"Well, welcome to my plentiful and cozy estate~! You've been here a few separate times, Renna, but you haven't yet Astra, so please feel free to look around. Just as a warning though, I'd suggest being nearby either Renna or myself; otherwise you'll have to fend off a pack of horny wolves~!"
Magistrate Fenkar just laughed at her own words as she guided us into the large - yet simple - estate that she inhabited, the woodworking around us displaying her wealth in a subtle way as everything seemed to be just so subtly done that you really needed to be looking or be reminded of who's home you were in to notice it.
It was a gorgeous house with wide floor to ceiling windows in some of the rooms and more normal windows in the rest to allow air to flow, while the various fluffy rugs lined the floorboards to tie everything together.
Sadly I couldn't really focus on the house itself since there were just so many Wolfkin and Dogkin everywhere I turned to look, confusing me greatly on just how many children Magistrate Fenkar had sired and how she kept track of all of them, only to smile wryly as I noticed that they acted very similarly to my own family.
A few here and there were having passionate, hidden sex together wherever they wanted, most were walking around nude clearly looking for a partner to slake their thirst for sex, and then there were the various pups that ran around, playing with one another or chasing after their older siblings - and in some cases being chased by them.
Dozens upon dozens of Wolfkin and Dogkin were inside of the estate, and as soon as they laid eyes on Magistrate Fenkar they stiffened and gave her a slight bow, some with more reverence than the others, but all with the same respect.
"Which office did Regia and Inota clean up for me?"
She addressed no one in particular, asking the collective instead and causing a few of the Wolfkin to glare at one another as they tried to answer her themselves, only for them to remain silent as she raised a brow and swept her gaze over all of them.
A tall, petite woman stepped forwards and cleared her throat before answering "They went to the main office, Dama.", earning herself a few more glares and annoyed huffs as her siblings all realized they hadn't been the ones to answer their Dama.
"Good, I was hoping that'd be the case... carry on; dinner should be a fun affair, so save some energy~!"
Everyone gave her a nod before returning to what they were doing, and without another word Magistrate Fenkar guided us towards an ornate door that was already pushed open, the beautiful office inside looking absolutely spotless as two blurs of fluff rushed around cleaning it up.
"Come, let's have a seat and chat first. I can already tell your Secretary has some questions, Renna, and I do need a moment or two to... 'recharge', if you will. We can open up a good bottle and have a chat?"
Upon entering the office, Magistrate Fenkar nimbly avoided the two futanari Wolfkin as they lunged for her, unbothered by the glittering steel that was snaking for her throat as she just walked past them and sat down, ignoring them completely as she beckoned for us to join her.
Clicking their tongues, the two Wolfkin sheathed their blades and left the office, acting like they hadn't just made an attempt on their Dama's life and completely certain there was going to be no retaliation at all for what they had just done.
"You've never been around a Wolfkin Pack, have you dear? Sit. I'll go ahead and explain it from the top then, since it all ties in well with everything else..."
Magistrate Fenkar lifted a crystal bottle of liquor and showed it off to us with a grin before pouring it into short glasses meant for the hardier alcohols, sliding two over for Renna and I before pouring herself a glass too.
"My family, my dear, is also my pack. For us Wolfkin it isn't exclusive, but it is for me. Everyone inside these walls is either my woman or my child; there is no one else that is allowed inside this manor - besides guests - who doesn't fit that description. All of them are Wolfkin or Dogkin - some kind of Caninekin at the very least - who answer to the head of the Pack, which is me.
I rule thanks to my strength, my charisma, my wits and my wealth, which is currently unmatched by any of my children. All of them - each and every single one of them, be they futanari or female - were raised with the knowledge that they could one day take my spot from me, so long as they manage to do so on their own. Some of my brats are idiotic and try to band together or resort to below the belt means like poison, and those idiotic few are made to answer to the rest of their siblings.
Anyways, everyone in these halls are hoping to take over the name Fenkar one day and, in turn, take over the Pack as a whole, but to do so they need a large~ amount of power of their own, be it through their strength, charisma, wits or wealth~! A large majority opt for making use of the strength their blood gives them, like Regia and Inota just did. It's a bit hectic, chaotic, and can be a bit irritating sometimes, but at the end of the day..."
Raising her glass and grinning at Renna, Magistrate Fenkar drew a sigh from the Nymph's lips as she lifted her glass as well, with Renna saying "Her parenting style of giving them free reign so long as they can prove themselves useful has resulted in one of the largest and deadliest Packs ever recorded, with a skillset so varied and a loyalty so deeply engrained into their being that some have asked if she could find it in herself to separate some of them and station them elsewhere as mercenaries..."
"Because all of my pups are talented, even the idiots. Every single one of my children are adept with blades, pens, dancing and singing, instruments, alchemy, enchanting, and so much more... All of them are given the freedom to pursue whatever they want, however they want, and all they do is work, even if they don't realize they are. The entire East of this Queendom is mine, and mine alone; no outside funding needed, no deals to be made with other Nobles, nothing at all~!"
The grey furred, heterochromatic Wolfkin in front of me grinned just like the beast she was genetically related to as she stared at me with immense pride, laying down that startling realization without a second thought.