
Chapter 223 - Heavenly Star Warrior and the betrayal (part 1)

Zoemi and Alan walked down the peaceful street of a rather peaceful settlement. It was quite picturesque and tranquil, a small community where everyone seemed to know and help each other out.

"Zoemi... If you don't mind me prying into your private affairs... You didn't seem to ask those magicians back in the Heavenly Star Academy about that beloved girl of yours..."

The young martial artist who kept stealing glances towards the black-haired man finally managed to gather enough courage and ask the question that seemed to bother him since they left the facility with all the information they needed.

"That's because I have learned everything that I needed to know just by my friends introducing me."

Zoemi shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression while looking around the cozy little houses and shops that they were passing.

"Pardon me, but I fail to realize how that would... wait...!"