
Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Noir found himself reincarnated as Ash Ketchum, the iconic Pokémon Trainer. Overwhelmed yet intrigued, he gradually began to accept his new identity. With a mysterious system presenting him with quests, Ash felt a thrill of excitement surge within him as he envisioned the adventures that lay ahead, ready to forge his own path in this vibrant world of Pokémon.

sssachin098 · Tranh châm biếm
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Cerulean Gym

The battlefield buzzed with anticipation as the referee announced, "This is a match for the Cascade Badge between the challenger, Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and Misty of the Cerulean Gym! Trainers, ready your Pokémon!"

Ash and Misty nodded, determination sparking in their eyes. Misty swiftly threw her Poké Ball. "Staryu, I choose you!" With a flash, the star-shaped Pokémon appeared, spinning gracefully in mid-air before landing on the water-filled arena.

Ash grinned, holding out his Poké Ball. "Scyther, let's do this!" In a burst of light, Scyther emerged, its blades gleaming as it took a ready stance on the battlefield.

Misty smirked. "Staryu, start with Water Gun!"

Staryu aimed and released a high-pressure stream of water toward Scyther.

"Dodge it, Scyther!" Ash commanded. Scyther leapt into the air, spinning gracefully to evade the stream with ease.

"Now, use Swords Dance!" Ash called. Scyther glowed briefly, its blades humming with amplified energy.

Misty narrowed her eyes. "Staryu, Rapid Spin!" Staryu tucked in its arms and spun toward Scyther, cutting through the air at high speed.

"Scyther, dodge again and use another Swords Dance!" Ash said, watching his Pokémon nimbly sidestep the attack. Scyther's blades flashed as it stacked another Swords Dance, its power growing even further.

Seeing Ash's strategy, Misty frowned. "Not so fast! Staryu, hit it with Swift!"

Staryu unleashed a flurry of glowing stars that homed in on Scyther. But Ash countered quickly. "Scyther, use X-Scissor!" Scyther crossed its blades in a flash, slicing through the stars with precision.

With Scyther's attack power now fully boosted, Ash saw his opportunity. "Scyther, finish it with Fury Cutter!"

Scyther lunged forward, slashing in a rapid, relentless flurry. Staryu tried to brace itself, but the combined force of Swords Dance and Fury Cutter proved overwhelming. After a final, intense strike, Staryu collapsed and lay still.

The referee raised his flag, declaring, "Staryu is unable to battle! Scyther wins! The victory goes to Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!"

Ash grinned as Misty recalled her Staryu, her expression a mix of pride and determination.

Without missing a beat, Misty released her second Pokémon. "Starmie, let's go!"

The intensity in the gym grew as Starmie materialized. Meanwhile, Scyther powered up once more, completing its third Swords Dance.

"Starmie, use Bubble Beam!" Misty called.

Starmie fired a torrent of bubbles toward Scyther, but Ash kept calm, observing the battlefield carefully.

"Scyther, dodge and finish this with Fury Cutter!" Scyther zipped across the arena, skillfully avoiding the Bubble Beam and landing a decisive Fury Cutter. The boosted attack struck Starmie squarely, knocking it out.

The referee raised his flag again. "Starmie is unable to battle! The winner is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town!"

The crowd cheered, but Ash's focus remained on Misty as she approached him with the Cascade Badge in hand. Though defeated, she managed a smile.

Handing him the badge, she sighed. "You didn't even use Pikachu or Gyarados… Did you have to hold back?"

Ash simply smiled, saying nothing, which only made Misty more determined.

"One day, Ash, I'll battle you again, and I'll win," she said, her eyes flashing with resolve.

"Looking forward to it," Ash replied, accepting the badge with a calm nod.

Just then, Brock joined them, clapping Ash on the shoulder. "Great job, Ash! Congrats on the win."

After bidding farewell to Misty's sisters, the trio made their way out of the Cerulean Gym. Just as they reached the exit, Brock turned back, calling out, "One day, I'll come back for you all!" His voice echoed through the hall.

Misty rolled her eyes, nudging him forward. "Alright, Romeo, enough of that."

Brock grumbled but let her push him along, finally quieting down. After a few moments, Misty turned to Ash. "So, where to next?"

Ash nodded thoughtfully. "Vermilion City. There's a Gym there, and that's our next stop."

With a shared sense of purpose, the trio set off, each eager for the adventures that lay ahead.


Two days had passed since they'd left Cerulean City. Inspired by Ash's recent victories, Misty and Brock spent their time training, determined not to fall behind.

During their journey, Ash encountered a trainer who challenged him to a battle. Ash sent out his Pidgeotto, eager to give it some extra experience. After a well-fought match, Pidgeotto emerged victorious. As they shook hands, the trainer looked impressed.

"You're really strong! You should definitely check out this guy named AJ. He's tough as nails and runs his own self-made gym. No one's managed to beat him yet," the trainer said, gesturing down the road.

"A gym, huh?" Ash said, his interest piqued. "Thanks for the heads-up! We'll definitely check it out."

The trainer nodded, giving him a thumbs-up. "Good luck! AJ's the real deal."

Turning back to his friends, Ash shared the news. "Sounds like there's someone worth meeting nearby. AJ's his name, and he's supposedly undefeated."

"An undefeated trainer?" Misty raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "That sounds like a challenge you'd enjoy."

Brock nodded in agreement. "Yeah, let's go check it out. A battle with a strong trainer will be great experience."

With their next stop set, the trio headed toward AJ's location, eager to see just how strong this undefeated trainer was.

As they approached, they spotted a large tent adorned with a bold sign that read "99 Wins, 0 Losses." Inside, a boy with dark, spiky hair and piercing green eyes caught their attention. He wore a sleeveless vest, his expression intense as he skillfully trained a Sandshrew nearby.

"Excuse me, are you AJ?" Ash asked, stepping forward.

The boy turned, a confident smirk crossing his face. "Yeah, I'm AJ. You here to challenge me?"

Ash nodded. "That's right. I heard you're undefeated, and I'd like to see just how strong you are."

AJ's grin widened, clearly excited. "Alright! I'm always up for a good match."

Brock stepped up between them. "I'll act as referee. This will be a one-on-one battle between AJ and Ash. Trainers, ready your Pokémon!"

AJ tossed out his Poké Ball. "Sandshrew, let's show them what we're made of!"

Ash responded by releasing Pidgeotto, who took to the sky in a graceful arc.

Brock raised his hand to signal the start of the battle. "Begin!"

AJ wasted no time. "Sandshrew, Defense Curl!"

Sandshrew curled into a tight ball, raising its defenses.

"Pidgeotto, let's keep some distance! Use Gust!" Ash commanded.

Pidgeotto flapped its wings powerfully, sending a swirling Gust at Sandshrew. Despite the strong winds, Sandshrew braced itself against the attack.

"Sandshrew, now! Rollout!" AJ shouted.

Sandshrew spun into a ball and shot forward, barreling toward Pidgeotto with increasing speed.

"Quick Attack to dodge!" Ash instructed, and Pidgeotto swiftly maneuvered to avoid the incoming attack, circling back and landing a light hit on Sandshrew.

"Nice dodge, but we're not done! Sandshrew, keep up Rollout!" AJ called.

Sandshrew continued its Rollout, gaining speed and strength. It grazed Pidgeotto, knocking it slightly off balance.

Ash's eyes sharpened. "Pidgeotto, use Wing Attack!"

Pidgeotto's wings glowed as it swooped down, slamming into Sandshrew and breaking its Rollout momentum. AJ's expression grew intense.

"Let's finish this! Pidgeotto, one more Wing Attack!"

As Pidgeotto dove in, a sudden light surrounded it mid-air. Ash watched, surprised, as Pidgeotto evolved into Pidgeot, its wings larger and more powerful.

Ash clenched his fist. "Alright, Pidgeot! Finish this with Brave Bird!"

Pidgeot surged forward, cloaked in a radiant blue aura, and struck Sandshrew with a powerful Brave Bird. Sandshrew was sent skidding back, unable to continue.

Brock raised his hand. "Sandshrew is unable to battle! Ash is the winner!"

AJ walked up to Ash, a smile on his face as he graciously accepted his defeat and extended his hand. "You're really strong, Ash! I've still got a lot to learn before I start challenging real gyms, but I'll definitely be cheering for you in the Indigo League."

Ash shook his hand, nodding. "Thanks, AJ. I'm sure we'll meet again."

With a final wave, Ash, Misty, and Brock continued toward Vermilion City, each one inspired and ready for whatever lay ahead.