
Chapter 484 Strongest Weapon

The war continued.

Brago's unstoppable warships continued to advance in every direction. The more they advanced the more distance they had with one another. Which mean, Brago had to send more warships out.

That was why Aldred let the warships keep advancing. Though his allies were screaming at him for every cities that they destroyed.

Aldred convinced them that they may lose the battles, but they will surely win the war. The fact that he was the only one who could effectively destroyed the warships made them listen.

There were other Diamond Ranks as well that could destroy the warships, but their ways need a more meticulous planning and secret treasures.

"Why not use the secret weapon?" Aldred asked the leaders.

He was currently sitting in his room with the projection of the world leaders all around the table.

"Don't every nation has a super weapon that you wouldn't use because that would destroy everything?"

"It's exactly why we don't want to use," a man said.