
Reincarnated as Saitama in OPM

First fic made by me so it's inevitable for it to have mistakes.

Zoomshoe · Tranh châm biếm
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26 Chs

Chapter 4: A Fox Friend

After Saitama's wounds got treated, they went in one direction, hoping that it would be the right one. 'Hopefully, we'll arrive at the City without dying.'

As time passed by, Tatsumaki and Saitama gradually got exhausted from waking a few kilometers. "Let's rest for a few minutes and continue our path." Tatsumaki then nodded her head as they slowly sat down near one of the gigantic trees.

A few minutes later Tatsumaki fell asleep from exhaustion, 'She fell asleep.' Saitama thought while staring at her face. 'Now that I think about it, she's kind of cute...' Tatsumaki woke up from feeling the stare that was directed at her. "What are you looking at?"

"..Nothing," Saitama said as he move his head to the side to avoid her gaze. Moments later, they regained their energy and started their journey to the city once again. As they were walking, Tatsumaki suddenly heard rustling sounds from behind. Which went unnoticed by Saitama.

'What's that?' She said while she cautiously approached the noise where it was coming from, not even bothering to tell Saitama. As she was 5 meters away from the noise, she saw a little fox which was injured.

"Saitama!" she quickly called to him, "Hmm? what is it? Something wrong?" Saitama quickly replied as he turned around to see her holding an injured fox. "He's hurt..." Tatsumaki said with a sad face. "We need to help him," Tatsumaki said with pleading eyes directed at Saitama.

Saitama couldn't help but sigh. "Fine, but we won't keep him." Tatsumaki's eye lit up but soon plummeted down as soon as she heard the second word he said.

After they treated the fox wounds. They then left it near a tree, but Tatsumaki sneakily went back to the fox and hid it in her bag and went back to Saitama's side unnoticed. As dusk came, they rested and decided to move again in the morning.

As morning came, Saitama went to Tatsumaki's side to wake her up. Before he does, he saw something move inside her bag. He then went to open it, and what greeted him was a fox that was overjoyed to see light again.

'Sly girl.' Saitama thought as he woke up Tatsumaki. " Yawn- oh it's already morning?" Tatsumaki said as she squinted her eyes. "Hey Tats." He called her Tatsumaki, then slightly tilted her head to see Saitama. With a fake smile, he said. "I thought I said that we won't be keeping him?"

Tatsumaki nervously replied. "But he will die if we left him there!" Said 'She has a point..' Saitama thought to himself as he looked into Tatsumaki's eyes. "Can't we just keep him please..?" she said with her eyes glistering making a cute face.

Saitama just stared at her indifferently.

Meanwhile, on Saitama's mind. One could see a bald kid with blood running out of his nose. 'S-so cute...' Saitama then shook his head as he replied. "Fine, just this once." Tatsumaki was clearly happy as she jumps out of joy while the fox was still on her hand.

A few days later, the fox was fully healed now. Tatsumaki was playing with him and gave him the name 'Flint'. "Flint! fetch!" Tatsumaki said as she threw a stick, which. Flint quickly chased. As Saitama was doing his daily workout, Flint suddenly came by his side and licked his face.

'Huh? why is he licking me?'

"Aww Saitama, he likes you.." Tatsumaki teased him. Which gained her a "Shut up!" After that, night came. Earlier this day, while Saitama was scouting the area, he found a cave small enough for the two of them.

"It's already dark, let's sleep," Saitama said as he went to the cave, followed by Tatsumaki and Flint. As he was about to sleep, Tatsumaki sat by his side and rested her head on his shoulder. Which startled him.

"I want to sleep next to you." As he was about to reply, Tatsumaki was already asleep. 'Well, I guess this is fine too.' Saitama thought as he drifted to dreamland.


Tatsumaki POV.

'Saitama has been taking care of me since that day we met. I'm truly grateful to him for doing this. When we get out of this forest, I must repay this kindness.' She said, watching Saitama back while they were walking.

'He even let me keep Flint!' She thought as she looked at the Fox. "Tatsumaki, are you tired want to rest?" She unconsciously nodded her head as she stared at Saitama.

As they sat down, Saitama called Tatsumaki while he turned his head in her direction, which Tatsumaki did the same, resulting in their faces coming closer to each other. Her face turned bright red as she turned her head in the other direction. 'W-what is this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast?'

'That was close, he nearly saw me blushing...' She thought. "Hey Tats, you okay?" Saitama said while handing her some food. "Y-yeah, of course, I am." They then ate their food with an awkward atmosphere, which, of course, Saitama did not notice.

[A/N: I don't know why, but I kind of feel like this is not a Tatsumaki POV.]

Tatsumaki POV End.


As they were walking at a leisurely pace, they saw finally saw a road which lead to the city. Saitama then quickly ran ahead while shouting, "Quickly! we're finally here!" To Tatsumaki who rushed towards him followed by Flint.

When Saitama finally reached the road, he suddenly heard people cheering at someone. "Yeah! kill the Monster One-Shot!" said the man, when they suddenly heard a loud bang then more cheering.

As Saitama was looking at the sound's location. There, he saw a man with a Cow-boy looking hat with a letter 'S' written at the form wearing a gas-like mask a red cape and Black and White as a shirt with a holster in his waist yellow pants with, Cow-boy boots. And in the man's hand, he saw a revolver box-looking gun.

[A/N: I'm not good at explaining stuff so I will just put an image below so those who did not understand will see.]

[Image Here]

'Wait, Isn't that guy from BNHA?' Saitama quickly thought when he saw the man. "Hey look! isn't that One-shot!" a random civilian said. "Hey! it really is! it's the B Class rank one One-Shot!" another civilian said.

'Huh? B Class Hero? so the HA already exists.' Saitama thought 'Hmm.. So it looks like there are different characters in this world.' Saitama thought to himself as he recalled the time he met Slenderman.

Saitama then felt a weak tug from behind. When he turned around, he saw Tatsumaki, slightly scared of the surrounding people.
