I don't own anything but the story everything else goes to the creators
BF Aka Zach
Race: half demi-god half human
father : hades mother:merlin (seven deadly sins)
powers : fire and shadow mastery and infinite magic
All elements manipulation and spirit master
Spirits he's able to equip
Blaster blade,blaster dark,dark magician,majesty blaster,blaster rapier,alfred early,blaster dagger
GF Aka Stella
age : 16
Mommy dearest Aka sally
age :32
Story start
Hello my name is zach and i recently was reincarnated as bf from friday night funkin but the unthinkable happened GFs dad attacked me and if i was gonna die i was gonna take him with me and thats exactly what i did when i thought i was gonna die someone offered me another chance and i was reborn as a grown version of BF and hades and merlin's son and they started training me immediately
Timeskip 1 year
I have mastered my main elements and was ready to go back to the world of friday night funkin when i arrived i got to talk to pico and found out GF has been depressed since my death and mommy dearest got so in to her work trying to forget about what has happened and thanks to pico i got ahold of mommy mearests number and decided to give her a call I opened my phone and dialed the number and it started to ring when I heard a voice say "hello mommy nearest residence" I replied with yes umm I need to speak to mother mearest it's really important the voice said "hold on one sec" after a couple of minute I heard a very sexy tired voice pick up the phone and say "hello who is this I'm really busy with work" I replied with "wow mother have you forgot your daughters boyfriend already or is your beautiful old body finally getting to you' she replied in a shocked manner "wait BF is that you"
I replied with "yeah who else would this be momma mearest" she replied in an angry voice
"where the hell you been my daughter has been crying alot since we seen yours and my husband's dead body!!!" I replied with "well I had to prepare myself before I came back since I quit my music carrier" she replied with "you did what now!!" "Yeah so I needed to find another way to defend myself before coming back so I could protect you and GF" she replied again "well now that your back can you please stop by she hasn't came out her room in a long time after schools over" I then said "yeah sure I'm on my way" and ended the call my phone then vibrated with a text to the address to the mansion on the way there I ran into lemon demon
Lemon demon: oh if it isn't my favorite BF
I replied with "get out my way lemonhead"
Lemon demon: you really wanna die huh
He then charged at me and before he could get to me I shot a big powerful fireball at him disintegrating him as he screamed after that I rushed to the mansion and as I arrived I seen someone waiting for me at the front it was momma mearest "Sally how are you doing" and she replied with "don't how are you doing me what were you thinking when making my daughter wait so long" I replied "I'm sorry" she then said "sorry won't cut it now go see my daughter"
I walked inside and started to walk upstairs and I came to GFS room and heard crying I felt really bad so I knocked on the door and got a cute reply she said "whoever it is go away I'm not in the mood" I chuckled and replied with "oh so you won't come say hi to your own boyfriend that hurts my feelings GF" just then I heard alot of crash and banging before I heard the door unlocked and it opens to see a dark room and I see gf with red eyes from crying and when she seen me she tackled me and started crying again "where have you been I thought you were dead after I seen yours and dads body" I then said GF you really thought I would die that easy and leave you and your mom all alone before she could reply I picked her up and walking in the room and threw her on the bed and jumped on it myself and cuddled with her and said "shh don't say anything just get some rest then" I heard her fall sound asleep and I fell asleep holding her
Too be continued...