

Qin Chu shrugged. "I don't want anything from her. Why can't I just be curious?" He asked.

"I know you Qin Chu. You are never just curious. You are definitely up to something. I don't know what you are thinking but it's in your best interest that you leave her alone. She's new and she's really good. She doesn't need you messing with her and ruining her career before it even begins!" Ding Dongdong warned Qin Chu.

She was really worried about Li Ran now. She thought to herself that she did not seem like a pushover so she would definitely be able to handle someone like Su Min but if the person she was dealing with Qin Chu then.....

Qin Chu scoffed. "Do you really think so little of me Ding Dongdong? Can't I just be curious about her? I just think it's impressive that she got the second lead role when she's a newbie. It's pretty amazing don't you think?" Qin Chu smiled at Ding Dongdong, trying to get her to tell him anything that she knew but it didn't work.