
Reincarnated As The Strongest Spear God

After being reincarnated into a new world as an university student. During this time, he was a worthless teenager, he had no technique. But the one who was reincarnated was known by No one, he would train every day and get back all his technique. From a place so low, he started his journey into being a real God, he faced many challenges and demos in the university and all of the world. Yet Xu Feng conquer them all, his goal was not to fulfill the destiny that was given to him by the spear god, but to be more than that. In a new world and time, he advance more than any God could do, he got just a few months to save the world. Join Xu Feng to see how he will be more than a God. ____________________________________________ Follow me on my social media: ++++Instagram: authorxs ++++Facebook: Authorxs

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11 Chs

Spear God

"What do you mean", Miles said, with his eyeball fixed at Joan and his legs crossed around the table. Joan asked him, with her eyes facing miles in confusion,"she said" Didn't you heard what I just said? Simon leaned forward towards the door with his right hands in his inner pockets, he said"Knock knock, can I come in? Joan looked at the door again in confusion and said" I think we have to postpone our conversation. She walks out of the room and hits her shoulder with Simon's. immediately Simon removed his hands from his inner pockets and stretch them out towards Joan boobs.Joan was amazed and ashamed of how Simon touch her boobs as if it meant nothing,"get your hands off my boobs" she said. Miles heard Joan cry for help and rushed out of his chair, with full force he slapped Simon in his face and Simon's head hit the door. "ouch, are you in your right senses", Simon asked Miles as if what he did was not right, Miles wanted to raise his hands and slap Simon again but Joan held his hands and said."don't get into a fight because of me"


Hmmm,interesting"said Brandon", with his hands crossed around his chest and his hair painted in purple. "what is he talking about? Eric thought" as he moved forward to ask him. "Lord Brandon"said he. what do you want?;"Brandon answered" with his eyes facing the Dark Mirror; he removed his hands from his chest and dip it into the inner pockets and brought out a stellor:(Used for drawing runes) Draws some magical runes on the mirror and started seeing miles and his friend argument. in an instant he turned and ask a question."Eric, have you ever seen a boy who touched the boobs of a girl for no reason?"Has Lord Brandon gone mad" Eric thought again with his face looking weird and his mouth wide open. What do you mean? Eric managed to ask, with his face still looking weird. Have you ever heard of Grant Chase? How did you know that name? Brandon immediately answered. " The person that you are looking at is the son of Grant Chase, his name is Miles chase and we ordered to perform a background check on him by the Former Worlder before you" said Eric. So what did you find out about him? Brandon asked again. " All we found out was that he was the only one in the world that can cast spells with or without a stellor." Eric answered him again. Hmmm, nice... He is mad" Eric said again in his mind.

(Third Heaven)

Shouldn't you send someone to earth? Or you are okay with downworlders trying to take him? Or... "Please shut up" she yelled on top of her voice towards her maid servant. "Who is that shouting? The other maids asked themselves" it is goddess Lydia, and you guys have no right to be talking about her. " Get back to your various positions at once. "Yes ma'am" knock knock.... Knock knock....

Yes, Who is that? It's me goddess Lydia and I have come bearing good news. "Good news about what? Lydia asked her. May I come in, what I am about to say should not be heard by anyone but you. "Come in",Lydia finally said.

"I found out where your son is staying on earth" shhhh, keep it low, Lydia said in a very serious manner and asked her "where"? And she replied"that's not all, I also found out something. Lydia asked in curiosity" what did you find out? Your son is the reincarnation of the strongest spear god...

To be continued........

Chapter 1-4 may be confusing, but I assured you that chapter five upward will be worth reading.

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