
Reincarnated as the Only Human

Astra woke up in a forest with no recollection of her precious life. The only thing she knew was that she had a system with two parts; one was a Survival System, and the other was a... Wait, what?! A Breeder System?! Finding herself in a forest, Astra now has to survive on her own, fending off the sexual and violent advances of all the other forest inhabitants; none of which are Human! Will Astra be able to survive on this hectic, pleasurable forest? Or will she lose herself to lust? --- Additional Notes: Female MC is pure Woman for now; there is futa, and all the characters are either women or futa. There will be both light hearted moments and dark moments, and this novel is mainly centered around her trying to survive in this new world, all while living her life to the fullest.

Ketsueki_Hasu · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
704 Chs




From this chapter, Captured, to Revenge, the subject of each chapter is R@pe, so tread carefully. If you would like to skip and receive a synopsis, as this is something you would like to avoid reading, skip to the chapter titled Revenge to avoid reading that. Again, there will be a synopsis for what you missed, mainly the skills she gained during this time.

I understand that people didn't like this section, but I still wouldn't change it even looking back, so instead I am just putting a warning.

If you don't want to read R@pe, or find you can't stomach it after reading some of it, skip forwards to the chapter titled Revenge.

Considering I've gotten reviews that Webnovel has deleted, I am assuming that they had the words 'r@pe' in them uncensored, meaning they weren't able to be posted. Again, if you dislike reading about that, then skip this.

Fair warning given, if you wish to proceed, go ahead; otherwise, please skip to Revenge and resume reading from there.


"-n't we eat her?! I'm starving!"

Groaning, I forced open my eyes, ignoring the pounding headache I had.

I could hear some voices around me, which, to my confused self, was odd...

"We can't eat her dumbass. She's prime meat for breeding! We need to repopulate our clan, remember? Unless you want to take her place, hm~? Want to bear me a few dozen children, Kilka?"

My vision was blurry, but I saw three grey figures standing before me, one of which was much taller than the other two.

Groaning again, I heard a shrill voice say "She's awake boss! Can we start now?! Can we?!"

A grating chuckle entered my ears, and my vision finally focused up as the tall figure crouched in front of me.

Feeling someone grab my chin, I growled in annoyance as I stared up at the dark grey face of my captor, the woman smirking at me.

Her green eyes were alight with lust, and her long tongue flicked from her mouth and licked her lips.

"Well well well, you finally came too huh? I prefer listening to my partners screaming, moaning, and whimpering under me, so I was waiting for you~"

Gritting my teeth, I glared at her before spitting in her face, making her chuckle again.

"Feisty~! Good, good! Our children will be admirable, won't they~? But..."

Her grin dropped, and I cried out as she slapped my cheek, my flesh stinging under her heavy blow.

"Try that again bitch, and I'll start cutting."

Her voice was a low growl, and I shivered as I felt the cold touch of metal on my left hand.

"Good! Now that we're clear..."

Releasing my chin, she got up and glanced at the two shorter women, saying "I get first taste, alone. Kilka, get the fire going. Trisha, get some food going. We're going to need it."

The two women pursed their lips as they stared at me, and I shivered as I saw their hard cocks poking out form under their skirts.

A moment later they nodded, scurrying away to do their assigned tasks, leaving the taller woman and I alone.


Grinning at me, she stripped, revealing her lithe body and-

I gulped, my eyes glued to her cock.

I knew what was going to happen, and I hated it.

It made me sick, but...

Seeing her long, curved cock staring at me, small bumps covering the entire shaft, I could only gulp as my pussy grew wet.

The woman laughed as she saw that, and I tried to move my limbs, only to feel something weighing them down.

Small mounds of earth were coating my wrists and ankles, and even as I strained against them, nothing happened.

"Yeah, had to restrain you; I mean, you killed Grika. I liked Grika; her cunt was so tight, and she gave birth to a good child... who's sadly dead, but whatever."

Stroking her shaft, she stared down at me, a smirk on her lips.

"You know, I can't wait to see what our children look like. How much variation will they have? Hybrids always look different, and I've never seen something like you..."

Walking behind me, I glanced over my shoulder, still glaring at her.

"Though, I've also never seen a woman with such a plump ass! I can't wait to bed you every night~! You have wide hips too, so you can definitely pop out one child after another... And those breasts! So big... Bet they feel great wrapped around my cock..."

Licking her lips again, she crouched behind me and started kneading my ass, before laughing.

"Damn, you're wet? Is the idea of being my personal breeding hole that arousing to you? Haha~!"

I grit my teeth, but remained silent.


My heart was conflicted.

I loved sex; why else would I have {Pleasurable Mind} and {Sexual Deviant}?

Which was also why I was anticipating this random woman using me for her pleasure; {Sexual Deviant} works against me, since the idea of being her personal bitch was making my womb ache...

Spanking my ass, the woman's grin grew as a small moan escaped my lips, making my face burn with shame.

"By the blazing hells... you really are aroused! You dirty slut~!"

Gulping, I turned away, only to moan as I felt her fingers glide over my slit, which was drooling.

"Alright, time to breed~! You ready, slut? Ready to have my seed growing in your garden? You won't ever have a day off~! When our child pops out, I'll put a new one in you right away~!"

Her words made me shiver, and my eyes widened as I felt something hot press against my cunt.

Grabbing my ass, she spread my cheeks and groaned, sliding herself inside of me.

I moaned as I felt her cock enter, her upwards curve pushing into the right spots while her bumps created a unique feeling.

Clenching my fists, I held in a cry as her tip pressed against my closed cervix.


I could stomach this woman fucking me, but I refused to get pregnant!

I would keep my womb closed from her, and would use {Exhausting Womb} on her until she passed out; if I leveled up, I would also buy {Vampiric Womb} and siphon her strenght to me, so that I could-

My mind blanked as the woman started slamming her hips into my ass, and I pushed my hips back into hers.

Her cock was pummeling my cervix, and she was grunting, her tip gouging out my insides.

"Damn, you're one of those races huh? Shit, guess I gotta wear you down... damn body control... Whatever..."

I moaned loudly as she grabbed my waist and lifted me into her, raising my ass further up so she could reach deeper.

Spanking me, she chuckled as she said "You're fucking tight! I got a damn good toy~! I'll have so much fun breeding you!"

Her hands fell on my ass at random, but each blow was heavy; the pain made me scream, but they pushed me closer to climax.


Leaning down, she started humping me, her cock grinding against my womb as she pressed her lips to my ear.

"Open your womb for me~ Let me fill you with my semen and impregnate you~! Come on, open up~! Let's breed~! Let's breed~!"

Panting, I stared at the earth below me as she continued slamming herself into my cervix, and her honeyed words entered my mind.


It would feel great-

Shaking my head, I growled "N-Never ah~! G-Go fuck yourself~!"

That made her chuckle, and she simply licked my ear, whispering "Nah, I think I'll keep fucking you~! My new personal breeding slut~! You'll open your womb eventually, whore~! Everyone does..."

She fell silent for a few moments, and I glanced over my shoulder, taking in her serious expression.

My heart raced; I knew that kind of face.

Rhefia made it when she was trying to hold in her ejaculation.

That meant-

"Fuck! I usually last longer, but you're so damn tight! Shit~!"

Grunting, she buried herself inside, and I gasped as I felt her balls clenching against my ass.

A warm rush of semen filled my cunt, and I moaned as I felt that; it was one of the best feelings in the world for me...

Panting, she pulled out and slapped her cock against my cunt, and I widened my eyes as I realized that I forgot to activate {Exhausting Womb}...

Shame and guilt assaulted my heart; I had given in and just taken the pleasure of letting another woman cum inside me without even doing anything...

My eyes teared up as I felt her semen cling to my folds, and the pleasure of this woman's creampie made my heart ache even more.

Why was I feeling good from this?!

What the hell was wrong with me?!

Spanking my ass again, the woman grinned at me as she saw my tears.

"I like that~! Damn, you really are hitting all my boxes~!"

Looking up, she shouted "Kilka, Trisha! Come here! This bitch feels fucking great!"

I shivered as I saw the two shorter women scramble over to us, and they shouted back ""Yes Yiksa!""

The woman, Yiksa, leaned forwards and whispered "Kilka and Trisha are Goblins, and as such, their cum has... arousing properties. Useful little buggers; stupid too. They think that fucking your ass gets you pregnant~!"

She chuckled, and got up, stretching.

"Alright, you know the drill; each of you gets a turn with her ass and her mouth. Try hard to get her pregnant, and don't touch her cunt. I'm already letting you two breed her, so leave her cunt alone. I like how it feels."

The two Goblins nodded, and they revealed their cocks to me, grins on their faces.

I watched them approach with a mixture of feelings...







So, Kilka and Trisha are Goblins...

But what is Yiksa~?

Find out next time on drag-

Wait, sorry...


Maybe tomorrow then?



Ketsueki_Hasucreators' thoughts