experience the biggest pleasure that you will ever experience in your life." I then kissed her as my hand caressed her cheek, after we separated she looked at me totally infatuated and then I lowered my hand to her neck. 

"Now let your old self die and be reborn as my slave." I then choked her while pushing her down and continued to fuck her. I could see her smiling with that crazed look underwater, not even putting up any resistance. I then cum inside her as I felt her on death door, but I didn't stop holding her down and continued to watch as she finally died. 

"So, you fully surrendered yourself to me. I will make sure to reward your loyalty." I then took her body out of the water and made the symbiote restart her heart, she then woke up and spat out the water inside her lungs. 

I then picked her up and carried her to my bedroom there we continued to have sex, but I took it more easy on her. 

(End of R-18) 


The next day I was sitting on my throne inside my newly built castle, I was thinking of ways to increase my power in the most fast and cost-efficient ways. Hecate was sitting on my lap and hugging me while touching my chest muscles, she became a lot more tamer and obedient after her dark baptism. 

Well let's start with the fastest and safest way, I will make the Magic Elixir and max my and Hecate's magic powers. She is close to a peak middle-rank Anyway it's not going to cost me much. 

[Magic Elixir- Max the magic stat to the body's current limit, made from the essence of corrupt souls. Soul consumption 116 corrupt souls] 

[Magic Elixir- Max the magic stat of Hecate to the current limit, made from the essence of corrupt souls. Soul consumption 17 corrupt souls] 

"Here Hecate drink this it will" I gave her the elixir and tried to explain its effects but Hecate didn't let me finish as she drank the elixir. 

"MMMH what is this miraculous potion I feel that my magic power is at its peak." Said Hecate with a happy and excited voice. 

I then smacked her on her forehead and continued to say "Like I was saying this is an elixir that I can create, it will raise the magic power of the demon drinking it to the limit." 

She looked at me with a touched look on her face and then hugged me even tighter. "The other demons will kill you for the knowledge of how to make this elixir, you shouldn't have revealed it to me." 

"You are not disposable I plan to take you with me to the top, I trust you." I then kissed her and started to feel strong feelings coming from her, I don't believe it was love but something very close to it. She keep fascinating me first faith and now love, I had no idea demons could feel these emotions I wondered what she would show me next. 

I then drank my elixir and felt the liquid being absorbed in my stomach and move to my heart, where the new magic power flowed through my veins like a dam had opened. As my magic power rose the magic circuits inside my body started to grow and expand around, new nodes started to appear and my new abilities got stronger. 

It's a shame I don't have more magic circuits like Hecate's ability to transform into that magma form, it's what I would have said if I hadn't already thought of a solution to that. 

"Hecate don't try to resist this." I then made my symbiote get inside her body and scan for her magic circuits, I found two of them one that gave of dark feeling and another that gave a burning feeling. I used my symbiote special ability and copied her fire magic circuits to me. 

The new magic circuit was built next to my Pyrokinesis, and the two seem to resonate with each other. After waiting and making sure there were no problems, I walked to the middle of my throne room and transformed into a fire giant. 

5 meter tall giant with skin like flowing flames, when Hecate saw me transform she was shocked. I then turned to her and ordered. "Get ready we are going to hunt." 

She looked at me excitedly and asked. "Who or what are we hunting?" 

"We are hunting one demon of every kind."

I hope you liked my first R-18 chapter. comment if you have any requests for my next R-18 chapters.

MysteriousNamecreators' thoughts