
Chapter 5, Part 1-2

Frieza was currently flying through space thinking about his next moves. "I am conflicted between killing Beerus and traveling through timelines using a time ring. But if I kill Beerus I would have to take his place as the next God of Destruction. And I'm not finished with this timeline." Frieza sighs. "The cat can live but I do have someone else in mind." Frieza stops in his place, he looks for the energy signature of King Cold. "Gotcha." The frost demon instant transmissions to the space tyrant.

Cold was sitting on a throne. Seeing that his son came out of nowhere surprised him. The tyrant smiles at Frieza and welcomes him. "My son, it's good to see you. So you've picked up on some new tricks I see."

"Yes, father. But you see, I am currently on a mission to become the strongest being in existence. And I am afraid that I cannot have you meddling in my plans." Frieza explained coldly. King Cold was taken aback, "What are you rambling on about Frieza? Strongest being in existence? Haven't I warned you about Majin Buu and Lord Beerus already?" Cold says to his son.

Frieza smirks and starts to laugh in the tyrant's face. "What is so funny?" King Cold questioned. "Tell me, father. When was the last time you saw me?" Frieza says. "A couple months ago, why do you ask?" Cold questions again. "Because, that was not me that you saw," says Frieza. "Nonsense, how could that be?" Cold said. "I am telling the truth. That was Ize, a clone that I made. He had been handling my empire while I was exploring the universe."

"You said that you can't have me meddling in your plans. Are you telling me that you are betraying me?" Cold said angrily. "Precisely," Frieza says grinning. The frost demons stare each other down.

"Why are you doing this?" Cold questions. "I can't answer that. Just know that this is your last day of living." Frieza claimed. Hearing this, King Cold lunged at Frieza. "Good, good, come at me," Frieza says.

Cold threw multiple punches at Frieza, all of them missing. Frieza was just too fast. He sends a gut punch to the taller icejin. Cold coughs out a shit ton of blood. "Oh c'mon, that was only one punch," Frieza says disappointingly. Cold grunts in response, "Y-you w-will pay," he says. He then falls onto his knees.

Frieza grins, "It seems to me that you are the one kneeling down to me. I will not 'pay' anything, you pathetic worm. You seem to be the first that will see my new 'attachment', too bad you will also die from it." Frieza laughs in the face of Cold.

He puts his hand out and the tail comes shooting out of it. "W-what the hell?!" Cold began to panic. "You are n-no son of mine, a monster. That is what you are."

"Oh? Are those your last words? Very well then." Frieza stabs the tail on Cold's side. The former yells in anguish. He begins to absorb Cold's power, and lifeforce. All that was his cape and armor. "Glad I got that over with."

"From this moment on every opponent that I face will be no challenge to me. Once Cell is on the Z Fighters side, I could fight him. At least he would be on par with me. And then there is Beerus, I still don't know the extent of his power so it's safer not to find out."

Frieza then had a great idea, he uses instant transmission and appears in front of... himself. "Hello there," Frieza says to himself. "Frieza, nice of you to stop by," Ize replied. "Yes, it has been many years. I see that the empire is still going strong?" Frieza says. "Well, of course. It is under my control after all," Ize said proudly.

They were currently inside some kind of castle. Upon teleporting there, Frieza could tell that he was not inside a ship.

"I see, well I have some questions for you. One, are you going around selling and destroying planets or something else. Two, what planet are we on? And three, have you been keeping up with your training?" Frieza inquired.

"To answer your first question, no I have not been doing anything of the sort. It's the opposite actually. I have been helping out planets and such. This is a planet under my control, but like I said I am only benefiting these planets. And I have been keeping up with training, training partner and all," Ize explained.

"Nice to hear. So who is this training partner that you speak of?" Frieza asked. Ize smirks and calls out for someone. Frieza could not believe his eyes, he was currently in the presence of Good Buu. The only difference was he was in shap. Buu looks at the two in confusion. "Hello, my name is Frieza. Nice to finally meet you." He puts a hand out for Buu to shake.

"Where is Babidi?" Frieza asked. "I had Buu turn him into food, same for his lackeys." Ize replied. Frieza then had a brilliant idea, he made a copy of himself. "I see. If you were wondering, I have had a few 'upgrades' to my physical body," Frieza says while smirking.

"I wanted to try it out. Buu I want you to do the same, make a copy of yourself," Frieza ordered. Buu does as told. "Now watch this," Frieza says to Ize. "Buu's copy, I need you to absorb my copy."

Frieza's copy was about to say something but Buu was already absorbing him. "Do not resist," Ize tells his counterpart.

The final result was a being with amazing potential.

"Buuzu, I think that fits well," Frieza says.

"This power, this knowledge, this world is not real. It's all fiction," Buuzu says. Ize and Frieza share a glance. "It seems like you know, what are you going to do with this information?" Frieza questioned.

Buuzu glared at the two. "Now imagine the boost in power I would gain by absorbing all of you." He grins and lunges at Frieza.

Ize watches as Frieza is absorbed by Buuzu. "He didn't even try to fight back, what exactly is he planning?" Ize wondered out loud. The original Buu watched on as all of this happened. He wonders why he never thought of doing this to Ize.

Frieza's Point of View:

I just let Buu absorb me. Why? Because I had another genius idea. If it doesn't work, I'm screwed. Being in this cacoon like state is not ideal but the payoff will certainly be worth it.

I open my eyes to see pink goo all around me. 'This is disgusting' I thought. 'I've been training over 20 years now. I think it's time to evolve' he says.

My power rises dramatically. The surrounding goo starts to dissolve. Everything starts to shake rapidly. From my power alone, I was freed from my prisons.

The absorption device in my hands shot out, stabbing Buu's insides. I was absorbing his power and abilities while powering up.

Third Person Point of View:

Buuzu laughs, "With this power I can rule the multiverse!"

"I thought you were good Buu, why have you changed so much?" Ize asked. Buuzu looks at the two beings in front of him. Frieza's first clone, Ize. And Buu's original body. "I do not have to answer to you. My power is beyond your understanding. I'll spare the both of you. Without you two I would not be the being that I am right now, and I thank you for that. As for now, I will find Beerus and put an end to him!"

"Buu will not let you do that," good Buu declared. Buuzu smirks, "Come fight me then. It would be useless anyway."

Buu sends a beam at Buuzu intending to turn him into food. Buuzu easily dodged the attack. He reels his arm back and brings it to the torso of Buu. This caused him to turn into millions of pieces.

"Pathetic," Buuzu comments. The pieces of Buu began to piece themselves together.

Buuzu now has his attention on Ize. "Do you also wish to combat with me?" Buuzu says menacingly. "I think I'm good," Ize says.

"Disappointing. Well, I guess I'll see you...never."

He puts two fingers to his forehead but then abruptly stops. His body begins to shake rapidly. Pieces of himself were slowly dissolving.

Buuzu has a horrified look on his face. "Ah I see what has happened," Ize comments. "Your victims are usually unconscious when you absorb them. It looks like Frieza is wide awake," he continued.

"That's impossible!" Buuzu yells. The amount of pain he was in was unbearable. He has never absorbed someone this powerful.

It went on for a few more seconds. The body of Buuzu was completely gone now. And In his place was Frieza in a new form.

Buu and Ize looked on amazed. "Ize, shoot me. My guard will be down," Frieza says confidently.

"If you say so," Ize replied. He raises his finger and shoots a death beam at the forehead of Frieza. The beam goes straight through and Frieza didn't have a reaction.

It was soon proven why this was the case, they see pink goo covering the hole. It healed the hole.

"Did you absorb Buu? How is that possible?" Ize questioned. Frieza shows the two the absorption device in his hand. "With this, it's quite useful."

"Buu think that cool, Buu wants to fight you." The majin says to Frieza. "Sure, bring it on."

They began their spare, it was clear to Ize who was winning the fight. Frieza wasn't breaking a sweat. The frost demon defeats the Majin in one punch.

"Nice try Buu. Guess you got to get stronger," Frieza says. He turns to Ize, "Also, I killed our father. Just wanted to let you know."

Ize didn't seem surprised to hear this, he knew that it had to be done. Frieza turns back to his base form. The two watch as Buu pieces himself back together. "I am brilliant, aren't I," Frieza says. "The idea was absurd from the start but clearly you knew what you were doing," Ize replied.

"Indeed, well, I'll be on my way now. Keep up with your training," Frieza told his clone. "Will do," Ize replied.

Frieza then used the Kai Kai to travel back to the land of the Kai's. "Hello, it's me again," Frieza started. "I've decided to rest here for a while, you don't mind do you?"

"Of course not," Old Kai says. "Before you rest, why do you have a doppelganger working with Majin Buu?" Shin questioned.

"I see you've been keeping an eye on me. Since you already know, you should tell that Buu isn't a threat, and even if he was I can easily defeat him," Frieza said.

"Well, thank you for being honest," says Shin.

Frieza lays on the open grass, taking in the area around him. "Wake me up in 3 years."