
Reincarnated as an energy lifeform?

A story about a normal high school student who sacrificed his own life to save his friends in a critical moment reincarnating to the world of Sardonia. Instead reincarnating into a hero... he became a ball of light? This is my first ever novel. Hope you enjoy.

captain_alcohol · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Sometimes we need a little magic

Ahhh. Magic is fun, isn't it?

I'm actually so glad I decided to try out magic.

Not only is it super useful, but it also makes me happy whenever I use it.

How should I describe this happiness?


I guess its something like getting a new car?

For the first few days, you just wanna stare and admire it.




It's exactly like that.

I continued to flip through the pages of the book of light attribute spells as my newly made weapons swung around in the air and smashed themselves into an oversized centipede, causing it to scream in pain. My adamantite hammer ended up getting melted in my previous fight so I made a new one using both the old parts and spare adamantite from my storage. There's tons of adamantite in my storage so I don't mind taking some out.

I watched as the giant centipede in front of me screeched in pain from the barrage of attacks that rained down onto it. The hammer smashed down onto its carapace causing shell pieces to fly everywhere and Arondite, the sword, brandished itself and sliced off multiple legs at a time. The enchanted bow fired rapid attacks at the head of the centipede, causing it to shake its upper half constantly in order to avoid damage to its eyes. Mr bug was completely helpless.

Such a one-sided battle.

You know, I almost feel bad for the poor guy...

...Nah, nevermind.

It started spitting acidic saliva all over the place again.



Name: none

Race: Crystal Cave Chilopoda


So far, this giant crystal centipede only proved to be a little stronger than the black centipede I met before. The crystals that covered its carapace gave it more defence, but that's pretty much it. Other than the heightened defence, most of its other skills are identical to the black bug. I probably would have struggled a lot if I met this guy at the beginning of my dungeon trip. But after beating so many monsters and absorbing their cores, slapping the crap outta this centipede isn't really that hard anymore.

In other words, a perfect punching bag!




The sight of an enormous axe, its size comparable to the hammer, enters my view as it swings downwards onto the centipede and causes a combination of both crushing and slicing damage. The double-edged battle-axe was coloured in the same theme as the hammer and had gear patterns on its handle. I pulled away from the axe from the centipede's broken carapace as it continued to shake and scream in pain and anger.


I don't think he liked that...

Also, yes.

I made a new axe too.

With my constantly improving control over「Telekinesis」, adding a weapon or two should be fine.


Object: Adamantite Two-handed Axe

Enchantments:「Magic Reinforcement」

Description: A needlessly big battle axe. Has high durability due to being made from a powerful metal and reinforced with magic.


In anger, the centipede screams out loud before reels back its body and flinging itself forward for a charge attack. The sounds of rocks being crushed and the grinding of the ground can be heard as the centipede rushed forward in a clumsy manner, enduring and shaking off the rapid attacks from the enchanted bow. It left a trail of bug fluid and broken pieces of its carapace as it quickly closed the distance between us.


It knows it's about to lose to its putting all its strength into this last attack.

Not like it can hurt me anyway...


let's try out this new spell!

looking at the book, I began to reread the contents of the page I am currently on and visualized the effects of the spell. The centipede was coming in at a rapid rate but I ignored it and focused on casting the spell.

「Imbue: Light」

Suddenly, the two-handed axe in front of me began to glow in a pleasant white light. Particles of white light would constantly fly outwards from the axe head before disappearing like a firecracker in slow motion. Many stripes of light flowed from the bottom of the axe handle to the top of the head like a radiant river moving elegantly. I stared at the beautiful effects of the spell in awe before bringing my attention back to the centipede that is currently charging towards me.

Down came the axe.


The momentum of the centipede's charge attack was completely stopped as the axe swung down onto its head. The head was completely split apart and other parts of the centipede's body shifted upwards and backwards from the impact of the attack. After a few moments of riggling the centipede's body finally stopped moving, it was no longer alive.

Uwa...Sorry, mister centipede.

I'm grateful you helped with my practice, even if you were a super disgusting test partner.

Rest in peace.

After giving a moment of prayer to the disgusting and unfortunate individual who had the privilege of being my test subject, I brought my attention back to the shining axe which glowed in an ethereal white light.


I think I'll be using this pretty often.

As for the spell, you've probably guessed it by now.

That's right, this is a temporary weapon strengthening spell.

By casting the spell onto a weapon, the durability and power of the weapon will increase depending on how much mana you infuse. The weapon also takes on the unique properties of the element that was used to imbue it. In my case, it would be the light attribute. An element powerful against the undead. I continued to stare at the glowing axe and admired the visual effects of the spell until its duration was finally over, the light fading away.


I wouldn't mind staring at something like that all day.

It's just so pleasant to the eye.

looking through the pages of my book, I used my weapons to dissect the centipede and retrieve the core of the monster. Lately, I've been so immersed in magic, it might become an addiction at this point...

After removing the core from the corpse, I used「Telekinesis」and brought the core towards me to absorb it. The feeling of comfort and calmness washed over me as I took a few minutes to absorb the mana from the core and increase my own mana capacity. I've discovered that not only does absorbing cores increase the max capacity of the mana in my body, but it also replaces any missing mana that I have. So in order to get the most out of each core, I should use magic ofter during my battles.

Welp, theoretically anyway.

There's still so much I don't know about my own body, but there's no rush.

What I'm more worried about right now is...



The sound of pages rusting can be heard as I swung around the book of light attribute spells in the air recklessly to soothe my anger while moving through the crystal environment, exploring the next area. The area only seems to get brighter and brighter as I venture deeper into this certain part of the dungeon. I'm glad I chose to go into this crystal biome rather than the normal cave, the scenery helps with my boredom. If I had to put up with normal cave scenery day after day I probably would have gone nuts. I don't even wanna think about doing something like that. As I floated through the crystal cave, grumbling in my mind, I spot the appearance of a crystal light flower from the corner of my eye.

Stupid caves...

Atleast there's something nice to do.




What was that?

I felt like my「Mana Sense」just reacted to something...

It felt like it came from the crystal boulders over there.


Probably just my imagination.


Floating over to the flower, I lowered myself and slumped onto the ground a few centimetres from the flower and stared at it face to face. Normally I would simply just pass through the ground, but with a bit of effort and instinct, I can manipulate the mana in my body to become able to touch non-magical objects.

I've never really cared much about flowers in my previous life.

But now it seems as if flower picking has become one of my safety nets from falling into boredom...

When I get to the surface one day, I'm definitely gonna explore the world.

Life should be enjoyed to the fullest, don't you agree Mr flower?

Picking it off from the ground, I shook off the dirt that lingered on its stem before inspecting the features of the beautiful flower once again. No matter how many times I look at this particular type of flower, I can't seem to get sick of it. It just helps me settle my mind.

I wiggled the flower gently as its soft petals and leaves waved in the air in an elegant manner.

Gah, I'm even talking to a flower now.

I'm going crazy, aren't I?



What's going on!?!?

The group of crystal boulders that I was suspicious of before slowly began to shift and pull themselves together, cracking themselves out of the ground. The crystals slowly connected and piled upon each other, forming a giant humanoid being. The Being stood up and towered over me with its enormous height of about six metres. Its crystal legs were very short and stubby for its height and its enormous torso was very wide and carried its little head at the very top. Its arms were also huge and almost reached all the way to the ground as it stood up straight. The being stared down at me with its pair of yellow glowing eyes and I stared back with my white pair.


Name: none

Race: Greater Crystal Golem

Skills:「Shockwave」,「Mana Concealment」,「Crystal Lightning」,「Hyper Defence」,「Enormous Strength」

Race Skills:「Crystal Body」,「Endurance」

Resistances: Medium Physical Resistance, High Physical Bludgeoning Resistance, Medium Magic Resistance




Greater Crystal Golem...that doesn't sound weak at all.


Sorry sir, was this flower yours?

After staring for a few more moments, the golem held its hands together and began to raise both of its arms into the air overhead and gather mana into its fists. My「Mana Sense」began to pick up traces of mana from the surrounding area gathering and swirling around the golem's two fists which were grouped together. Particles of blue lights appeared around the golem's two raised fists and rapidly swirled around it like a tornado. Light blue electricity began to crackle on the golem's fists as its yellow eyes began to glow brighter.


I wasn't gonna give you back the flower anyway, its mine.



Hiya. It's been a while since I posted.

Still trying to adjust to uni life so I haven't found the motivation to write lately. Why is there so much homework????

So anyway, until I get comfortable with uni and understand how everything works, my upload and writing schedule won't be consistent. Soz. Might take a week or two.

I'm not dropping the novel though. This is my hobby after all.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

captain_alcoholcreators' thoughts