
Reincarnated as Ash: A Pokémon Tale

Noir found himself reincarnated as Ash Ketchum, the iconic Pokémon Trainer. Overwhelmed yet intrigued, he gradually began to accept his new identity. With a mysterious system presenting him with quests, Ash felt a thrill of excitement surge within him as he envisioned the adventures that lay ahead, ready to forge his own path in this vibrant world of Pokémon.

sssachin098 · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Arc Dex Upgrade

After defeating the samurai boy and exchanging a few more friendly words, Ash and Misty decided to continue their journey through the forest.

The sun was still high, casting warm light through the canopy of leaves as they walked together.

Suddenly, Ash's Arc Dex buzzed in his pocket. Without missing a beat, he pulled it out and glanced at the screen.



Defeat 10 Trainers Before Pewter City (Completed)

Reward Unlocked:

Super Rod

TM Splishy Splash


Ash's eyes lingered on the rewards, the Super Rod and the TM for Splishy Splash, a special Water-type move Pikachu could learn.

With a satisfied nod, he closed the Arc Dex and stored the new items in his bag, deciding he'd review them more closely later when they had some downtime

As Ash closed the Arc Dex and put it back in his bag, Misty, who had been watching curiously, finally spoke up.

"Hey, what's that thing you're always looking at?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. "It looks different from the regular Pokédex."

Ash gave a calm smile, not surprised by her question. "Oh, this?" he said, pulling the device out again. "It's my personal Pokédex. It's a bit more advanced than the regular ones you get from Professor Oak.

It helps me keep track of my Pokémon and shows detailed information about their stats, abilities, and moves."

Misty's eyes widened in curiosity. "Wow, that sounds really useful! I've never seen a Pokédex like that before.

Ash nodded calmly. "Yeah, it's been really helpful. Helps me stay organized and focused."

Misty nodded, clearly impressed. "That's pretty cool! Maybe I'll get to see more of it sometime."

Ash smiled and, decided to show her one of its features. "Let me show you something," he said, pulling out the Arc Dex again. "Arc Dex, search for the location of a group of Scyther in this area."

After a brief buzzing, the Arc Dex displayed a map, highlighting a spot in the nearby forest. "There's a group of Scyther here," the device responded in a robotic tone.

Misty's eyes widened as she leaned in to look at the screen. "Wow, that's amazing! You can use it to find specific Pokémon?"

Ash nodded. "Yeah, it helps a lot.

Misty, impressed by the Arc Dex, looked at Ash. "Are you planning to catch a Scyther?"

Ash nodded with a calm smile. "Yeah, that's the plan."

After a moment of silence, he suggested, "Let's take a break before we head toward Pewter City."

Misty, feeling a bit tired, agreed. "Yeah, that sounds good."

As they sat down to rest, Ash turned to Misty. "Do you think you could prepare lunch while I go catch that Scyther?"

Misty hesitated for a moment, unsure. "Uh... I'm not really great with cooking in the wild," she admitted.

Seeing her hesitation, Ash pulled out a can of Pokémon Repellent from his bag and handed it to her. "Here, this will keep any bugs away."

Misty let out a sigh of relief as she took the repellent. "Alright, with this, I'll manage," she said with a smile. "Go on, catch that Scyther. I'll have lunch ready by the time you get back."

Ash nodded and stood up, heading into the forest

As Ash made his way toward the location shown on the Arc Dex, something caught his attention. Just a few meters away, a fierce battle was unfolding. A Scyther was locked in combat with a group of Beedrill, their wings buzzing loudly as they clashed in mid-air.

Ash's eyes narrowed, sensing an opportunity. Without hesitation, he quickly pulled out two Poké Balls and called out, "Pidgeotto! Spearow, let's go!"

Both Pokémon burst from their Poké Balls, ready for action. "Pidgeotto, use Gust! Spearow, hit them with Aerial Ace!"

Pidgeotto flapped its wings powerfully, sending a gust of wind that scattered the Beedrill, while Spearow swooped down with precise strikes, knocking several Beedrill off balance.

The Scyther glanced toward Ash and his Pokémon, momentarily distracted by the assistance

After Ash's Pidgeotto and Fearow successfully defeated the remaining Beedrill, Ash quickly grabbed a Poké Ball from his belt and tossed it at one of the fallen Beedrill. The ball shook once, twice, and then clicked shut.

"Got it!" Ash exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face. He turned toward the Scyther, who was now on high alert, ready to defend itself.

"Hey there, Scyther!" Ash called out, holding his ground. "I'm not here to fight you. I want to challenge you instead. If you defeat me, I'll leave you alone, but if I win, you'll become my Pokémon!"

The Scyther hesitated, clearly intrigued by the proposition but still cautious. It took a defensive stance, ready for whatever Ash had planned.

Seeing the Scyther ready itself for battle, Ash called out, "Alright, Pidgeotto! Let's show him what we can do!"

"Pidgeotto, use Wing Attack!" Ash commanded, and Pidgeotto launched itself toward Scyther, its wings glowing with power.

The Scyther responded quickly, using its speed to dodge Pidgeotto's attack. It then countered with a flurry of slashes from its sharp scythes. Ash could see the determination in Scyther's eyes, and he knew this would be a tough battle.

"Pidgeotto, be careful! Use Quick Attack to close the gap!" Ash shouted.

Pidgeotto zipped forward, landing a solid hit on Scyther. With both Pokémon pushing their limits, the battle raged on until Ash saw an opening.

"Pidgeotto, finish it with Hurricane!"

Pidgeotto flapped its wings with incredible force, creating a powerful whirlwind that engulfed Scyther. With a final push, Scyther was knocked back, exhausted but not defeated.

"Alright, Scyther! You've fought well!" Ash exclaimed, tossing a Poké Ball toward the Scyther. The ball wobbled and shook before finally clicking shut.

"Yes! I caught a Scyther!" Ash cheered, pumping his fist in victory.

Once the excitement settled, Ash took a moment to heal both Pidgeotto and the newly caught Scyther and Beedrill. He pulled out his healing items and applied a Potion to each Pokémon, then checked his new Pokémon statuses.


Beedrill's Status

Level: 10

Gender: Male

Type: Bug/Poison

Nature: Adamant (increases Attack, decreases Special Attack)

Ability: Swarm (boosts Bug-type moves in a pinch)

Held Item: None



Poison Sting

String Shot

Fury Attack


Scyther's Status

Level: 25

Gender: Male

Type: Bug/Flying

Nature: Adamant (increases Attack, decreases Special Attack)

Ability: Swarm (boosts Bug-type moves in a pinch)

Held Item: None


Fury Cutter

Quick Attack

Wing Attack


False swipe


Satisfied with their conditions, Ash smiled at both Pokémon. "Great job, team! Let's head back to Misty

Just as Ash was about to head back to Misty, his Arc Dex buzzed to life, and a robotic voice announced, "Carrying limit reached. Scyther has been sent to Professor Oak's lab."

Ash blinked in surprise. "What? I thought I had room for one more!" He quickly recalled Beedrill to his Poké Ball and checked his Arc dex.

New function unlocked:

PC Box

The Arc Dex buzzed again. A screen popped up, displaying the new function. It showed a simple interface that allowed Ash to access the Pokémon stored in Professor Oak's lab.

The Arc Dex explained, "The PC Box feature allows you to manage your Pokémon more efficiently. You can store and retrieve Pokémon from any location, as long as you are connected to the network."

"Wow, that's really cool!" Ash exclaimed, impressed by the new feature. "Now I can keep track of all my Pokémon even if I can't carry them with me."

After checking the details, Ash turned to Beedrill. "At least you're here with me, buddy! Let's head back to Misty and show her what we caught!"

With a determined nod from Beedrill, Ash began walking back through the forest, excited to share the news of his new Pokémon.