

——Narrator pov ---

It was a crisp Sunday morning in New York, the people of Queens were shuffling about trying to make it to their destination. A 15-year-old boy could be seen walking around with his friend Peter. Then suddenly Peter had to go home to his aunt it was understandable of course for Harry because Peters's uncle was recently killed by a gangster. They both took it hard, Peter and Aunt May are going their best to stay strong but they couldn't hide the pain and grief in their eyes.

Now Harry was about to call his dad to send a car over when he heard shouts of awe.

"Woah that's spider-man!" one pedestrian said

"So cool!!" another added

'Tsk that spider is here I guess he can face this young master's wrath! Today I will show him the difference between heaven and earth!' Harry thought his eyes shining with confidence

Harry quickly made his way to a secluded alley and changed into his outfit quickly disappearing into the shadows.

Peter was perched on the ledge of a rooftop, silently looking down on the people he swore to protect.

'With great power comes great responsibility.' his Uncle Bens's words rang in his ears

Just when he was going to swing away the shadows around him bound his body and a man wearing a black mask with small blood-red music notes appeared.

"Umph you again," Peter said while struggling to escape his voice muffled by his mask

His voice clearly reached Harry's ears but the young master couldn't recognize his own friend's voice. No, he did but Harry subconsciously believed that such a dirty spider rascal that dared to offend him couldn't be his nerdy friend.

"Last time we met this young master went easy on you. It's a shame you have eyes but fail to recognize Mount Tai!" Harry exclaimed

"What the fu--" Peter tried to talk but before he could finish his sentence Harry started to wail on him.




Each hit-packed more power than the other.



*zabanng* the last hit was full of sound vibrations landing right where a 'dantian' should be.

"Haha now that I have crippled you, you should know your place spider boy." Harry said rightously

Peter couldn't even respond as he was puking out his guts from the last blow.

Suddenly Harry spun around and flicked his arm if he wore a cultivator robe an impressive young master-style robe flick would have been on display.

"Heaven favors those who are destined to rule above young spider. I am the God Of Sound and you are right to fear me by not responding I have that effect on people. I am worshiped throughout the vast planes. I am the son of heaven itself and the holy child destined to rule above all else. So I offer you a chance to become my lackey!" not hearing a response Harry continued "many would grovel at my feet when I ask this question I commend your resolve!" Harry yelled finishing his grand tale expecting to see a look of awe but, Harry turned to see an empty space where Peter should have been.

'SNEAKY SPIDER!' Harry roared in his mind

[The next day]

Harry, Peter, and Ned were in class talking about random things when suddenly the topic of the people around them changed to spiderman.

"Dude you guys here about spiderman he's so cool!!" Flash Thompson the school bully said

"I know right." one of his friends responded

Soon the class started sharing all of the cool things about spiderman.

'It's so embarrassing hearing them talk about me.' thought Peter

'Tch what's so good about that spider.' Harry thought

"What do you think Harry?" one girl asked

After hearing her question Peter perked up a little bit expecting one of his best friends to praise his hidden identity.

"I don't like him," Harry said causing the loud classroom to turn oddly silent

"Why he's awesome!" Flash said angrily

"Because he's a fake. I heard that spiderman will save women in distress but only if they promise to do bad things with him later if not he leaves them." Harry said

Peters's eyes bulged as did the rest of the class.

"That's a lie!" Flash yelled

"No, it's not I also heard that since he is so much like a spider he eats bugs and stuff," Harry added

"That can't be true." said a now horrified Peter

'Where the hell is he getting this weird-ass information?!' Peter thought

"I agree with the nerd for once that can't be right," Flash said and the other classmates noted their heads.

"Believe me or not I don't care," Harry said lazily

"Well at least tell us where you heard this," Med spoke up and everyone nodded

"I was at a charity event with my dad and a guy there said he heard from this God Of Sound guy that he saw everything I said," Harry replied

Harry was at a charity event recently so that backed his claim a lot.

'THAT PIECE OF SHIT!' Peter roared in his mind at the injustice

----Scene change Beijing---

As the metahuman protest started getting extremely popular and well known throughout America other countries also picked up on them. In Beijing, the oppressed metahumans started to gain their voice a voice they thought didn't exist.

"We want equality!"

"We want freedom!"

"We want to walk proud!"

Many people started to speak for what they believed in both metahuman and human.

On Weibo, many people were posting like crazy.

BigSaberBro: My large saber is unable to endure the thirst. My large saber is unable to endure the thirst. My large saber is unable to endure the thrust.


theMetababe: YES YES YES!

Metabaddie: FOR EQUALITY

Ancestormeta: My children let this ancestor support you

----Scene change France ---

In France the protesters were not idle they camped out in front of the Eiffel Tower the police couldn't arrest them all because the Number of protesters was more than a thousand.

---Scene change united kingdom---

""Your highness do the right thing!"" the protesters shouted in unison.

It seemed as if no countries were safe from the influence of the metahuman protests. Something like this on this big of a scale will undoubtedly go down in history.

The culprit behind all of this was currently laying in sand. More specifically, the Sahara desert.

---Norman Pov ---

I laid down on the smooth sand. I took a couple of off days for this specific training. I wanted to get a feel of sand in its natural habitat, I wanted to see how it looked compact when I poured water on it and what it feels like at night versus during the day. The Sahara desert got extremely hot during the day but at night extremely cold.

I've been here for one day and night so far and I'm honestly enjoying myself. I slowly stood up and started to make all of the sand I could muster float. I have been trying to match the exact amount of energy I use to the size of a single sand particle. It's hard but worth it. Bending to my will the same particles started to form a giant body and then another and another. I started having to manipulate more Sand to form more objects. Slowly the giant sand warriors started to grow a set of unique armor, then weapons started to form. If anyone were to stumble upon this scene they would probably piss themselves about fifty sand warriors fully suited in armor and weapons were lined up like an army ready for a bloodthirsty war.

I spent a couple more days repeating the process but with different designs, I can easily put amazing designs into my sand armies now but I can barely control my energy to make such small and precise particles of energy. I will get there someday but not today as I have a date with Felicia to prepare for.

Appearing back home I quickly changed into a nice suit and then walked downstairs to join my beautiful girlfriend.

"You two lovebirds have fun!~" Harry's voice sounded

"Oh, we will." I replied with a smirk

Tonight was fun me and Felicia first when to Ai Fiori a very nice restaurant, we were at a secluded table away from all windows so none of the paparazzi could take our pictures. I absolutely have no issue with the paparazzi but I would like some peace and quiet when I am out on a date they are like bloodhounds. After dinner, we left to go on a walk around Lake Taho of course we had to shadow walk there.

As we walked around the lake Felicia and I stopped to stare at the tranquil water. The beautiful pale moonlight cascaded down reflecting off the lake the ethereal glow paired with the sight of millions of little stars blanketing the night sky gave the scene gave off the feeling of fantasy's.

"Norman I love you," Felicia said

"I love you too," I replied while leaning in for a kiss

Her lips met mine, two people kissing under the shining platinum gold moonlight amid the starlit heavens.

It's a shame this scene couldn't be painted.

---Harry pov ----

While mom and dad are on their date I decided to spend some time touring the world, I already have been to most countries but I want to revisit them to see if I missed any activities. Since I left right when mom and dad did I should be able to visit a few places before they get back.

As I traveled around Northern India I was amazed by the beautiful sights I missed. Suddenly my ears perked up as I picked up a strange noise. It was calming yet chaotic I have never heard anything like it before. This young master should check it out.

As I approached the noise I couldn't see anything special around me.

Step after step I neared closer.

Suddenly a few monks appeared before me as if they teleported. I couldn't even hear them, approach. And their heartbeats were so loud and powerful.



It was like I was standing in front of a never-ceasing siege of waves.

"You can hear but not see." one monk said

"We shall teach you about the sound of the world." The other said

"Whats going on?" I asked confused

"Let us teach you child of sound." One said sagely

"Um, can I talk to my father about this? And what is this place." I asked

"This is the Buddhist temple of sound." one answered

"Go and ask we will wait." the other added

I nodded and left. What a strange meeting I will tell my dad about it.


A/N: Harry's young master phase is ending soon. This is a oc Buddhist temple where harry will train his powers. If you know bigsaberbro you a real one.