
Reincarnated as an Energy with a System

The Energy System allows its user to absorb energy (with some restrictions) to obtain whatever the user could want in his Immortal life. Follow Ning's journey as he travels through different worlds with different energies in a multiversal adventure. Join my discord: https://discord.gg/HuMaR7EVm7

Snoring_Panda · Huyền huyễn
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1586 Chs

Queen's Frustration

Ning cringed a bit when he heard the name of the organization that had betrayed the queen. 

"It was really the Shadow's Anarchy?" he asked.

"Yes," The queen said. "Those bastards dared go against my mentor's wish of bringing peace to people that needed it and instead started hurting people for money. I hate them with a burning passion."

"Umm… what would you do if there was no place to direct this passion of yours?" Ning asked.

"What?" the queen was confused.

"Say Shadow's Anarchy doesn't exist anymore, what would you do with this hate?" Ning asked.

"I… I don't know what you are asking," the queen said.

"Sigh, how do I say this…" Ning struggled to find the words.

"What is it? Just say it," the queen said.

"Well, here goes nothing then. The Shadow's Anarchy is gone. Or at least its head members are dead," Ning said.