
Chapter 137 - Back to the Aspakeony Academy (part 10)

"(They said you've accepted the duel and incapacitated every single opponent at the same time without actually harming them!)"

"(We did a good job, right master?)"

The first sentinel explained happily while the other one cheered out proudly.

|Of course, you did amazingly. I am very happy to have you helping me.|



Zoemi smiled to himself while chewing on the food while the two sentinels in his shadow gave off an aura of pride and joy.

The sentinels didn't quite catch the real meaning of that statement and were just happy that they were useful to their creator.

First of all, the message that they listened to was confirming how strong the black-haired boy was – although that should be obvious to anyone present during the parts of the tournament that Zoemi participated in.

At the first glance that was all in favor of the black-haired boy, right?

Since it was a duel, it had been approved by the teachers – so it wasn't an act of aggression.