

After Bruce had finished telling me his origin story I was almost in tears I mean I wasn't really a crier in my previous life because of my dad he would always say and I quote "son stop crying is for wimps." or he "would say stop crying or I will spank you son" I mean it did work but I grew up resenting him it was only when he was on his deathbed that we finally talked to each other after 50 years that was thhe last good memory I had of him.

We then see Alex hug Bruce after his story and he said I am sorry for what happened to you I know I can't say anything to take your pain away but I am sorry Bruce then looked at Alex and said thank you you for that you should go and look at your room I have not+

change it but look in your closet there is something in there for you.

We then see Alex opening the door and then you could see the biggest smile plastered on his face.

A/N ( I will update tomorrow so enjoy till then I will see you tomorrow. ) :)