
A Serious Notion

"I'm sure you are aware that the British rejected our demands," Napoleon said as he watched Berthier take his seat.

"Yes, Your Excellency. Is this the right time to plan for an offensive against the United Kingdom?" Berthier asked.

"That is correct," Napoleon confirmed as he took his seat. "Have you brought the documents regarding the location of the British Fleet in the English Channel and the Bay of Biscay?"

Berthier nodded and pulled a folder from his briefcase. He placed it on the desk and slid it over to Napoleon. "Here are the latest intelligence reports, Your Excellency. Our scouts have been diligently monitoring the movements of the British naval forces."

Napoleon opened the folder and began studying the documents inside. Maps, charts, and reports filled the pages, detailing the positions of British ships.

"So they are only ten kilometers off our major ports, huh?" Napoleon commented, his brow furrowing as he studied the maps.